Functional Guide
SAP® CRM One to One Email Integration Component
SAP CRM 2007
SAP CRM 7.0 (Including Enhancement Packages)
Target Audience
Document version 1.2 December 2017
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Functional Guide: One to One Email Integration
December 2017 4
1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 5
1.1 About this Document ................................................................................ 5
1.2 Further Information ................................................................................... 5
2 Preparation .......................................................................................... 6
3 Planning ............................................................................................... 7
3.1 ActiveX Settings ....................................................................................... 7
3.2 SPRO Settings ......................................................................................... 7
3.3 Outlook Settings ....................................................................................... 8
3.4 Lotus Settings .......................................................................................... 8
4 Inbound .............................................................................................. 11
4.1 Inbox ...................................................................................................... 11
4.2 Transfer email ........................................................................................ 13
4.3 Save in CRM .......................................................................................... 13
5 Outbound ........................................................................................... 14
5.1 Signature ................................................................................................ 14
5.2 Default Text (Mail forms) ........................................................................ 17
5.3 Attachments ........................................................................................... 18
5.4 Email Address Search ............................................................................ 18
5.5 Save as Draft ......................................................................................... 20
5.6 Send Email ............................................................................................. 20
6 Activity ............................................................................................... 21
6.1 Forward .................................................................................................. 21
6.2 Reply or Reply All ................................................................................... 21
6.3 Follow-up email ...................................................................................... 22
7 Troubleshooting ................................................................................ 23
1 Introduction
December 2017 5
1 Introduction
One to One Email integration enables you to synchronize Emails between Microsoft Outlook
or IBM Lotus Notes and SAP CRM. Email/Activity can be transferred in both directions.
1.1 About this Document
This guide outlines the steps for configuring email integration between Mail client and SAP
CRM. Note prerequisites, ABAP services & SPRO settings required for configuration (section
3 Planning of this document).
The guide also explains the functionality of the component and how to tailor it to your
company’s requirements. Finally, troubleshooting information helps you to resolve problems
that you may encounter while running the email integration solution.
The guide does not explain how to install the back-end system and the SAP CRM
server. It assumes that these are already in place.
1.2 Further Information
For information about the functions supported by One to One Email integration, see the SAP
Library for SAP Customer Relationship Management in SAP Help Portal at -> <choose a release> -> Application Help -> <choose
a language> -> Basic Functions -> E-Mail
2 Preparation
December 2017 6
2 Preparation
Maintain all the configurations and settings mentioned in the section 3 Planning to start using
email integration component.
Refer to the Troubleshooting section to resolve any issues you encounter while
configuring or using email integration component.
3 Planning
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3 Planning
3.1 ActiveX Settings
One to One Email Integration supports Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7) to Internet Explorer 11 (IE
SAP Notes 2053131, 2073771 and 2080820 should be applied to work with IE 11.
Maintain the following settings in the Tools
Internet Options
Internet or Local
Intranet or Trusted sites
Custom Level
Access data sources across domains Enable
Allow scripting of Internet Explorer web browser control Enable
Allow script-initiated windows without size or position constraints Enable
Navigate sub-frames across different domains Enable
Use Pop-up Blocker Disable
Download unsigned ActiveX controls Enable
Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting Enable
In case of Windows Vista and Windows 7, in addition to the above settings the
protected mode should be “OFF.
ActiveX controls will not work in the Tile view of Internet explorer that is optimized for
the touch devices (as seen in IE 10, IE 11 in new Windows UI), hence Email transfer
and Email creation is not supported in the Tile view of Internet explorer.
3.2 SPRO Settings
Customizing for CRM Email Integration is located in the SAP CRM system in transaction
SPRO, under Customer Relationship Management, under Basic Functions -> One-to-One E-
Mail. Maintain the following customizing to enable CRM One to One Email functionality.
3.2.1 Define Multipart E-Mail Option and Groupware
HTML with Text Only
Checking this option will enable the MIME of the mail to be multipart/alternative by
maintaining the mail in both HTML as well as plain text format.
Email Address Search in Groupware
Select the Groupware in which the email address will be searched. Accordingly set the value
of the parameter Address Search in Groupware.
Groupware for E-Mail Integration
Select the Groupware from where the emails will be transferred.
Groupware/E-Mail Copies
Select the Groupware where the Email Copies (Sent Items) will be stored
3 Planning
December 2017 8
Supported E-Mail Formats
Supported E-Mail Formats (This option is available only in CRM 5.2 and higher releases).
Select the format in which you want to save a transferred email or send an email out of the
CRM system
3.2.2 Assign Transaction Types
Transaction Type for Activities from Incoming E-Mails
SAP delivered standard Transaction Type for Incoming E-mails is 0004.
If any other custom defined transaction type is used for this then the following things should
be taken into consideration.
In the Customizing header of the Transaction Category the following should be set
(Customer Relationship Management->Transactions->Basic Settings-> Define
Transaction Types) Category - 401
The Class associated to this Category should be Email and this is defined in the
following path (Customer Relationship Management->Transactions->Settings for
Activities->Maintain Categories, Goals, and Priorities->Maintain Categories)
Direction Inbound
Transaction Type for Activities from Outgoing E-Mails
SAP delivered standard Transaction Type for Outgoing E-mails is 0005.
If any other custom defined transaction type is used for this then the following things should
be taken into consideration
In the Customizing header of the Transaction Category the following should be set
(Customer Relationship Management->Transactions->Basic Settings-> Define
Transaction Types) Category - 401
The Class associated to this Category should be Email and this is defined in the
following path (Customer Relationship Management->Transactions->Settings for
Activities->Maintain Categories, Goals, and Priorities->Maintain Categories)
Direction Outbound
3.3 Outlook Settings
One to One Email Integration supports Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013.
Office 365 is supported when configured with Outlook 2010 SP1 and 2013.
Collaboration Data Objects should be installed for Outlook 2007 and below versions.
For Outlook 2003, CDO installed should be installed from the installation CD
For Outlook 2007, install CDO 1.2.1
3.4 Lotus Settings
One to One Email Integration supports Lotus Notes 7.0, Lotus Notes 8.0, Lotus Notes 8.5
and Lotus Notes 9.0
3 Planning
December 2017 9
In CRM Email Inbox, if you get any error on transferring email from Lotus Notes to
CRM, apply SAP Note 1613340
From IE 9 and above, one of the Lotus Notes API to read attachments from Richtext
email fails, IBM provided hotfix for the same. Apply one of the following fix as per your
Lotus Notes version:
o 851FP5SHF393_W32_basic
o 852FP4SHF385_W32_standard
o 853FP6SHF86_W32_standard
o 90SHF439_W32_standard
There is an error with Lotus Notes 8.5.1 FP3 which will cause abnormal termination of
Lotus Client and the Internet Explorer. It is fixed with FP4 or with patch number SPR#
Maintain the following settings in Domino Server
Person Document in the public directory and look for the mail setting Format Preference
for incoming mail: 'Prefers Mime'.
If any other format preference is set, then text formatting and embedded images will be lost.
Content will be rendered as a plain text. Lotus Notes provides limited support for Rich Text
format in JavaScript.
MimeNoDecodeMIMEParts parameter should be set to ‘1’ for each user or Disable
outbound '8bit' encoding. This setting is required to read the attachments and embedded
images from the MIME Emails.
3.4.1 Attachment Settings for Lotus Notes
The following settings are required and steps 5 to 8 are only required if you want to allow
attachments to be transferred into CRM, which is by default disabled.
1. Go to transaction "SPRO"
2. Under Customer Relationship Management->UI Framework->Technical Role
Definition->Define Parameters->Parameter Definition, put in the following entries
Description: attachment in Lotus Notes
3. Under Profile definition, click on new entries and put in the following
Description: attachment for Lotus Notes
4. Select Profile "EMAIL_ATT_PROFILE_LN" and then click on Parameter Assignment.
Click on new entries button , put in the following entries and save them
Value: X
5. Return to the customizing screen and choose the following entry Customer
Relationship Management->Business Roles->Define Business Role
6. Select the business role for which you want to enable attachments during transfer of
email from Lotus Notes to CRM
7. Select Assign Function Profiles on the left panel and put in
Function Profile ID: Parameters
8. Save your entries.
3 Planning
December 2017 10
3.4.2 Citrix Registry Settings for Lotus Notes
To configure Lotus Notes in the Citrix environment for OLE/COM, make the below registry
HKLM\Software\Lotus\Notes\DataPath needs to be empty string
HKLM\Software\Lotus\Notes\<ReleaseVersion>\DataPath needs to be empty string
HKLM\Software\Lotus\Notes\MultiUser set to 1 (DWORD)
HKLM\Software\Lotus\Notes\<ReleaseVersion>\MultiUser set to 1 (DWORD)
HKCU\Software\Lotus\Notes\<ReleaseVersion>\NotesIniPath set to
H:\Notes\Data\notes.ini (where H: is the users home directory on the file server)
4 Inbound
December 2017 11
4 Inbound
Transferring Emails from the mail client to CRM system in the form of CRM activity.
4.1 Inbox
CRM Inbox can be accessed via the Email Inbox of the CRM menu. This is the replica of the
mail client inbox of the user. Emails of type Meeting requests, Notifications, Message Notes
will not be listed in the CRM Email Inbox view.
Display latest E-mails input field will show the number of emails displayed out of the many
emails. These many emails will be displayed every time you navigate to CRM Email Inbox
Total Number of Emails in Inbox, will show the total number of emails in your mail client
Total number of Emails is inclusive of the item types (Meeting requests, Notifications,
Message Notes) that are not displayed in the Inbox view.
Go button will give you an option to display the latest emails you want to be displayed by
setting the Display Latest E-mails.
There will be no warning/error message displayed if Display latest E-mails value is
greater than the total number of emails in the inbox.
Display All E-mails button will display all the emails which are in your mail client inbox.
If there are too many emails in the inbox, performance will be degraded on clicking
Display All E-mails as the JavaScript tries to read all the emails before creating the view.
Email inbox view provides the information of an email like Importance, Email Read/Unread,
Attachment, From, Subject and Received timestamp. All the emails are by default sorted
according to their received timestamp. You can change the sorting by clicking on the column
names of the email-Inbox.
Email Read/Unread information is not displayed if your mail client is Lotus Notes.
Action column has an option to Transfer the Emails to CRM. Once you click on the Transfer
to CRM, save screen will open up where you can save the email as an activity by adding
account, contact and reference documents. References section where you input the account,
contact and reference doc details are optional. Employee responsible is by default filled with
the logged in user but it can be changed/deleted.
Once you transfer the email to CRM, the subject text will be appended with “CRM:” text as
shown below:
4 Inbound
December 2017 12
4.1.1 Filters
Show Filters link, which is available in the right side of the CRM Email Inbox, will unhide the
search criteria available for Email Search.
You can search for the emails using the below mentioned criteria:
Name From field in the email inbox is mapped to this field.
Subject Subject field of the email inbox is mapped to this field.
Received Between Received field of email inbox is mapped to this field. Providing date in
the first field will fetch you the emails from that date till current. Providing date in the second
field will fetch you the emails received till that date. Providing date in both the fields will fetch
you the emails received in that date range.
Wildcard search works by default without providing * in the search text. If you provide
* along with the Name or Subject, * will be considered as part of the text and may lead
to incorrect search results.
Search results will always display the result list sorted on the received timestamp.
Clicking on the Clear button will clear the search criteria. Hide Filter will take you back to the
main email inbox menu.
4.1.2 Outlook
First step to set up an Email transfer for Outlook is from the Personalize screen of the CRM
WebUI. Once you login to CRM WebUI navigate to the Personalize Groupware Integration
Click on ‘Set Up E-mail Transfer’.
Following pop-up will be shown to confirm that a folder will be created in Microsoft Outlook
which will be a replica of your inbox. ActiveX settings are also recommended.
4 Inbound
December 2017 13
SAP CRM E-Mail Transfer folder gets created in Microsoft Outlook. User can transfer
the email from this folder to CRM using the ‘Transfer to CRM’ button available in
Outlook Client.
End user cannot attach any account, contact or reference documents while
transferring emails from Outlook client to CRM.
Outlook 2010 and above we cannot support this feature. As outlook 2010 and above
doesn’t have in built browser. Still the feature works fine in Outlook 2010 if we have
configured it with HTTP link of CRM, whereas with HTTPS link one has to provide the
SSO certificate every time.
4.1.3 Lotus Notes
No specific Email Transfer configuration is available for Lotus Notes. No local folder is
created as in Outlook. Logged in Lotus Notes account email inbox will be replicated in the
CRM WebUI Email Inbox. Default email client setting is available in SPRO as explained in
section 3.2.1 Define Multipart E-Mail Option and Groupware Integration.
4.2 Transfer email
Clicking on Transfer to CRM link will take you to a page where you can provide CRM
References to this email by entering Account, Contact and Reference transaction details in
the References section and save the email as an Activity.
In this screen, you will have options such as Save and Back to save the email as an activity
and Cancel to cancel the transfer of the selected email to CRM.
You cannot edit/update the email in this page.
Draft emails present in the Email Inbox cannot be transferred to CRM due to lack of
information (like Received timestamp, From and To address) to create an activity in
4.2.1 Partner Determination
If Partner Determination is enabled, then after clicking on Transfer to CRM link, the Account
and Contact fields will get filled up based on the From field email address.
If there are more than one Account and Contacts associated to the From field email address,
then a pop-up will be shown to select the Account/Contact information.
4.3 Save in CRM
Once you click on Save and Back button an email activity is created. This activity can be
searched using the standard activity search.
Direction of such emails will be displayed as Inbound.
5 Outbound
December 2017 14
5 Outbound
Outbound is a scenario where end user is creating a new email in CRM and sending it to the
recipients. Create an Email in WebUI and clicking on Send will create an Activity of type
Email. This Email will be copied to the Sent Folder of the respective mail client.
In the email creation screen you will have options such as Send, Send and New, Cancel,
Check Name and More.
More option will let you toggle with some of the email fields like From, Cc, Bcc, Bcc to Self,
Attachments, Default text, Options and Signature.
Options will give the end user an option to hide/unhide the Priority and Sensitivity fields of the
When Bcc and Bcc to Self are enabled, disabling any one of them will disable the
other respectively.
From CRM EhP3 onwards, Attach Overview PDF option is available under More, only
if Switch CRM_ITSM is active and the actions have the Execute in Dialog and
Display in Toolbar attributes set.
5.1 Signature
In the email creation screen, on clicking More -> Signature, a new page will open where you
can create HTML or plain text signatures. HTML signature will allow the end user to use
standard formatting options to create the signature. Plain text signature will not allow any
This page will also allow the end user to convert the HTML signatures to Plain text signatures
and vice-versa by using the options HTML -> Plain Text and Plain Text -> HTML.
Save option will enable the end user to create a signature for himself and use it in all new
emails by default. One user can have only one signature created for himself in CRM.
If signature exists for a user, on creation of a new email the signature gets loaded onto the
email editor depending on the default email format (HTML or Plain Text).
One user can have only one signature created/maintained in CRM.
The saved signature will be the default signature and gets loaded while creating new
Changing the signature cannot be done while composing the email, you should
change the signature prior and save for the changed signature to appear on the email
send screen.
5.1.1 Multiple Signature
This feature is available as part of Standard from SP09 of 714 Release, SP16 of 713
Release and SP21 of 702 Release.
For lower SPs of 702, 713 and 714 release, perform the manual steps and then apply
the correction instructions that are part of the Note 2552721.
5 Outbound
December 2017 15
The restriction on having a single signature which is mandatorily made as a default signature
in every email is removed with this feature improvement. With this feature, user has the
following benefits:
User can create and save multiple signatures
Saved signatures can be modified
User can select one of the available signature as default signature for New emails
and for Reply/Forward emails
Making a default selection is not mandatory, user can choose None
Signature can be changed in the email editor while composing the mail without
navigating back to the signature screen
Signature Screen
The following image depicts the signature screen when multiple signature feature is enabled.
Button/Field/Page Area
Click to create a new email signature
Click to save the changes made to the signature content or to
save the changes made to the default selection
Click to delete the displayed signature with its contents
Click to navigate back to email send screen
HTML -> Plain Text
Click to convert contents in the HTML signature block to Plain
text signature block
Plain Text -> HTML
Click to convert contents in the Plain text signature block to
HTML signature block
New Email
Select a signature from this dropdown that should be used as a
default signature for all the New emails
Select none if you do not want to have any signature
as default for new emails
If the signature maintained as default for new emails is
deleted then the default signature for new emails is
set back to none
5 Outbound
December 2017 16
Select a signature from this dropdown that should be used as a
default signature for all the Reply/Forward emails
Select none if you do not want to have any signature
as default for replies/forwards
If the signature maintained as default for
replies/forwards is deleted then the default signature
for replies/forwards is set back to none
Choose Signature
Contents of the chosen signature will be displayed
On click of Delete button, the signature displayed in
this field gets deleted.
On signature screen load, default signature
maintained for New emails will be displayed here
Signature Header
Provide a header for the signature
Signature Header is mandatory to save any Signature
Change made to the signature header of any existing
signature will be considered as a new signature
Signature for HTML
Provide the content of this signature to be displayed when the
email text format is set as HTML
Signature for Plain Text
Provide the content of this signature to be displayed when the
email text format is set as Plain Text
Email send screen / Email editor
The following image depicts the email send screen / email editor when multiple signature
feature is enabled. Signature dropdown is the newly added field which displays all the
signatures maintained by the user. User can select of signature from the email editor without
navigating to the signature screen.
5 Outbound
December 2017 17
Signature dropdown displays all the signatures maintained by the user irrespective of
the selected text format. Example: if you have any signature which does not have any
content for Plain text, this signature will also be displayed in the dropdown when the
email editor format is Plain text.
When change the format of the email from HTML to Plain Text or vice versa, the
signature content that was present while changing the format will get converted to the
corresponding text format, do not expect the signature content of that format
maintained for that signature to be loaded during text conversion.
New Emails
On load of the email editor, the default signature set for the new emails will appear in the
email editor body. If no signature is set as default, email editor will be empty. If you select a
signature from the Signature dropdown before adding any content in the email body, then the
selected signature will replace the existing signature in the email editor. If you change the
signature when you already have some content in the email body, then the selected signature
will get appended at the end of the email body.
When you click on Reply or Reply All or Forward button in an activity, email editor will be
displayed. In this case, on load of the email editor, the default signature set for the
Replies/Forwards will appear in the email editor body. If you select a signature from the
Signature dropdown, then the selected signature will get appended at the end of the existing
5.2 Default Text (Mail forms)
End user can create Default texts (Mail forms) and save it for future use. Default text can be
created from the standard CRM menu option Sales Operations/Service Operations -> Mail
Clicking on Mail forms opens the search window to allow the end user to search for any
existing mail forms. Search window also allows the end user to create new Mail forms.
Once a new mail form is created the same is shown in the drop-down list for the Default Text
field whenever you create a new email. Based on the Language for which the mail form is
created, the Default Text drop-down list is populated. This will help the end user to navigate
to that particular language and select the mail form listed below.
Mail forms with usage as Internet Mail (HTML) or Internet Mail (Plain Text) having valid
date and are assigned to the Business Role of the logged in user will be displayed in the
drop down.
Subject of the new email gets updated with the Mail form subject. The text in the body of the
mail form gets appended to the existing text (if any) in the body of the email based on the
cursor position, i.e. the previous content will be retained in the email body.
Attachments in the mail forms are now supported, apply SAP Note 1855722.
Embedded images in the mail forms are now supported, apply SAP Note 2080346.
5 Outbound
December 2017 18
5.3 Attachments
End user can select any attachment from the system or from the content management
server. If Attachment options are not displayed in the CRM email screen, click on More ->
Attachments to enable attachment options in the email screen. On enabling Attachments,
Browse and Add options will be displayed above the email editor. You can select an
attachment, click on Add button to get it added to the email Activity.
Load local file option available in the Email editor does not add attachments to the
email; it only loads the content of the selected text file to the body of the email
overwriting the existing email body text.
*.msg files are supported as attachments in Email Activity. Refer to Note 1659579.
5.3.1 Embedded images
By clicking on Insert Picture button in the menu bar of the email editor, you can upload
images inline to the email.
Microsoft Outlook:
The embedded images in an email can be transferred to the CRM system only if the email is
in HTML format. Basically Outlook Rich Text format (RTF) is a Microsoft format that only
supports the following e-mail applications:
a) Microsoft Exchange Client versions 4.0 and 5.0
b) Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
c) Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
d) Microsoft Outlook 97, 98, 2000, and 2002
You can use RTF when sending messages within an organization that uses Microsoft
Exchange; however, we recommend that you use the HTML format. RTF supports text
formatting, including bullets, alignment, and linked objects. Outlook automatically converts
RTF formatted messages to HTML by default when you send them to an Internet recipient, so
that the message formatting is maintained and attachments are received.
For more details visit the link:
Lotus Notes:
Attachment flag would be displayed in the Inbox view if there is any embedded image in the
email irrespective of the attachments. The Lotus Notes email's document property
"hasEmbedded" doesn't give the proper value for "Rich Text Emails". As we use JavaScript
to access the emails in One-To-One Integration, this is a technical limitation of Lotus notes.
Lotus notes provide limited support in JavaScript at this time.
While transferring a rich text email, text formatting and embedded images would be lost.
Since Lotus Notes does not provide APIs to read the rich text email in HTML format, the
email will be rendered as a plain text mail without the image. To avoid this behavior the
incoming email setting should be maintained as "Prefers MIME" so that the images are not
5.4 Email Address Search
Email Address Search from CRM WebUI is available across Outlook, Exchange server and
Lotus Notes. The SPRO setting for ‘Address Search in Groupware’ will set the email search
criteria. SPRO setting can be found at SPRO Customer Relationship Management
5 Outbound
December 2017 19
Basic Functions One-to-One E-mail Define Multipart E-Mail Option and Groupware
SPRO setting for Address Search in Groupware will have one of the following values set: MS
Outlook, Lotus Notes, None or MS Outlook and Lotus Notes.
In the email creation screen, on clicking To/Cc/Bcc buttons, an address search window will
appear. Search in dropdown values will depend on the SPRO settings mentioned above.
If MS Outlook is set then you can search for local contacts in Outlook or contacts in the
Exchange Server or Business partners in CRM,
If Lotus Notes is set then you can search for local contacts in Lotus Notes or Business
partners in CRM,
If None is set then you can only search for Business partners in CRM,
If MS Outlook and Lotus Notes set then you can search for local contacts in Outlook or
contacts in the Exchange Server or local contacts in Lotus Notes or Business partners in
Once the end user finds the email address then he can use the following two buttons: Copy,
Copy and Close. Copy will add the searched value to the To/Cc/Bcc fields and allows you
continue with the search. Copy and Close will add the selected searched value to the
To/Cc/Bcc fields and closes the search window.
After performing the address search, you will have to select the email addresses from
the result list before clicking on Copy or Copy and Close to add the selected address to
the To/Cc/Bcc field. No warning/error message will be displayed if you close the address
search window without selecting any email address.
5.4.1 Outlook [local contact, Global address list]
When you are searching for a particular address in Exchange Addresses and, if there are
multiple search result then Outlook popup will show the list of addresses in the Address Book
of Outlook.
From the list of addresses, end user selects a particular address and the same gets loaded in
the address search result. Select the address which is shown in the address search result
and you can either Copy the address to the To/Cc/Bcc fields and continue searching or Copy
and Close to add the address to the To/Cc/Bcc fields and close the search window.
5.4.2 Lotus Notes
In Lotus Notes multiple address search result will be loaded in the Address Search window
directly. Select the address which is shown in the address search result and you can either
Copy the address to the To/Cc/Bcc fields and continue searching or Copy and Close to add
the address to the To/Cc/Bcc fields and close the search window.
5.4.3 CRM BP Email address search
When you select CRM Addresses option in the address search window, you can search for
business partners in CRM. Select the address which is shown in the address search result
and you can either Copy the address to the To/Cc/Bcc fields and continue searching or Copy
and Close to add the address to the To/Cc/Bcc fields and close the search window.
5 Outbound
December 2017 20
5.4.4 Check Name
When you provide a contact name directly in the To/Cc/Bcc fields without using the Address
search window, address resolution can be performed using Check Name option. Search will
be first performed on the local Outlook/Lotus Notes contacts, then in the Exchange address
list (only in case of MS Outlook), and then searches for the CRM Business Partners. Address
search window will be opened in case more than one contact will match the search criteria.
If the address is found in the local Outlook/Lotus Contacts or Exchange server then
the search will not continue with CRM Business partners.
Address resolution will only check for the validity of the email address, it cannot
identify if the recipient is within the organization or outside the organization.
If you provide the email address of any CRM business partner, corresponding BP will
not be displayed as the Account/Contact in the References section.
5.5 Save as Draft
This feature is available as part of Standard from SP09 of 714 Release and SP16 of
713 Release.
For lower SPs of 713 and 714 release, perform the manual steps and then apply the
correction instructions that are part of the Note 2562014.
You can save an email as a draft by clicking on the Draft button in the email creation screen,
with this an email activity is created with the status Draft. All the content of the composed
email like attachments, default text, embedded images and signature will all be preserved
while saving the document as a draft. Draft emails can be edited anytime and can be saved
or can be sent.
Draft emails can be searched using the activity search with the search criteria Status as
Draft. Search result for draft emails will only display the activities that are in Draft status
created by the logged in user, Drafts of other users cannot be retrieved via activity search.
5.6 Send Email
Once you click on Send button in the email creation screen, an email activity is created and
the Email will be copied to the Sent Folder of the respective mail client. This activity can be
searched using the standard activity search.
If the recipient email address is enclosed with single quotes ‘ ’ and you send the
email, activity gets created in CRM but email will not be sent to the recipient.
Direction of such emails will be displayed as Outbound.
6 Activity
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6 Activity
In both inbound and outbound scenarios, activities are created from the email. You can
search for these activities using the standard activity search. Activity search can be accessed
from the left pane of the menu by clicking on Activities -> Activities.
Only the Reference section will be editable in the activity.
The activities contain:
The email subject as the activity description
The sent date and time of the email as actual from date/time and to date/time in the
The category “Email”
The direction “Inbound” or “Outbound”
The email body as the activity text
Reference details like Account, Contact, Employee responsible and reference
transaction, if exists
The first address displayed in the recipients list that belongs to an account and/or a
contact becomes the main partner
The Activity screen, you will have options such as Forward, Reply, Reply All, Save and Back,
Cancel and More.
More option will let you toggle with some of the email fields like From, Cc, Bcc, Attachments,
Options and Follow-up.
Options will give the end user an option to hide/unhide the Priority and Sensitivity fields of the
Email Activity.
Follow-up will let the end user create a follow-up appointment, task, activity, follow-up email
and more.
6.1 Forward
Once you click on Forward button in the email activity screen, email creation screen will be
displayed. The subject text will be appended with “FW:”
Sensitivity, Importance, Account and Contact information will not be copied from the
previous email activity.
Attachments will be retained as in the previous email activity.
6.2 Reply or Reply All
Once you click on Reply or Reply All button in the email activity screen, email creation
screen will be displayed. The subject text will be appended with “RE:”
In case of Reply, email address present in the From field of the previous email activity will be
copied to the To field.
In case of Reply All, email addresses present in the From field and To field of the previous
email activity will be copied to the To field and all the email addresses present in the Cc field
will be retained in the Cc field.
Attachments, Sensitivity and Importance will not be copied from the previous email
6 Activity
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Account and Contact information will be retained as in the previous email activity.
If in case you click on Reply from an email activity where in your email address is
neither in the From or the To list, then the email addresses present in From field and
in To field of the previous email will be copied to the To field.
Email addresses present in the Bcc field will not be copied when you Reply All.
6.3 Follow-up email
If you choose to create a follow-up email from the email activity screen, email creation screen
will be displayed. Previous email activity will be added as a Reference and the reference
number will be appended to the subject.
Email text, Attachments, Recipient list, Sensitivity and Importance information will not
be retained as in the previous email activity.
7 Troubleshooting
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7 Troubleshooting
This section provides explanations on common questions and possible solutions to problems
that may arise while working with One to One Email Integration.
Microsoft Outlook versions supported with One to One Email Integration
Following are the prerequisite versions, for more details refer to section 3.3 Outlook Settings:
One to One Email Integration supports Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013.
Office 365 is supported when configured with Outlook 2010 SP1 and 2013.
Combination of a 32 bit Outlook and 64 bit Internet Explorer will not work due to
MAPI restrictions in calling a 64 bit process from a 32 bit client library.
IBM Lotus Notes versions supported with One to One Email Integration
Following are the prerequisite versions, for more details refer to section 3.4 Lotus Settings:
One - One email integration is supported with all the releases from IBM Lotus Notes
7.0 to IBM Lotus Notes 9.0.
During transferring email, if there is an error message stating: "Server is not
configured correctly in MIME conversion options outbound", implement the SAP Note
Internet Explorer versions supported with One to One Email Integration
Following are the prerequisite versions, for more details refer to section 3.1 ActiveX Settings:
One to One Email Integration supports Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7) to Internet Explorer
11 (IE 11).
SAP Notes 2053131, 2073771 and 2080820 should be applied to work with IE 11.
Basic customizing required to work with One to One Email Integration
You will have to make the SPRO settings, ActiveX settings and Outlook/Lotus Notes settings
as described in the section 3 Planning.
CRM Services with respect to One to One Email Integration
For CRM 5.0, activate the following BSP services in the Internet Communication Framework
For CRM 5.2 and higher releases, In addition to the above mentioned ones, the following
should also be activated:
The service BSP_CRM_BTFBSE should be active to avoid java script exception while
rendering the BTF editor.
You can use program CRM_EMAIL_HTTP_SERVICE_CHECKER to check which BSP
services are activated, and which ones still need to be activated.
7 Troubleshooting
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Problems with ActiveX Objects or accessing the Email Inbox from CRM Web UI
After maintaining the settings as mentioned in section 3 Planning, if you still face problems
with ActiveX objects or accessing the Email Inbox in CRM Web UI then copy the HTML files
relevant to your mail client from the SAP Note 1436692:
For Outlook:
o Use "MAPI.htm" file from the attachment section of SAP Note 1436692 to test
successful implementation of CDO.
o Save the attachment "MAPI.htm" on the desktop where you are facing problem to
transfer email.
o Open the html file, if an alert pops up stating "Creation of MAPI.session failed.
Check the CDO installation or IE settings" then the issue is with the installation of
the collaboration data object if the required ActiveX settings are maintained. In
such a case, contact your system administrator and get the CDO installed. For
details on how to install CDO, refer to the Microsoft link
For Lotus Notes:
o ActiveX Object creation test
Use the file "LotusActivextest.htm” from the attachment section of SAP Note
1436692 to test successful implementation of Lotus Notes session.
Save the attachment "LotusActivextest.htm" on the desktop where you are
facing problem to transfer email.
Open the html file, if an alert pops up stating "Creation of Notes session
failed. Check the IE settings", then check the ActiveX settings and also re-
check the installation of Lotus Notes.
o Initialization test
Sometimes even if the LotusActivextest.htm file does not throw any error
about the creation of ActiveX object, when you try to do the Email Transfer
an error message "Error: Lotus notes version could not be determined" will
appear. This problem is due to the Initialization problem of the Lotus notes
notes.ini file and may occur due to wrong registry entries.
Use the file "LotusInitializationtest.htm" from the attachment section of SAP
Note 1436692 to test successful Initialization of Lotus Notes.
Save the attachment "LotusIntializationtest.htm" on the desktop where you
are facing problem to transfer email.
Open the html file, if an alert pops up stating "Initialization of Notes Session
failed" then check the Registry settings of the Path
Disabling of delta handling for Email Create screen and Email Editor
In case if the delta handling for the above application is enabled, we get the following error
message when you try to search for any contacts to fill in the From/To/Bcc field
"'' is null or not an object".
In order to handle the same, disable the delta handling for the respective application following
the below steps:
Goto transaction SM30
Find the table 'BSPWDV_ADH_DSBLC'.
Add following entries based on the usage:
o If the issue is observed in Email Send Screen:
7 Troubleshooting
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Application: BT126H_MAIL
Page: send_screen
Status: Delta Handling is disabled
o If the issue is observed in Email Editor:
Application: CRMCMP_CCS_EML
Page: MailHeader
Status: Delta Handling is disabled
Settings for Citrix and Lotus Notes landscape suggested by our Partners
Apart from Citrix settings mentioned in section 3.4.2 Citrix Registry Settings for Lotus Notes,
following settings are suggested by our Partners:
Find the troubleshooting tips for Lotus Notes on Citrix Environments in the Technote
Set the Environment.CurrentDirectory to the directory that contains the notes.ini file.
In a Notes multi-user install on Citrix, installed using custom data directory
specification, Notes uninstall may not remove all needed registry settings.
o For either of the following Notes install command line statements, applicable
registry settings were not removed during Notes uninstall:
o The following registries, which should be removed during Notes uninstall, are not
HKLM\ Software\Lotus\Notes\<Release Version>\CommonDataPath
HKLM \Software\Lotus\Notes\<Release Version>\DataPath
HKLM\Software\Lotus\Notes\<Release Version>\Multiuser
Mail form not displayed in BTX editor in latest IE versions
Standard APIs to render the Mailform text in BTX Editor is changed in the latest Internet
Explorer versions, apply SAP Note 2073771.
Contact details pop up not shown on double click in latest IE versions
Contact details pop up should be displayed in CRM Web UI when you double click on any
contact in the From, To, Cc or Bcc fields of an email activity, apply SAP Note 2080820 and
SAP Note 2073689.
Address search window not shown in latest IE versions
In the Email creation screen, Address search window should open up when you click on
To/Cc/Bcc, apply SAP Note 2080820.
Hidden Default Text option (Mail forms) appears on page refresh
In the Email creation screen, if you have the Default Text (Mail forms) option hidden, this
option gets visible automatically on any page refresh, apply SAP Note 2080892.
7 Troubleshooting
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Incorrect search results for the given date range in Email Inbox search configured
with Lotus Notes
On searching for emails using the Date Range filter in CRM Email Inbox that is configured
with Lotus Notes, incorrect results are displayed, apply SAP Note 2081734.
Mail forms are not sorted in the default text dropdown
In the Email creation screen, the mail forms listed in the Default Text dropdown are not
sorted, apply SAP Note 2080237.
Set up email transfer option not available for Lotus Notes
Unlike Outlook, you will not be able to create a folder in Lotus Notes client which replicates
your Inbox with an option to transfer the email to CRM. Incorrect error message was
displayed when you try to setup email transfer from CRM Web UI, to correct the error
message text apply SAP Note 2079834.
Email Inbox search fails when text is provided in the date fields
On searching for emails using the Date Range filter in CRM Email Inbox, search fails if you
provide free text instead of Date, apply SAP Note 2079831.
Total number of emails count decreases on click of Go in CRM Email Inbox
configured with Lotus Notes
Draft emails are not supported with One to One Email Integration. If you have any draft email
in the Lotus Notes Inbox then in the CRM Email Inbox the Total No. of Emails count
decreases on clicking GO button. This behavior is now corrected, apply SAP Note 2080459.