APO 09/2022
Appointment: Teaching Professor (LSOE) Series
Checklist of items that should be included in the APBears case prior to submission to APO.
*Ensure search report or search wavier is approved or pending OFEW approval in AP Recruit prior to routing the case to APO
Case Overview:
Complete information fields, including case action, anticipated start date, the search type (include search waiver or
recruitment number), FTE authorization number, and FTE. If the candidate will be affiliated with multiple departments, please
indicate FTE breakdown.
If candidate has an external offer, add competing offer details and provide response deadline in the General Notes box.
Candidate Summary:
Current publications list (Word format preferred)
Current Curriculum Vitae
All documents included with AP Recruit application (self-statement, cover letter, diversity statement, etc.)
List of relatives employed by UC, if any, as required per APM 520 policy
Salary Recommendation:
Enter proposed salary in APBears Salary recommendation tab (sign off by Department(s) and Dean(s) required). Salary must
match what is listed in the recommendation letter(s).
Dean's recommendation letter
Chair’s recommendation letter, including:
1. Summarize proposed appointment details, including title, rank, step, salary (include breakdown of rank-and-step and
off-scale components) and effective date
2. Indicate the candidate’s pronouns and the way they would like their name to appear in campus documents
3. Summarize discussion during consultation with faculty, including vote
4. Qualifications of the candidate (include degree status if Ph.D. has not been completed, where applicable)
5. Ensure that the departmental recommendation does NOT reference any other candidates from the search by name. The
departmental recommendation should focus solely on the merits of the candidate being proposed. If it is necessary to
reference other candidates (not preferred), their names and any identifying information must be redacted.
6. Report and analysis of teaching (see BMAP section on Teaching Assessment)
a. Summary of teaching experience and effectiveness
b. Development of new instructional techniques, if applicable
c. Overview of courses candidate may teach
d. Mentoring record including: graduate student, undergraduate student, and postdoctoral scholar advising;
describe participation on degree committees, if applicable
7. Report on professional and/or scholarly achievement and activity, including creative activity (see APM 210-3.d(2))
8. Report on University and public service (see BMAP sections on Service Assessment)
9. Report on candidate's commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (see OFEW page on Evaluating
Candidate Contributions to Advancing DEIB)
10. Report on special honors and awards received, if any
11. Rank, step, and salary justification
12. Explanation of urgency, if applicable
13. Explanation of lateness, if applicable
Departmental ad hoc committee report, if any (unredacted)
If search committee report is used, ensure all names and mention of other candidates have been redacted
External Letters (unredacted)
Minimum of five letters required at the Associate Teaching Professor (LSOE) or Teaching Professor (Senior LSOE)
rank, at least half selected from the Department’s list
Minimum of three letters required at the Assistant Teaching Professor (LPSOE) rank, all may be from the
candidate’s list
Reviewer codes should be added
Copy of Solicitation Letter or Template, if any (unredacted)
Code Key of External Reviewers (using the campus template)
Ensure the code key provides information about the stature of external reviewers and any collaborations with the
candidate (see BMAP section on External Letters)
If departmental recommendation includes references to individuals during the faculty discussion, a code key for
these faculty members must be provided
Competing offer documentation, if applicable
Teaching evaluations, if available
Memorandum of Understanding (no signatures required), if candidate will be appointed in two or more departments
Please note:
• If not included in letter of recommendation, please provide an explanation of URGENCY OR LATENESS.
If recruiting a faculty member from another university in the American Association of Universities, the offer must be
extended by April 30 unless Berkeley has sought and received a waiver.
• DEADLINE FOR INTERCAMPUS OFFERS IS APRIL 1. At the Associate or Full Professor rank allow a minimum of 6-8 weeks for
review. At the Assistant or Acting Assistant Professor rank allow a minimum of 3 weeks for review. See BMAP guidelines on
Intercampus Recruitment for notice obligations and salary limitations.