Theatre Camp
Please complete this form and enclose a non-refundable deposit of $30 per child.
Please note, daily attendance is mandatory due to the interdependent nature of theatre.
Male Female
Grade entering this Sept:
Parent/Guardian name(s):
Email Address:
Primary Phone:
Alt. Phone:
Mailing Address:
Zip Code:
T-Shirt Size:
Child S Child M Child L Child XL Adult S Adult M Adult L Adult XL
(We must order shirts before July 1. If we receive your registration after this date, we cannot guarantee your child will receive a camp shirt.)
Please list any special needs your student has or accommodations your student needs:
Grade groups are sometimes divided into small groups. Is there a friend you would like assigned to
your group? We will try to accommodate requests.
How did you hear about this year’s Theatre Camp (select all that apply)?
Facebook Friends / Family Snail Mail E-Mail
Poster (where?
) Other:
Registrations postmarked on or before May 15 will be billed an additional $195 ($225 total camp fee).
Registrations postmarked after May 15 will be billed an additional $245 ($275 total).
Admittance is subject to availability. Bill balances will be paid at check-in on the first day of camp (in
front of the Psalm Performing Arts Center).
Checks are to be made payable to Corban University and mailed to:
Corban Theatre Camp | 5000 Deer Park Dr. SE | Salem, OR 97317-9392