Title stata.com
putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax
Description Quick start Menu Syntax
Options Remarks and examples References Also see
putexcel with the advanced syntax may be used to simultaneously write Stata expressions,
matrices, images, and stored results to an Excel file. It may also be used to format existing contents
of cells in a worksheet. This syntax is intended for use by programmers of commands that call
putexcel in the background and by other advanced users. Excel 1997/2003 (.xls) files and Excel
2007/2010 and newer (.xlsx) files are supported. A simplified version of the syntax is documented
in [P] putexcel.
putexcel set sets the Excel file to create, modify, or replace in subsequent putexcel commands.
You must set the destination file before using any other putexcel commands. putexcel close
closes a file opened using the command putexcel set ..., open and saves the file in memory
to disk. putexcel clear clears the file information set by putexcel set. putexcel describe
displays the file information set by putexcel set.
Quick start
Declare the first sheet of myresults.xlsx to be the destination workbook for subsequent putexcel
putexcel set myresults
As above, but use a sheet named Estimation Results and replace that sheet if it exists
putexcel set myresults, sheet("Estimation Results", replace)
Write estimation results in e(b) to column B, starting in row 2, with the results formatted to have
two decimal places, matrix row names in column A, and the title “Coefs. in cell B1
matrix b=e(b)’
putexcel B1="Coefs." A2=matrix(b), rownames nformat(number_d2)
Add a thin border under cells A1 to B1 and italicize the text
putexcel (A1:B1), border(bottom) italic
Write “Some text that is too long to fit” to cell D1 and set the text to wrap within the cell
putexcel D1="Some text that is too long to fit", txtwrap
Merge D1 with D2, E1, and E2, and horizontally and vertically center
putexcel (D1:E2), merge hcenter vcenter
File > Export > Results to Excel spreadsheet (*.xls;*.xlsx)
2 putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax
Set workbook for export
putexcel set filename
, set options
Specify formatting and output
putexcel spec
. . .
, export options format options
Close current Excel file and write file to disk
putexcel close
Describe current export settings
putexcel describe
Clear current export settings
putexcel clear
spec may be ul cell or cellrange of the form ul cell:lr cell if no output is to be written or may be
one of the following output types:
ul cell = exp
ul cell:lr cell = exp
ul cell = matrix(name)
ul cell = picture(filename)
ul cell = formula(formula)
ul cell = returnset
ul cell = etable
ul cell is a valid Excel upper-left cell specified using standard Excel notation, and lr cell is a valid
Excel lower-right cell. If you specify ul cell as the output location multiple times, the rightmost
specification is the one written to the Excel file.
putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax 3
set options Description
, replace
) specify the worksheet to use; default is the first worksheet
modify modify Excel file
open open Excel file in memory
replace overwrite Excel file
export options Description
overwritefmt overwrite existing cell formatting when exporting new content
asdate convert Stata date (%td-formatted) exp to an Excel date
asdatetime convert Stata datetime (%tc-formatted) exp to an Excel datetime
asdatenum convert Stata date exp to an Excel date number, preserving the cell’s
asdatetimenum convert Stata datetime exp to an Excel datetime number, preserving the
cell’s format
names also write row names and column names for matrix name; may not be
combined with rownames or colnames
rownames also write matrix row names for matrix name; may not be combined
with names or colnames
colnames also write matrix column names for matrix name; may not be combined
with names or rownames
colwise write results in returnset to consecutive columns instead of rows
4 putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax
format options Description
nformat(excelnfmt) specify format for numbers
left left-align text
hcenter center text horizontally
right right-align text
top vertically align text with the top
vcenter center text vertically
bottom vertically align text with the bottom
txtindent(#) indent text by # spaces; default is 0
txtrotate(#) rotate text by # degrees; default is 0
txtwrap wrap text within each cell
shrinkfit shrink text to fit the cell width
merge merge cells in cellrange
unmerge separate merged cells identified by ul cell
, size
, color
) specify font, font size, and font color
italic format text as italic
bold format text as bold
underline underline text in the specified cells
strikeout strikeout text in the specified cells
script(sub | super | none) specify subscript or superscript formatting
, style
, color
) specify horizontal and vertical cell border style
, style
, color
) specify diagonal cell border style
, fgcolor
, bgcolor
) specify fill pattern for cells
Output types
exp writes a valid Stata expression to a cell. See [U] 13 Functions and expressions. Stata dates and
datetimes differ from Excel dates and datetimes. To properly export date and datetime values, use
asdate and asdatetime.
matrix(name) writes the values from a Stata matrix to Excel. Stata determines where to place the
data in Excel by default from the size of the matrix (the number of rows and columns) and the
location you specified in ul cell. By default, ul cell contains the first element of name, and matrix
row names and column names are not written.
picture(filename) writes a portable network graphics (.png), JPEG (.jpg), Windows metafile
(.wmf), device-independent bitmap (.dib), enhanced metafile (.emf), or bitmap (.bmp) file to an
Excel worksheet. The upper-left corner of the image is aligned with the upper-left corner of the
specified ul cell. The image is not resized. If filename contains spaces, it must be enclosed in
double quotes.
putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax 5
returnset is a shortcut name that is used to identify a group of return values. returnset may be any
one of the following:
escalars escalarnames
rscalars rscalarnames
emacros emacronames
rmacros rmacronames
ematrices ematrixnames
rmatrices rmatrixnames
e* enames
r* rnames
formula(formula) writes an Excel formula to the cell specified in ul cell. formula may be any valid
Excel formula. Stata does not validate formulas; the text is passed literally to Excel.
. . . #
adds an automatically generated table to an Excel file starting in ul cell.
The table may be derived from the coefficient table of the last estimation command, from the
table of margins after the last margins command, or from the table of results from one or more
models displayed by estimates table.
Note that if the estimation command outputs n > 1 coefficient tables, the default is to add all
tables and assign the corresponding table names tablename1, tablename2, . . . , tablename
. To
specify which tables to add, supply the optional numlist to etable. For example, to add the first
and third tables from the estimation output, specify etable(1 3). A few estimation commands
do not support the etable output type. See Unsupported estimation commands in [P] putdocx
for a list of estimation commands that are not supported by putexcel.
, replace
) saves to the worksheet named sheetname. If there is no worksheet
named sheetname in the workbook, then a new sheet named sheetname is created. If this option
is not specified, the first worksheet of the workbook is used.
replace permits putexcel set to overwrite sheetname if it exists in the specified filename.
modify permits putexcel set to modify an Excel file.
open permits putexcel set to open the Excel file in memory for modification. The Excel file is
written to disk when putexcel close is issued.
replace permits putexcel set to overwrite an existing Excel workbook. The workbook is overwritten
when the first putexcel command is issued unless the open option is used.
overwritefmt causes putexcel to remove any existing cell formatting in the cell or cells to which it
is writing new output. By default, all existing cell formatting is preserved. overwritefmt, when
combined with a cell range, writes the cell format more efficiently.
asdate tells putexcel that the specified exp is a Stata %td-formatted date that should be converted
to an Excel date with m/d/yyyy Excel date format.
This option has no effect if an exp is not specified as one of the output types.
6 putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax
asdatetime tells putexcel that the specified exp is a Stata %tc-formatted datetime that should be
converted to an Excel datetime with m/d/yyyy h:mm Excel datetime format.
This option has no effect if an exp is not specified as one of the output types.
asdatenum tells putexcel that the specified exp is a Stata %td-formatted date that should be converted
to an Excel date number, preserving the cell’s format.
This option has no effect if an exp is not specified as one of the output types.
asdatetimenum tells putexcel that the specified exp is a Stata %tc-formatted datetime that should
be converted to an Excel datetime number, preserving the cell’s format.
This option has no effect if an exp is not specified as one of the output types.
names specifies that matrix row names and column names be written into the Excel worksheet along
with the matrix values. If you specify names, then ul cell will be blank, the cell to the right of it
will contain the name of the first column, and the cell below it will contain the name of the first
row. names may not be specified with rownames or colnames.
This option has no effect if matrix() is not specified as one of the output types.
rownames specifies that matrix row names be written into the Excel worksheet along with the matrix
values. If you specify rownames, then ul cell will contain the name of the first row. rownames
may not be specified with names or colnames.
This option has no effect if matrix() is not specified as one of the output types.
colnames specifies that matrix column names be written into the Excel worksheet along with the
matrix values. If you specify colnames, then ul cell will contain the name of the first column.
colnames may not be specified with names or rownames.
This option has no effect if matrix() is not specified as one of the output types.
colwise specifies that if a returnset is used, the values written to the Excel worksheet be written in
consecutive columns. By default, the values are written in consecutive rows.
This option has no effect if a returnset is not specified as one of the output types.
putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax 7
nformat(excelnfmt) changes the numeric format of a cell range. Any valid Excel format is permitted.
Formats are formed from combinations of the following symbols.
Cell Fmt Cell
Symbol Description value code displays
0 Digit placeholder (add zeros) 8.9 #.00 8.90
# Digit placeholder (no zeros) 8.9 #.## 8.9
? Digit placeholder (add space) 8.9 0.0? 8.9
. Decimal point
% Percentage .1 % 10%
, Thousands separator 10000 #,### 10,000
E- E+ e- e+ Scientific format 12200000 0.00E+00 1.22E+07
$-+/():space Display the symbol 12 (000) (012)
\ Escape character 3 0\! 3!
* Repeat character 3 3* 3xxxxx
(fill in cell width)
Skip width of next character 1.2 0.0 1.2
"text" Display text in quotes 1.23 0.00 "a" 1.23 a
@ Text placeholder b "a"@"c" abc
Formats that contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes. A list of codes for common
numeric formats is also shown in the Appendix of [P] putexcel.
left sets the specified cells to have contents left-aligned within the cell. left may not be combined
with right or hcenter. Right-alignment is the Excel default for numeric values and need not be
specified when outputting numbers.
hcenter sets the specified cells to have contents horizontally centered within the cell. hcenter may
not be combined with left or right.
right sets the specified cells to have contents right-aligned within the cell. right may not be
combined with left or hcenter. Left-alignment is the Excel default for text and need not be
specified when outputting strings.
top sets the specified cells to have contents vertically aligned with the top of the cell. top may not
be combined with bottom or vcenter.
vcenter sets the specified cells to have contents vertically aligned with the center of the cell. vcenter
may not be combined with top or bottom.
bottom sets the specified cells to have contents vertically aligned with the bottom of the cell. bottom
may not be combined with top or vcenter.
txtindent(#) sets the text indention in each cell in a cell range. # must be an integer between 0
and 15.
txtrotate(#) sets the text rotation in each cell in a cell range. # must be an integer between 0 and
180 or equal to 255. txtrotate(0) is equal to no rotation and is the default. txtrotate(255)
specifies vertical text. Values 190 rotate the text counterclockwise 1 to 90 degrees. Values 91180
rotate the text clockwise 1 to 90 degrees.
8 putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax
txtwrap and notxtwrap specify whether or not the text is to be wrapped in a cell or within each
cell in a range of cells. The default is no wrapping. notxtwrap has an effect only if the cell or
cells were previously formatted to wrap. txtwrap may not be specified with shrinkfit.
shrinkfit and noshrinkfit specify whether or not the text is to be shrunk to fit in the cell width
of a cell or in each cell of a range of cells. The default is no shrinking. noshrinkfit has an
effect only if the cell or cells were previously formatted to shrink text to fit. shrinkfit may not
be specified with txtwrap.
merge tells Excel that cells in the specified cell range should be merged. merge may be combined
with left, right, hcenter, top, bottom, and vcenter to format the merged cell. Merging
cells that contain data in each cell will result in the upper-leftmost data being kept.
Once you have merged cells, you can refer to the merged cell by using any single cell from the
specified cellrange. For example, if you specified a cellrange of A1:B2, you could refer to the
merged cell using A1, B1, A2, or B2.
unmerge tells Excel to unmerge previously merged cells. When using unmerge, you only need to
use a single cell from the merged cell in the previously specified cellrange.
, size
, color
) sets the font, font size, and font color for each cell in a cell
range. If font() is not specified, the Excel defaults are preserved.
fontname may be any valid Excel font. If fontname includes spaces, then it must be enclosed in
double quotes. What constitutes a valid Excel font is determined by the version of Excel that
is installed on the user’s computer.
size is a numeric value that represents any valid Excel font size. The default is 12.
color may be a valid RGB value in the form "### ### ###" or may be one of the colors listed
in the table of colors in the Appendix in [P] putexcel. If no color is specified, then Excel
workbook defaults are used.
italic and noitalic specify whether to italicize or unitalicize the text in a cell or range of cells.
The default is for text to be unitalicized. noitalic has an effect only if the cell or cells were
previously italicized.
bold and nobold specify whether to bold or unbold the text in a cell or range of cells. The default
is for text to be unbold. nobold has an effect only if the cell or cells were previously formatted
as bold.
underline and nounderline specify whether to underline the text or remove the underline from
the text in a cell or range of cells. The default is for text not to be underlined. nounderline has
an effect only if the cell or cells previously contained underlined text.
strikeout and nostrikeout specify whether to strikeout the text or remove the strikeout from the
text in a cell or range of cells. The default is for text not to have a strikeout mark. nostrikeout
has an effect only if the cell or cells previously had a strikeout mark.
script(sub | super | none) changes the script style of the cell. script(sub) makes all text in a
cell or range of cells a subscript. script(super) makes all text in a cell or range of cells a
superscript. script(none) removes all subscript or superscript formatting from a cell or range of
cells. Specifying script(none) has an effect only if the cell or cells were previously formatted
as subscript or superscript.
putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax 9
, style
, color
) sets the cell border, style, and color for a cell or range of cells.
border may be all, left, right, top, or bottom.
style is a keyword specifying the look of the border. The most common styles are thin, medium,
thick, and double. The default is thin. For a complete list of border styles, see the Appendix
in [P] putexcel. To remove an existing border, specify none as the style.
color may be a valid RGB value in the form "### ### ###" or may be one of the colors listed
in the table of colors in the Appendix in [P] putexcel. If no color is specified, then Excel
workbook defaults are used.
, style
, color
) sets the cell diagonal border direction, style, and color for
a cell or range of cells.
direction may be down, up, or both. down draws a line from the upper-left corner of the cell to
the lower-right corner of the cell or, for a range of cells, from the upper-left corner of ul
to the lower-right corner of lr cell. up draws a line from the lower-left corner of the cell to
the upper-right corner of the cell or, for a range of cells, from the lower-left corner of the area
defined by ul cell:lr cell to the upper-right corner.
style is a keyword specifying the look of the border. The most common styles are thin, medium,
thick, and double. The default is thin. For a complete list of border styles, see the Appendix
in [P] putexcel. To remove an existing border, specify none as the style.
color may be a valid RGB value in the form "### ### ###" or may be one of the colors listed
in the table of colors in the Appendix in [P] putexcel. If no color is specified, then Excel
workbook defaults are used.
, fgcolor
, bgcolor
) sets the fill pattern, foreground color, and background
color for a cell or range of cells.
pattern is a keyword specifying the fill pattern. The most common fill patterns are solid for a
solid color (determined by fgcolor), gray25 for 25% gray scale, gray50 for 50% gray scale,
and gray75 for 75% gray scale. A complete list of fill patterns is shown in the Appendix
of [P] putexcel. To remove an existing fill pattern from the cell or cells, specify none as the
fgcolor specifies the foreground color. The default foreground color is black. fgcolor may be a
valid RGB value in the form "### ### ###" or may be any of the colors listed in the table of
colors in the Appendix in [P] putexcel.
bgcolor specifies the background color. bgcolor may be a valid RGB value in the form "### ###
###" or may be any of the colors listed in the table of colors in the Appendix in [P] putexcel.
If no bgcolor is specified, then Excel workbook defaults are used.
Remarks and examples stata.com
If you have not already read Remarks and examples in [P] putexcel, please do so now. The
examples here build on the examples shown there.
Remarks are presented under the following headings:
Writing expressions and formatting cells
Using formulas
Exporting estimation results
10 putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax
Writing expressions and formatting cells
Before we can write to an Excel workbook using putexcel, we need to tell Stata what the
destination is. We do this using the putexcel set command. For the next several examples, we will
use an Excel file named myresults2.xlsx. We will begin with a sheet named Descriptive.
. putexcel set myresults2.xlsx, sheet(Descriptive)
If we had not specified the sheet name, putexcel would have defaulted to using the first sheet
in the workbook.
Example 1: Write multiple expressions and format cells simultaneously
Suppose we want to write the same headers and format them as shown in example 2 and example 3
of [P] putexcel. Using the advanced syntax of putexcel, we can do this with a single putexcel
. putexcel A1="Variable" B1="Men" C1="Women", bold border(bottom)
file myresults2.xlsx saved
Rather than beginning with the table headers, we could improve record keeping by including the
date we generated the results. To do this, we can use the system parameter, or c-class return value,
c(current date), which will add a string date in the format dd Mon yyyy; see [P] creturn. We also
merge cells A1 and B1 for aesthetic reasons. Notice that we type "‘c(current date)’" instead
of "c(current date)". The ‘’ indicate macro substitution; see [P] macro. We specify replace
as a suboption to sheet() in a new putexcel set command to overwrite our previous output.
. putexcel set myresults2.xlsx, sheet(Descriptive, replace)
. putexcel A1 = "Results last updated" D1 = "‘c(current_date)’"
file myresults2.xlsx saved
. putexcel (A1:C1), merge
file myresults2.xlsx saved
. putexcel A2="Variable" B2="Men" C2="Women", bold border(bottom)
file myresults2.xlsx saved
The above commands give an Excel file with a header row that looks like this:
putexcel advanced — Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax 11
Using formulas
Writing Excel formulas is useful when you want to perform calculations using the output of Stata
commands. Formulas are passed verbatim to Excel, so you must use the correct Excel function (not
Stata function) for what you want to accomplish. You may find it helpful to experiment in Excel first
and then copy the formula over to your do-file to keep a record of your work and in case you need
to run your analysis again later.
Example 2: Adding a total row and total column
In example 4 of [P] putexcel, we obtained the number of females and number of males in the
website dataset and wrote these out to Excel. Suppose instead that we want the number of males
and females at each number of visits and the total number of visits.
We can change the heading for the first column from “Variable” to “Number of visits” and add a
column for “Total”. We specify the txtwrap option with our putexcel command so that the long
text “Number of visits” wraps within cell A2.
We use the matcell() option with tabulate to save the cell frequencies to a matrix and the
matrow() option to save the row values from the table.
. use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r15/website
(Visits to website)
. putexcel A2="Number of visits" D2="Total", txtwrap bold border(bottom)
file myresults2.xlsx saved
. tabulate visits female, matrow(nvisits) matcell(freq)
Visits to Female
website 0 1 Total
1 18 17 35
2 58 42 100
3 32 46 78
4 35 25 60
5 24 40 64
6 21 17 38
7 21 21 42
8 12 7 19
9 8 10 18
10 8 5 13
11 3 5 8
12 4 1 5
13 2 2 4
14 4 0 4
15 1 1 2
16 1 1 2
18 1 0 1
20 2 1 3
22 1 0 1
23 0 1 1
27 1 0 1
51 0 1 1
Total 257 243 500
. putexcel A3=matrix(nvisits) B3=matrix(freq)
file myresults2.xlsx saved
Totals, however, are not saved. By using formulas in Excel, we can add the row and column totals.
Our results will begin on row 3, so we will want to begin calculating row totals here. For example,
12 putexcel advanced — Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax
in Excel the row total for males (column B) and females (column C) in row 3 is D3=B3+C3. The
fastest way to write this formula multiple times for each row is to use forvalues; see [P] forvalues.
. forvalues i=3/24 {
2. putexcel D‘i’=formula(B‘i’+C‘i’)
3. }
file myresults2.xlsx saved
(output omitted )
We also want column totals. For this, it is easier to use Excel’s SUM() function. We supply this
as the formula() output type and add a border above the total row to set it apart from the rest of
the table.
. putexcel A25="Total" B25=formula(SUM(B3:B24)) C25=formula(SUM(C3:C24))
> D25=formula(SUM(D3:D24)), bold border(top)
file myresults2.xlsx saved
Exporting estimation results
We start by using putexcel set again to create a new worksheet for our regression results.
. putexcel set myresults2.xlsx, sheet(Estimation)
Example 3: Export point estimates and formatted confidence intervals
We continue from example 6 of [P] putexcel, where we gave the coefficients the title “Coef.”.
Here we add a column named “C.I. for the confidence interval, which we center in cells C1 and D1.
. putexcel B1="Coef." C1="C.I."
file myresults2.xlsx saved
. putexcel (C1:D1), merge hcenter
file myresults2.xlsx saved
We fit the same model that we did in example 6 of [P] putexcel. We copy the r-class return
r(table), which contains the values that were returned by the command in the estimation results
table, into a new matrix named table.
. quietly regress visits ad female time
. matrix table = r(table)
. matrix list table
ad female time _cons
b .79961794 -.04679974 .82961995 .69243389
se .05165911 .2096816 .04366007 .20079144
t 15.47874 -.22319432 19.001801 3.448523
pvalue 2.235e-44 .82347616 6.794e-61 .00061166
ll .69812028 -.45877341 .74383847 .29792725
ul .90111561 .36517393 .91540143 1.0869405
df 496 496 496 496
crit 1.9647583 1.9647583 1.9647583 1.9647583
eform 0 0 0 0
We then select row 1 for the coefficients (b), row 5 for the lower limit of the confidence interval
(ll), and row 6 for the upper limit of the confidence interval (ul) into separate vectors. We take the
transpose to ensure that our results for each variable are in a row rather than in a column when we
write them out. We specify nformat(number d2) for the coefficients, but we will specify a custom
format for the confidence interval. We also add the rownames option so that the variable names are
written out along with the coefficient estimates.
putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax 13
. matrix b = table[1, 1...]’
. matrix ll = table[5, 1...]’
. matrix ul = table[6, 1...]’
. putexcel A2=matrix(b), rownames nformat(number_d2)
file myresults2.xlsx saved
We want our confidence interval to be displayed as (0.74 to 0.92), taking time, for example. That
is, the numbers should have a 0 before the decimal and be rounded to two decimal places. The lower
and upper limits should be separated by the word “to”, and the confidence interval should be enclosed
in parentheses.
We specify our format in two steps. For the lower limit, we ensure that the negative sign will
display inside the parentheses by specifying separate formats for positive and negative numbers.
The code for positive numbers is specified before the semicolon. The code for negative numbers is
specified after the semicolon. We add the word “to” so that it is printed between the lower and upper
limit values. For the upper limit, the negative sign will display in front of the number by default, so
we only have to specify one format.
. putexcel C2=matrix(ll), nformat("(0.00 to;(-0.00 to") right
file myresults2.xlsx saved
. putexcel D2=matrix(ul), nformat("0.00)") left
file myresults2.xlsx saved
The above commands give a table that looks like this:
14 putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax
Example 4: Export SEM estimates and path diagram
Continuing example 3, suppose we also fit a corresponding linear regression model using sem and
want to export the coefficient estimates, confidence intervals, and the path diagram. We use the same
general approach as in example 3 but with some modification. First, we specify the range of columns
from table to be 1 through 4 when we create our b, ll, and ul vectors to exclude the variance.
. quietly sem (visits <- ad female time)
. matrix table = r(table)
. matrix list table
visits: visits: visits: visits: var(e.vis
ad female time _cons _cons
b .79961794 -.04679974 .82961995 .69243389 5.4458576
se .05145206 .20884119 .04348508 .19998666 .34442628
z 15.541029 -.22409249 19.078268 3.4624004 .b
pvalue 1.830e-54 .82268533 3.827e-81 .00053538 .b
ll .69877376 -.45612096 .74439077 .30046724 4.810958
ul .90046212 .36252147 .91484914 1.0844005 6.1645445
df . . . . .
crit 1.959964 1.959964 1.959964 1.959964 1.959964
eform 0 0 0 0 0
. matrix b = table[1, 1..4]’
. matrix ll = table[5, 1..4]’
. matrix ul = table[6, 1..4]’
If we wanted that term as well, we could select it separately. Because we do not need to specify
row names again, we also specify the ul cell for b in reference to its values, not the labels this time.
We use the same numeric format for ll and ul.
. putexcel E2=matrix(b), nformat(number_d2)
file myresults2.xlsx saved
. putexcel F2=matrix(ll), nformat("(0.00 to;(-0.00 to") right
file myresults2.xlsx saved
. putexcel G2=matrix(ul), nformat("0.00)") left
file myresults2.xlsx saved
Because we are adding estimation results, we change “Coef. to “regress” and add a column
heading for “sem”. As before, we include a merged column heading for the confidence interval. We
center all column headings by using the hcenter option.
. putexcel B1="regress" E1="sem" F1="C.I.", hcenter
file myresults2.xlsx saved
. putexcel (F1:G1), merge
file myresults2.xlsx saved
putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax 15
Our table from example 3 now includes additional columns for our sem results:
We might also want to export the path diagram for our model so that we can view it while looking
at our results.
visits ε
The SEM Builder will allow you to save your path diagram as a PNG file, in addition to other file
types; PNGs can be exported to Excel. We name our path diagram visits sem and save it as a PNG,
and we then output the file to Excel with the picture() output type.
16 putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax
. putexcel B6 = picture(visits_sem.png)
file myresults2.xlsx saved
This adds the path diagram with the upper-left corner aligned in the upper-left corner of cell B6.
Technical note
See the technical notes Excel data size limits and Dates and times in [D] import excel.
Crow, K. 2013. Export tables to Excel. The Stata Blog: Not Elsewhere Classified.
Gallup, J. L. 2012. A new system for formatting estimation tables. Stata Journal 12: 3–28.
Huber, C. 2017. Creating Excel tables with putexcel, part 3: Writing custom reports for arbitrary variables. The Stata
Blog: Not Elsewhere Classified. https://blog.stata.com/2017/04/06/creating-excel-tables-with-putexcel-part-3-writing-
o, L. 2012. HTML output in Stata. Stata Journal 12: 702–717.
Also see
[P] putexcel Export results to an Excel file
[P] postfile Post results in Stata dataset
[P] putdocx Generate Office Open XML (.docx) file
[P] putpdf Create a PDF file
[P] return Return stored results
[D] export Overview of exporting data from Stata
[D] import Overview of importing data into Stata
[M-5] docx*( ) Generate Office Open XML (.docx) file
[M-5] xl( ) Excel file I/O class