Office of Recruitment and Admissions Graduate Studies
2800 Victory Boulevard Staten Island, NY 10314
Building 2A, Room 103
T 718.982.2019 F 718.982.2500
Official t
ranscripts are required for each college or university that you have ever attended. This form is provided to assist
you in requesting your transcripts. Feel free to duplicate it if you need additional copies. Please complete this form and
submit it to the appropriate department at your previous school. Additional forms and/or a fee may be required by your
TO: Registrar/Student Records Officer/Controller of Examinations
Name of colleg
City State Zip Code
Country (if
outside of the U.S.)
Name of studen
t Other name used while in attendance
Address Student ID#
City State Zip Code Dates of attendance
Date of graduation
Please be i
nformed that I have applied for admission to the College of Staten Island of the City University of New York
(CUNY) as a graduate student. In order to complete my application, I am required to submit an official transcript from
your institution. Please forward my transcripts to the address listed above attention graduate admissions.
Thank you for your assistance
Signature Date
Revised 9/25/13
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