1 Initials_____ ______
NCAA Hotel Room Block
Letter of Agreement
Hotel Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________
Total number of rooms in the Hotel: ___________________________________________________
Hotel’s AAA rating (and date of rating): ________________________________________________
Distance from Hotel to Competition Venue (in miles): ______________________________________
Re: 2025 DI Men’s Basketball National Invitation Tournament
Hotel Room Block Agreement
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (“NCAA”) and Anthony Travel, Inc. ("Anthony Travel")
would like to thank the (“Hotel”) for Hotel’s commitment to servicing the 2025 DI Men’s Basketball
National Invitation Tournament (the “Event”) and the following to be known herein as “guest(s):
Headquarter, NCAA Staff, Officials, Teams. This will confirm our room block arrangements for the
Event as specified below.
Anthony Travel is recognized as the travel agency on record and shall service the contract on behalf of the
NCAA. NCAA grants Anthony Travel the authority to execute on the details of this contract on its
NCAA Responsible Party
Contact Organization: The National Collegiate Athletic Association
Address: 700 W. Washington Street, PO Box 6222
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
Phone: 317-917-6222
Fax: 317-917-6888
Anthony Travel Agency on Record
Contact Organization: Anthony Travel, Inc. (IATA # 45657010)
Contact Name: Adam McGee
Address: 7920 Belt Line Road, Suite 1010
Dallas, TX 75254
Phone: 214-712-5268
2 Initials______ ______
Event ID/Name: 2025 DI Men’s Basketball National Invitation Tournament
Game dates: April 2 and 4, 2025 (semi-finals and finals)
Team & Committee Room Block Dates: Sunday, March 30 – Friday, April 3, 2025
Room Type
The Hotel agrees to hold room block for assignment by the NCAA as indicated. All rooms being held
must be non-smoking. (Please fill out the grid below with your proposed room block).
Room Type
Band and Spirit Squad Room Block Dates: Sunday, March 30 Friday, April 3, 2025
Room Type
The Hotel agrees to hold room block for assignment by the NCAA as indicated. All rooms being held
must be non-smoking. (Please fill out the grid below with your proposed room block).
Room Type
3 Initials______ ______
1. Room Rates and Commission Payments:
The below rates are based on all non-smoking standard room types for single through max
occupancy, per room, per night, and are subject to total taxes (room, sales, occupancy, and other).
2025 Room Rate ____________ Tax Rate: ____________
The below rates are based on all non-smoking suite room types for single through max occupancy,
per room, per night, and are subject to total taxes (room, sales, occupancy, and other).
2025 Room Rate ____________ Tax Rate: ____________
The above rates are 10% commissionable on rate listed. All commissions are to be paid to Anthony
The above rates will be the only published and charged rate to the NCAA, Anthony Travel, host
university and the individual guests.
The Hotel agrees to not offer a rate lower than the contracted group rate to the general public
through any outlet, including internet, hotel directly, or 800#. This does not include corporate
rates, government/AAA rates, etc.
Further, if a lower rate is discovered as being offered during this timeframe, hotel agrees to
honor the lower rate for all existing and future Anthony Travel reservations associated with
this event over the group dates.
All commission and rebate due per the contract will be paid by check, payable to Anthony Travel
(and not through a third-party processor) to the address listed on the first page of this agreement,
within 14-30 days of group departure. After 30 days, the hotel agrees to pay an additional 1 and ½%
per month on any unpaid balances.
Any commission and/or rebate amounts not paid within 60 days of the group departure will be sent to
a collection agency. The Hotel will be responsible for any commission and/or rebate collection costs
incurred, including collection costs and fees, attorney fees and court costs. All fees associated with
collection are the responsibility of the hotel and all legal disputes will be settled in the state of
In the event the hotel accepts reservations for the Event, above the contracted number of rooms, the
hotel agrees to pay commission to Anthony Travel as defined in the contract on each of those room
nights utilized during the event. Commission should be applied to any rooms associated with the
event at the group rate.
2. Cut-off Date
The Cut-off Date shall be
HQ, Staff, & Officials: Tuesday, March 25, 2025, at 5:00PM local time.
Teams: Saturday, March 29, 2025, at 5:00PM local time.
Rooms will be held for the NCAA until this applicable Cut-off Date. The NCAA (or Anthony Travel
acting on its behalf) will have the option of reducing the room block up to 100% prior to this Cut-off
Date without penalty. At the Cut-off Date, Hotel shall offer NCAA the opportunity to guarantee
unreserved rooms. All unreserved rooms not guaranteed in writing at that time shall be released from
the Room Block by Hotel without charge to NCAA or Anthony Travel. All reservations requested
4 Initials______ ______
after the Cut-off Date or outside the Room Block must be confirmed by Hotel and will be accepted on
a space available basis at the group room rate.
Should event, or portions of the event, be cancelled, postponed or relocated by NCAA or the host
university, Anthony Travel, NCAA, host university and the individual guests will not be liable for
any penalties.
If the Event is an elimination tournament, as teams lose in the tournament, guests may choose to go
home and reduce their stay at the Hotel. The Hotel understands the nature of the tournament and
agrees to NOT charge any early departure fees to guests, the NCAA or Anthony Travel. The Hotel
will return any prepayment on said nights to the NCAA within 14 days of group departure. In
addition, the hotel agrees to not charge for any cancelled food and beverage due to elimination from
the tournament.
3. Complimentary Room Allotment
For every 45 room nights paid for on a cumulative basis, the NCAA is entitled to one (1)
complimentary room night. The NCAA shall have the option of assigning these complimentary
nights to guests or receiving the room rate of any remaining complimentary room night paid out with
commission to Anthony Travel. Any complimentary nights to be paid out will be invoiced by
Anthony Travel (with related commissions) post Event. Anthony Travel is responsible for
distribution to NCAA if applicable. Value for paid out complimentary nights is defined as the room
rate per night, excluding all taxes.
4. Concessions:
The following concessions will be offered at no additional charge to the NCAA or the guests:
a. Food & BeverageHotel to extend a 5% discount off banquet food & beverage for the
duration of the event.
b. Wirelesswireless internet access for all guests in their guest rooms, meeting space and the
lobby area will be provided complimentary.
c. ParkingHotel to extend six (6) complimentary valet parking passes to be utilized for the
duration of the event.
d. Audio VisualHotel to extend a 10% Audio-Visual discount for the duration of the event.
e. Staff Sleeping RoomsHotel to extend a 50% discount off the contracted group rate for four
(4) staff sleeping rooms for the duration of the event.
f. Porterage: Hotel will provide complimentary round-trip porterage for team arrival and
5. Space and Meeting Rooms
The Hotel shall provide the participating institution, on a complimentary basis, without charge and
with no food and beverage minimum, five (5) meeting rooms. Four of the five meeting rooms should
include a minimum of one section of a ballroom totaling no less than 2,000 sq. ft. The remaining
room must be no less than 1,200 sq. ft. each. These meeting rooms should be away from public areas,
connected to, or near one another, on the same floor, and in the primary building of the Hotel.
Set Up
# of
Minimum Space
Sunday - Friday
1,200 sq. ft.
Sunday - Thursday
Team 1
2,000 sq. ft
Sunday - Thursday
Team 2
2,000 sq. ft
Sunday - Thursday
Team 3
2,000 sq. ft
Sunday - Thursday
Team 4
2,000 sq. ft
5 Initials______ ______
As part of this contract, it is a requirement for the Hotel to identify below the meeting spaces reserved
for the institution, based on the parameters described above.
Meeting Room 1: _______________________________ Square Footage: _______________
Meeting Room 2: _______________________________ Square Footage: _______________
Meeting Room 3: _______________________________ Square Footage: _______________
Meeting Room 4: _______________________________ Square Footage: _______________
Meeting Room 5: _______________________________ Square Footage: _______________
Meeting Room 6: _______________________________ Square Footage: _______________
Meeting Room 7: _______________________________ Square Footage: _______________
Meeting Room 8: _______________________________ Square Footage: _______________
Meeting Room 9: _______________________________ Square Footage: _______________
Meeting rooms must be held on a 24-hour hold from the time the institution arrives until it departs,
and each room should be equipped with complimentary high-speed internet.
Should the team(s) establish meal functions with the hotel and the team(s) is eliminated from the
tournament, the hotel agrees not to charge the team for any cancelled functions due to elimination
from the tournament.
The Hotel agrees that during the NCAA championships weekend, it shall not knowingly permit
individuals, organizations or corporations (e.g., beer or tobacco companies) to hold meetings,
seminars or hospitality rooms that conflict with the NCAA, its principles or purposes or are direct
competitors of the NCAA’s marketing and corporate champions or partners. Any potential such
conflicts should be timely presented for review to and approval by the NCAA prior to contracting
with the individuals, organizations or corporations.
If desired, information kiosks may be staffed at the Hotel by the local organizing committee to
provide information to the participants and spectators in attendance.
6. Information Security
a. PCI Compliance. Hotel represents and warrants that it complies, and will remain in
compliance, in all applicable respects and at all times, with the Payment Card Industry
Data Security Standards (“PCI DSS”), as the same may be amended or updated from time
to time. Additionally, Hotel will provide compliance certificates and required
documentation upon written request by NCAA or Anthony Travel, Hotel will remain
aware at all time of changes to the PCI DSS and promptly implement all procedures and
practices as may be necessary to remain in compliance with the PCI DSS, in each case, at
Hotel’s sole cost and expense. Without limiting the foregoing, Hotel acknowledges and
agrees that (i) it is solely responsible for the security of all credit card information and
data that it collects, accesses, uses, stores, processes, accepts, transmits, discloses, and/or
disposes of under, or pursuant to, the Agreement; and (ii) it will timely perform all
assessments, complete all questionnaires/testing/scanning, and submit all documentation
prescribed by the PCI DSS.
Sunday - Thursday
Team 1
1,200 sq. ft
Sunday - Thursday
Team 2
1,200 sq. ft
Sunday - Thursday
Team 3
1,200 sq. ft
Sunday - Thursday
Team 4
1,200 sq. ft
6 Initials______ ______
b. Data Security. Hotel represents and warrants that its collection, access, use, storage,
disposal and disclosure of Personal Information (as defined herein) does and will comply
with all applicable federal, state, and local privacy and data protection laws, as well as all
other applicable regulations and directives. Without limiting the foregoing, Hotel will
implement administrative, physical and technical safeguards to protect Personal
Information that are no less rigorous than accepted industry practices, and will ensure that
all such safeguards, including the way Personal Information is collected, accessed, used,
stored, processed, disposed of and disclosed, comply with applicable data protection and
privacy laws, as well as the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Hotel is not
authorized to share or sell any customer data with any 3
party without prior written
consent from NCAA or Anthony Travel.
c. Personal Information. For purposes of this Agreement, “Personal Information” means
information provided to Hotel by or at the direction of a Hotel customer or client, or to
which access was provided to Hotel by or at the direction of a Hotel customer or client, in
the course of Hotel’s performance of services under this Agreement that: (i) identifies or
can be used to identify an individual (including, without limitation, names, signatures,
addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and other unique identifiers); or (ii) can
be used to authenticate an individual (including, without limitation, employee
identification numbers, government-issued identification numbers, passwords or PINs,
financial account numbers, credit report information, biometric or health data, answers to
security questions and other personal identifiers), in case of both subclauses (i) and (ii),
including, without limitation, all (a) individual’s government-issued identification
number (including social security number, driver’s license number or state-issued
identified number); (b) financial account number, credit card number, debit card number,
credit report information, with or without any required security code, access code,
personal identification number or password, that would permit access to an individual’s
financial account; or (c) biometric or health data.
d. Notification. Hotel will notify the NCAA and Anthony Travel and in writing of any
unlawful or unauthorized access to or use of, or any security breach relating to or
affecting PCI and PII possessed, received or derived by Hotel in connection with this
Agreement (an “Security Incident”) immediately following Hotel’s knowledge of the
Security Incident. Such notice will summarize in reasonable detail the timing and nature
of the Security Incident, the impact and the customers affected by such Security Incident
and the corrective action taken or proposed to be taken by Hotel. Hotel will notify the
NCAA and Anthony Travel as soon as reasonably practicable of receiving any request or
complaint related to any PII possessed, received or derived by Hotel in connection with
this Agreement. Hotel shall work together with the NCAA and Anthony Travel in good
faith in responding to, and dealing with, such requests or complaints. With respect to
requests regarding a Security Incident from any government entity or other regulatory
authority (a “Government Request”), Hotel will cooperate fully in connection with any
effort by the NCAA and Anthony Travel to intervene and quash or limit such requests or
respond to the applicable governmental authority in connection with such Government
Request. Hotel agrees to only disclose the minimum amount of PCI and PII necessary to
comply with a Government Request or other law or judicial process. If Hotel experiences
a Security Incident, it shall keep the NCAA and Anthony Travel apprised of and
cooperate reasonably with the NCAA and Anthony Travel in connection with any
regulatory or government authority’s investigation of any Security Incident, and in all
other reasonable and lawful efforts to prevent, mitigate or rectify such Security Incident.
In addition, Hotel will consult with the NCAA and Anthony Travel regarding activities
related to the investigation of, response to and remediation of a Security Incident
7 Initials______ ______
including forensic investigations, breach notification, establishment and operation of toll-
free phone support for affected individuals, provision of credit protection services and
identity theft insurances for affected individuals, cooperation with regulatory authorities
and management and response to litigation and other legal or regulatory actions; provided
that Hotel will remain responsible for all costs, charges, fees and expenses incurred in
connection with such Security Incident, including engaging attorneys and the payment of
fines, settlements and damages, and will reimburse the NCAA and/or Anthony Travel (as
applicable) for its reasonable costs, charges, fees and expenses incurred in connection
with any remediation efforts of the Security Incident.
e. Additional Indemnification. Without limiting any of Hotel’s other indemnification
obligations outlined herein, Hotel shall be responsible for, and shall indemnify fully,
defend and hold harmless the NCAA and Anthony Travel, its parents and affiliates, and
each entity’s officers, agents, employees and each of the NCAA member institutions,
from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liabilities or damages,
including legal costs and attorneys’ fees, arising out of or resulting from Hotel’s failure to
comply with any of its obligations under this Section, including any actual or alleged
improper or unlawful access to, or breach of, a customer’s Personal Information.
7. Signage
The NCAA shall inform the Hotel of the appropriate NCAA signage that will need to be displayed in
the Hotel during the Event at no additional charge to the NCAA. In addition, the NCAA shall have
the right to approve all related signage at the Hotel during the room block dates.
8. Alcoholic Beverages
If alcoholic beverages are to be served in the Hotel’s public space (excluding the NCAA suites and
other space), the NCAA understands that the Hotel may require that the beverages be dispensed only
by the Hotel’s servers. The NCAA agrees to the Hotel’s policies regarding proper identification of
any person of questionable age or refusal of service to any person who, in the Hotel’s judgment,
appears intoxicated. The Hotel represents and warrants that it has obtained all necessary liquor
licenses and/or permits related to the service of alcoholic beverages, and is in compliance with all
applicable local, state and federal laws related to same.
9. Merchandising
The Hotel agrees that the NCAA or its designees shall have the exclusive right to sell products
licensed by the NCAA for merchandising at the Hotel (inside and outside the premises controlled by
the Hotel). The Hotel agrees to provide at no charge to the NCAA adequate space in its lobby for
such sales. The NCAA guarantees that the merchandise shall be displayed in a neat, professional
manner. This does not preclude the Hotel’s gift shop from offering non-NCAA branded merchandise
for sale.
Additional merchandising and payment terms, if any, must be negotiated between the Hotel and the
NCAA’s merchandising agent.
If it deems appropriate, the NCAA will provide apparel for the Hotel staff, primarily the front office
staff, to wear during the Event. If the Hotel is not in the position to approve the NCAA providing
merchandise to its staff, then no other organization shall be provided a similar privilege.
10. Shipping and Handling
If it is necessary for materials to be shipped to the Hotel, each item must be packed properly and
marked with (a) the guest/organization name and contact; (b) date of the function, and (c) name of the
Hotel contact. The Hotel reserves the right to refuse to accept packages that appear damaged. The
8 Initials______ ______
Hotel assumes liability for packages that are received by the Hotel and are then misplaced prior to
being accepted by the guest. The Hotel will not accept responsibility for materials delivered to the
Hotel prior to 14 days before the Event.
The Hotel will receive, and store shipped materials and boxes at no additional charge to the NCAA or
11. Reservations
Block reservation method:
- Rooming List: NCAA or Host will make reservations directly with the Hotel via rooming list.
- Rooming List: Universities will make reservations directly with the Hotel via rooming list
upon qualifying for the event.
At Anthony Travel or NCAA’s request, the Hotel will provide its in-house groups list. Any
participating teams or individuals associated with the championship, but not booked within NCAA’s
room block will receive the terms and conditions outlined within this agreement and will also be
credited to NCAA’s room block pick-up.
Hotel will guarantee reservations made by NCAA (or Anthony Travel acting on its behalf) or
participating teams and/or individuals and hold all accommodations for guests’ arrival, unless
released by the NCAA (or Anthony Travel acting on its behalf) under the terms hereunder.
The NCAA (or Anthony Travel acting on its behalf) or participating teams and/or individuals may
add reservations into the block on or prior to the Cut-off Date and may change and substitute guest
names in reservations at any time. After the Cut-Off Date, additional room reservations will be
accepted by the Hotel based on a space available basis at the contracted room rate. Individual room
cancellations and changes will be accepted by the Hotel, without charge to the guest or NCAA or
Anthony Travel, up to 8:00 am day of arrival.
12. Room Availability and Relocation
Upon individual and/or group reservation hereunder, Hotel shall provide the applicable guest rooms
within the above room block on the applicable dates listed herein, in accordance with the terms of this
Should the block be oversold, the Hotel will honor all reservations made by the NCAA, Anthony
Travel and guests first and will not relocate NCAA guests.
In the unlikely event that relocation becomes necessary, the following rules shall apply: If Hotel does
not honor a confirmed guest reservation, Hotel shall immediately notify Anthony Travel of relocation
and provide, at Hotel’s expense and at no charge to guest, NCAA or Anthony Travel: (i)
complimentary room accommodations of equal or better quality at a hotel as near to Hotel as possible
for each night accommodations are unavailable, (ii) complimentary long distance telephone calls for
the guest to notify family and others of his or her location for each day of stay outside of Hotel, (iii)
complimentary automobile transportation between Hotel and such other hotel as needed by the guest.
If a room at Hotel becomes available for any night during the guest’s reservations, Hotel shall, at
Hotel’s expense, relocate the guest by automobile to Hotel, except that if the guest does not want to
relocate to Hotel from such other hotel, then the guest may continue to stay at the other hotel. Hotel
shall notify Anthony Travel in writing whenever a reservation for a guest is not honored in Hotel.
9 Initials______ ______
Failure to honor a guest's reservation shall be a breach of this Agreement and the above shall not limit
any of the NCAA’s rights or remedies in the event of such a breach. Commission will still be due and
payable on all relocated rooms.
13. Rates; Check-in/Check-out
Rates (including commission payments on the rates as defined within) are in effect for the period
starting three (3) nights prior to the first night of the Room Block and ending three (3) nights after the
last night of the Room Block.
14. Billing Arrangements
Payment of rooms is the responsibility of the NCAA, Host or Local Organizing Committee. Method
of payment will be established by the contracted cut-off date.
The Hotel shall establish a master account for the NCAA and/or guests (i.e., Host or Local
Organizing Committee) as requested, subject to successful completion of Hotel’s credit application.
The established room block may contain reservations that are individual pays own and should not be
routed to the master account. The Hotel is authorized to deduct comps from the NCAA master
account; however, commissions should not be deducted. Any guest setting up a master account for the
sub-block of rooms will be managed by that guest and not NCAA or Anthony Travel, Inc. All charges
that are not in dispute will be paid within 45 days after receipt of a proper statement and backup
materials from the Hotel.
Payment of rooms is the responsibility of the team or institution. Each team/institution is responsible
for their own room, tax and incidental charges. Method of payment will be established with each
team/institution at the time of reservation in the NCAA Team Block.
The Hotel shall establish a master account for the team(s) or institution(s) as requested. The Hotel is
authorized to deduct comps from the NCAA master account; however, commissions should not be
deducted. All charges that are not in dispute will be paid within 45 days after receipt of a proper
statement and backup materials from the Hotel.
15. Group Actuals
Hotel will provide Anthony Travel with actuals and a final summary of all rooms actualized within 3
business days of group departure. Hotel will receive commission invoice within 21 business days of
group departure.
16. Standards
Hotel shall keep its premises clean, well maintained and attractive. Hotel shall always offer courteous
and professional service to guests. Hotel shall handle any complaints of guests expeditiously and
shall immediately notify the NCAA or Anthony Travel of any problems, difficulties, or complaints
with or by a guest. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Hotel shall provide the
appropriate levels of staff including, but not limited to, front desk representatives, luggage handlers,
doormen, and valet service, as necessary to service guests and to handle check-ins and check-outs.
Hotel acknowledges that high volume check-in and check-out periods may require more-than-normal
staffing and personnel for such purpose. Hotel shall ensure that guests are afforded all amenities and
services that are afforded to other guests in the Hotel occupying similar rooms.
17. Hotel Changes and Impossibility
10 Initials______ ______
If there is construction or remodeling at Hotel or any changes which may materially and adversely
affect the accommodations or services of Hotel or the guest experience or if there is a change in
brand, ownership or management of Hotel, or reduction in the hotel’s AAA rating from the time the
hotel was initially selected, the NCAA (or Anthony Travel acting on its behalf) may, at their option,
cancel any or all reservations without liability.
In the event the Hotel is destroyed or damaged to such an extent that the NCAA’s requirements may
not be adequately accommodated and said damage or destruction is caused by an instrumentality,
other than an act of God or the active fault of the NCAA or its’ agents, the Hotel shall indemnify the
NCAA for all costs reasonably incurred by the NCAA or participating institution in relocating to
another Hotel.
Notwithstanding the preceding paragraphs in this Paragraph 17, the NCAA may, at its sole discretion,
upon written notice to the Hotel, cancel this agreement at any time.
18. Indemnity
The Hotel and NCAA and Anthony Travel, shall each defend, indemnify and hold each other, and
their related, affiliated and subsidiary companies and the officers, directors, members, agents,
employees and assigns of each of the foregoing, harmless from and against any and all claims,
demands, suits, judgments, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses of any nature whatsoever (including
attorneys’ fees and costs) arising directly or indirectly from or out of the rooms and other services
provided by the other, the guests’ occupancy of the rooms or use of such other services, any willful
negligent act or omission of the other or its officers, directors, members, agents, employees,
contractors, subcontractors, or assigns or any other failure of the other to comply with the obligations
on its part to be performed hereunder.
19. Insurance
Hotel shall maintain the following:
a. Occurrence basis commercial general liability insurance (including broad form contractual
coverage) with minimum limits of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) combined single limit
per occurrence, protecting Hotel, the NCAA and Anthony Travel from claims from bodily
injury (including death), personal injury and property damage which may arise from or in
connection with Hotel, the performance of any services pursuant to or in relation to this
Agreement or from or out of any act or omission of Hotel, is affiliates, or the officers, directors,
agents or employees or assigns of either and naming the NCAA and Anthony Travel, and their
related, affiliated and subsidiary companies and their employees, officers, directors and agents
as additional insureds; and
b. Workers’ Compensation Insurance as required by applicable law and Employer’s Liability
Insurance with minimum limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.
c. Cyber/privacy liability insurance with limits of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000)
for each occurrence covering claims involving privacy violations, information theft, damage to
or destruction of electronic information, intentional and/or unintentional release of private
information, alteration of electronic information, and network security.
d. All such insurance required in paragraphs a) through c) above shall provide that the coverage
thereunder may not be reduced or canceled unless thirty (30) days prior written notice thereof is
furnished to NCAA (or Anthony Travel acting on its behalf), shall be primary and not
contributory and shall be written by companies with a Best Guide rating of “A-VII” or better.
Certificates of Insurance (and copies of all policies, if required by the NCAA) shall be
11 Initials______ ______
furnished to NCAA (or to Anthony Travel acting on its behalf) upon signature of this
20. Mediation and Arbitration
The parties agree that any disputes arising hereunder that the parties cannot resolve between themselves
shall be addressed in the following manner:
a. First, the parties shall engage the services of a mediator through the American Arbitration
Association or as otherwise agreed by the parties. The parties shall share the cost of the
mediation equally. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the mediation shall be in Indianapolis,
Indiana at a time reasonably agreeable to both parties. Both parties may be represented at such
mediation by attorneys, and each side shall have a member of senior management present with
full authority to bind said party to any resolution that may be mediated.
b. Second, in the event mediation fails, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this
Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the
Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the
award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
Unless the parties agree otherwise, the arbitration hearing shall be held in Indianapolis, Indiana.
21. Entire Agreement: Waiver and Modification; Captions
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter of
this Agreement and supersedes all previous agreement between the parties, whether written or oral,
with respect to such subject matter.
No waiver or modification of this Agreement, or of any provision herein contained, shall be valid
unless in writing and duly executed by the party to be charged therewith. Paragraph headings used
throughout this Agreement are for reference and convenience only and in no-way define, limit,
describe or affect the provisions of this Agreement.
22. Confidentiality
The parties agree to keep the rates and other terms and provisions of this Agreement confidential and
may not disclose such information to any other party, except that the NCAA may provide a copy of
the Agreement to any active member institution directly affected by the Agreement.
23. Americans with Disabilities Act
The Hotel shall be responsible for complying with the public accommodation requirements of the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including: (1) the “readily achievable” removal of physical
barriers to access the meeting rooms (e.g., speakers’ platform, public address systems, etc.), sleeping
rooms and public spaces (e.g., restaurants, restrooms and public telephones); (2) the provision of
auxiliary aids and services when necessary to ensure that no disabled individual is treated differently
by the Hotel than other individuals (e.g., Braille room service menus or reader, etc.), and (3) the
modification of Hotel policies, practices and procedures applicable to all guests and/or groups as
necessary to provide goods and services to disabled individuals (e.g., emergency procedures and
policies of holding accessible rooms for hearing and mobility impaired, disabled individuals until all
remaining rooms are occupied). All extraordinary costs for special auxiliary aids requested by the
NCAA/participating institution shall be borne by the NCAA/participating institution, provided the
Hotel notifies the NCAA/participating institution in advance in writing.
a. The NCAA/participating institution shall be responsible for complying with the following
ADA public accommodation requirements: (1) the “readily achievable” removal of physical
barriers within the meeting rooms utilized by the NCAA/participating institution which the
12 Initials______ ______
NCAA/participating institution would otherwise create (e.g., set-up of exhibits in an
accessible manner) and not controlled or mandated by the Hotel; (2) the provision of
auxiliary aids and services when necessary to ensure effective communication of the
NCAA/participating institution’s program to disabled participants (e.g., Braille or enlarged
print handouts, interpreter or simultaneous videotext display, etc.), and (3) modification of
the NCAA/participating institution’s policies, practices and procedures applicable to
participants, as required to enable disabled individuals to participate equally in the program.
b. The NCAA/participating institution shall attempt to identify, in advance, any special needs of
its disabled attendees/guests requiring accommodations by the Hotel and will notify the Hotel
of such needs for accommodations, as soon as they are identified to the NCAA/participating
institution. Whenever possible, the NCAA/participating institution shall copy the Hotel on
correspondence with attendees who request special needs as specified by ADA policy. The
Hotel shall notify the NCAA/participating institution in writing of requests for
accommodations, which may be received outside of the NCAA/participating institution’s
reservation program, to facilitate the NCAA/participating institution’s obligations as required
by ADA.
24. Federal/State/Local Laws
Hotel acknowledges and agrees that it follows all applicable federal, state and local laws, including
health and safety and, alcoholic beverage control laws, etc., and ensures continued compliance with
same during the term of this Agreement.
25. Nonobservance of Agreement
If either the NCAA or the Hotel fails to perform any of the terms or conditions specified and such
failure or breach shall not be cured within 10 days after giving the written notice thereof, or within 24
hours after giving notice during the Event, the other party shall have the right to terminate the
Agreement, without prejudice to the right to compensation for loss or damages sustained.
26. Assignment
Except as expressly set forth herein, this Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred in whole or in
part by either party without the written consent of the other. The Hotel understands and agrees
that the NCAA will assign portions of the block to selected individuals and groups, and agrees
that, upon each such assignment, the NCAA shall cease to be responsible for each such
27. Force Majeure
The performance of the Hotel contract is subject to termination without liability upon the occurrence
of any circumstance beyond the control of the NCAA or the Hotel, such as acts of God, war,
epidemics or pandemics, government regulations, disaster, strikes (except those involving the
employees or agents of the NCAA or Hotel), civil disorder or curtailment of the transportation
facilities, to the extent that such circumstance makes it illegal or impossible to provide or use the
Hotel. The ability to terminate the Hotel contract, without liability pursuant to this paragraph, is
conditioned upon delivery of written notice to the other party setting forth the basis for such
termination as soon as reasonably practical but, in no event longer than 10 days after learning of such
If a Force Majeure Event occurs, either party may cancel the event / reservation and terminate this
agreement by giving the other party prompt written notice. If the agreement is terminated pursuant to
this provision, any pre-paid deposits will be returned within thirty (30) days of the termination. A
“Force Majeure Event” shall mean an event or circumstance that is beyond the reasonable control and
without the fault or negligence of the Party impacted, and that could not have been prevented by the
13 Initials______ ______
reasonable diligence of the party. Without in any way limiting the foregoing and in addition to the
above paragraph, a Force Majeure Event may include, but are not restricted to (a) acts of God or of a
public enemy, (b) acts of the Government in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, (c) fires, (d)
floods, (e) epidemics or pandemics, (f) quarantine restrictions, (g) strikes, (h) freight embargoes and
(i) unusually severe weather.
28. Bankruptcy
If the NCAA or the Hotel shall make a voluntary or involuntary assignment for the benefit of
creditors or enter bankruptcy proceedings, become insolvent or subject to foreclosure, or take any
other action for the benefit of creditors or relief of debtors prior to the Event, the other party shall
have the right to cancel the Agreement without liability upon written notice to the other party.
29. Changes/Additions/Stipulations/Lining Out
Any changes, additions, stipulations or corrective lining out by either the NCAA or the Hotel will not
be binding until such additions, clauses or stipulations have been approved in writing (email is
sufficient) by the other party.
30. No Offer
Submission of this letter by one party to the other does not constitute an offer. Accordingly, unless
and until this letter is executed and delivered by both parties hereto, submission of this letter by one
party to the other, along with any communications or correspondence between the parties in
connection therewith, is intended only as non-binding discussions, and either party shall have the
absolute right to withdraw from such discussion without any liability whatsoever to the other party.
Please indicate your agreement by signing in the space provided below and return.
14 Initials______ ______
Name of Hotel: ____________________________________________________________
By (Signature): ____________________________________________________________
Printed Name: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________
Title: ____________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________
This portion will be completed and signed by the NCAA if the site is selected to host the 2025 DI Men’s
Basketball National Invitation Tournament.
Date: ____________________________________________________________
By (Signature): ____________________________________________________________
Printed Name: ____________________________________________________________
Title: ____________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________