Content written and managed by the AED COP | Last Updated: August 2021
How to Create, Test and Remediate Emails for Section
508 Conformance Using MS Outlook
Content written and managed by the AED COP | Last Updated: August 2021
Table of Contents
Background ..................................................................................................................................... 3
How to Read This Document .......................................................................................................... 3
AED COP Email Checklist ............................................................................................................. 4
General ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Images ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Formatting for Broad Email Distribution ....................................................................................... 5
Setting HTML as the Default Outlook Format ........................................................................... 5
Selecting Fonts for Accessibility ................................................................................................ 5
Accessible Signatures ................................................................................................................. 6
Content written and managed by the AED COP | Last Updated: August 2021
The purpose of this document is to assist individuals in creating, testing, and remediating
Emails, for Section 508 conformance. The guidance provided is based on the Section 508
Baseline Test Guide for Emails, and the Section 508 Email Checklist authored by the Accessible
Electronic Document Community of Practice (AED COP). For more information on the AED
COP, to download the latest AED COP guidance, and to gain access to a detailed test process,
visit the Federal Section 508 website.
How to Read This Document
This document is comprised of two sections:
1. The AED COP Email Checklist.
2. Instructions on how to remediate Emails for Section 508 compliance.
For more information on how to remediate Emails or to request training, please contact your
agency Section 508 Coordinator or email [email protected].
Content written and managed by the AED COP | Last Updated: August 2021
AED COP Email Checklist
When creating an accessible Email, or when reviewing a Broad Email Distribution for Section
508 conformance, the following conditions must be considered. The response to each criterion
should be Yes or Not Applicable to be considered accessible. If No is selected, the issue must be
resolved to be considered accessible.
For ease of use, Microsoft’s Accessibility Checker is located on Microsoft’s main menu under
File > Info > Check for Issues > Check Accessibility.
Note: Due to the human-centric nature of accessibility and Section 508 conformance, content
creators must ensure individuals with disabilities are able to request additional formats and
corrections that may not be detected using automated tools, i.e., improper use of color coding.
The body of the email is typed using plain text using and a minimum of
12pt font.
Headings in the email have been formatted using Style elements.
The email refrains from using flashing/flickering/animated text.
When color is used to emphasize the importance of selected text, an
alternate method is used.
Lists are created using the Bullet Style elements.
When tables are used for organization/presentation, the email is read
All attachments meet the relevant accessibility requirements pertaining
to their format.
All URLs contain the correct hyperlink and display the fully qualified
All surveys linked in emails and email signatures are accessible.
All images, grouped images, and non-text elements that convey
information have alternative text descriptions.
Complex images (i.e., charts and graphs) have descriptive text
immediately after the image.
The email is free of background images and watermarks.
All multi-layered objects have been flattened into one image and one
alternative text description is used for this image.
The email is free of images embedded in tables.
Content written and managed by the AED COP | Last Updated: August 2021
Formatting for Broad Email Distribution
This section details best practices to follow in addition to the checklist to ensure accessibility.
Setting HTML as the Default Outlook Format
HTML is the preferred format over Plain Text for Emails. To set HTML as your default format
in Outlook:
1. Select File > Options > Mail
2. Under Compose Messages, select HTML
Note: When replying to a Plain Text email, you will need to manually select Format Text >
Selecting Fonts for Accessibility
Font selection directly impacts people with a variety of disabilities, i.e., dyslexia and color
blindness. Below are some tips for accessible font selection:
1. Serif fonts, like Times New Roman, should be avoided in broad distribution emails.
2. Sans serif fonts, like Arial and Calibri, are acceptable.
3. Avoid the use of italics, script-based or decorative fonts.
4. All font sizes must be at least 12pt.
5. Avoid the use of red or green text. The most common forms of color blindness occur on
these spectrums.
6. For emphasis, use a combination of methods i.e., color, size, boldness, etc.
To create default font settings for all emails, follow these steps:
1. Select File > Options > Mail.
2. Under Compose MailMessages, select Stationery and Fonts.
3. Under Personal Stationery you can determine the fonts used for New Mail Messages
and Replying or Forwarding Messages.
Content written and managed by the AED COP | Last Updated: August 2021
Accessible Signatures
Note: The information provided in the previous section titled Selecting Fonts for Accessibility
also applies to email signatures.
To create a signature for your emails:
1. Select File > Options > Mail.
2. Under Compose Mail, select Signatures.
3. Here you can create and save multiple signatures and determine when they are used (i.e.,
for New Mail Messages and Replying or Forwarding Messages.
4. Avoid the use of MS Outlook themes, background images, text with poor contrast (i.e.,
red text on white background)
5. To add alternative text to company logos: Right Click on the image, select Picture > Alt
Text and add a clear and concise description. Ensure that the level of description matches
the intended purpose. For signatures:
Example of an accessible description: “Forest Service Logo.”
Example of an accessible yet ineffective description: “A badge shaped image of a
golden tree between golden letters U and S with the title ‘Forest Service’ at the top.”