USDA Table of Cooking Yields for Meat
and Poultry
Prepared by
Bethany A. Showell, Juhi R. Williams, Marybeth Duvall,
Juliette C. Howe, Kristine Y. Patterson, Janet M. Roseland,
and Joanne M. Holden
Nutrient Data Laboratory
Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center
Agricultural Research Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
December 2012
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center
Nutrient Data Laboratory
10300 Baltimore Avenue
Building 005, Room 107, BARC-West
Beltsville, Maryland 20705
Tel. 301-504-0630, FAX: 301-504-0632
Web site:
Table of Contents
Suggested Citation ................................................................................................... i
Introduction ..............................................................................................................1
Sources of New Data ...............................................................................................3
Ground Beef Study ......................................................................................3
Beef, Selected Cuts, 1/8 inch External Trim Fat Study ...............................5
Beef Value Cuts Study .................................................................................7
Beef Nutrient Database Improvement Study ...............................................7
Alternate Red Meats Study ........................................................................10
Natural Fresh Pork Study ...........................................................................11
Cured Ham Study .......................................................................................13
Enhanced Pork Study .................................................................................14
Pork Value Cuts Study ...............................................................................14
Ground Pork Study ....................................................................................16
Pork Loin Study .........................................................................................17
Variety Meats Study ..................................................................................19
Pork Sausage Study....................................................................................21
Turkey Sausage Study ................................................................................22
Format of Table ......................................................................................................23
Glossary of Terms .................................................................................................24
References ..............................................................................................................26
USDA Cooking Yield Data for Meat and Poultry .................................................27
The authors wish to thank QuynhAnh Nguyen, Caitlin Fields, and Phuong Tan Dang for
their assistance with data processing.
Suggested Citation
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2012. USDA Table of
Cooking Yields for Meat and Poultry. Nutrient Data Laboratory Home Page:
USDA Table of Cooking Yields for Meat and Poultry
1. Introduction
Background and Justification: USDA cooking yields and retention factors are
important because they serve as a major resource for U.S. and international food
composition databases. Most public and private sector databases apply cooking yields to
nutrient values as part of the nutrient calculation process where analytical data for cooked
foods are unavailable. Composition data are needed for the nutrient value for both the
uncooked and cooked forms of foods, but nutrient data for cooked foods are generally not
available. Therefore, nutrient composition of a cooked food may be calculated from the
uncooked food by applying cooking yield factors to these data to reflect changes in food
weights resulting from moisture and fat losses during cooking.
The Nutrient Data Laboratory (NDL) applies cooking yields and/or nutrient retention
factors to food formulations and recipes to convert nutrient values for uncooked foods or
ingredients into values for cooked foods. Those values are entered into the USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR). The Food Surveys Research
Group uses select cooking yields for foods in the USDA Food and Nutrient Database for
Dietary Studies (FNDDS). Other Federal agencies use the factors to develop nutrient
estimates for foods. Cooking yields describe changes in food weight due to moisture loss
(e.g., evaporation or moisture drip), water absorption (e.g., boiling) or fat gains/losses
during food preparation and cooking. As food and food preparation methods change over
time, it is essential to review and update existing data and acquire new data as needed.
The USDA Table of Cooking Yields for Meat and Poultry was developed with the focus
on meats and poultry since most of these products are cooked during the preparation
process, resulting in changes in yields. These data, derived from NDL studies, will have
benefits for researchers, scientists, nutrition professionals, industry officials, and
consumers, such as:
Valuable information regarding the impact of cooking methods, meat type, and fat
content on total cooking yield as well as moisture and fat gain or loss;
Applicable data for developing nutrient estimates for meats;
A practical resource for making decisions regarding food plans and food
preparation, e.g., where maximizing cooking yields is a desired outcome.
History: Since 1950, the USDA Agriculture Handbook No. 102 Food Yields (AH-102)
has been referenced for use by food service operations, the food industry, database
compilers, and university health professionals seeking cooking yield data. AH-102 has
been in need of review and revision because limited research has been conducted in this
area in recent years. In the past, these data were available in hard copy form. New data
processing capabilities in the Nutrient Data Bank System enabled calculation of yields
and moisture/fat changes using data for weight changes and nutrient records and provided
the mechanism for dissemination of these data in electronic format.
To prepare the USDA Table of Cooking Yields for Meat and Poultry, a series of steps
were involved. First, the data in AH-102 were applied to food nutrient values and weight
updates in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Then, yield
data from AH-102 were reviewed, revised and assimilated. Revisions included changes
in some food descriptions, categorization of preparation methods, and incorporation of
updated data for % yield, % moisture change and % fat change. New fields such as food
identifiers and statistical information were added. Some of the new data came from
moisture and weight change determinations made on various foods in NDL’s food
preparation laboratory. In addition, contract analyses were performed at the University of
Wisconsin and Texas Tech University on several meat and poultry products.
The data in the USDA Table of Cooking Yields for Meat and Poultry include results from
the following research studies described within this report:
Ground Beef Study
Beef, Selected Cuts, 1/8 inch External Trim Fat Study
Beef Value Cuts Study
Beef Nutrient Database Improvement Study
Alternate Red Meats Study
Natural Fresh Pork Study
Cured Ham Study
Enhanced Pork Study
Pork Value Cuts Study
Ground Pork Study
Pork Loin Study
Variety Meats Study
Pork Sausage Study
Turkey Sausage Study
The USDA Table of Cooking Yields is being released in PDF and MS Excel formats on
the Nutrient Data Laboratory web site at
Equations and Definitions
N is a Nutrient value (could be either lean or lean + fat)
W is a W
First subscript identifies if it is from the c
ooked or raw sample
Second subscript identifies if it is the h
ot cooked weight or raw weight
Nc = Nutrient content of cooked sample (lean or edible
Nr = Nutrient content of raw sample (lean or edible portion)
Wch = Weight of c
ooked sample while hot
Wcr = Weight of raw sample to be cooked
Ec = E
dible portion cooked weight
Er = E
dible portion raw weight
The equation for calculating cooking yield is:
Yield (%) = 100 x (Wch / Wcr)
The cooked sample’s raw weight (Wcr) is recorded before cooking. The cooked
sample’s hot cooked weight (Wch) is recorded after the sample has been cooked
(while sample is hot, after a very brief specified resting time) using the specified
cooking method.
In addition to calculating the cooking yield, the % Moisture Change and %
Fat Change are calculated. The equation used for calculating % Moisture
Change is:
Moisture change (%) = 100 x ((Nc x Ec) – (Nr x Er)) / Wcr
The equation used for % Fat Change is the same as above, except that fat values are
substituted for water values. This percent change for moisture or fat could be positive or
negative, indicating a gain or loss, respectively.
This information was entered and processed through the National Data Bank System
(NDBS). NDL used these data to develop the USDA Table of Cooking Yields for Meat
and Poultry.
2. Sources of new data
Selection of specific cuts for the studies described below was based on recommendations
from market share data, key foods (Haytowitz, Pehrsson, & Holden, 2002), and
recommendations from experts in the meat industry.
Ground Beef Study
The USDA, in collaboration with America’s Beef Producers and the University of
Wisconsin, undertook a study to update the nutrient composition data for ground beef
products in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR).
According to Federal regulations, ground beef has no added water, phosphates, binders,
or extenders, and shall not contain more than 30 percent fat (USDA, FSIS, Code of
Federal Regulations, 2003). Ground beef is available at retail in multiple forms, varying
as to the ratios of % lean and % fat. In order to provide consumers and industry with the
nutrient composition information for this variable product, this study was designed to
establish the mathematical relationship between the various nutrients and the total fat
content of raw ground beef through regression techniques. The ultimate aim was to use
these relationships for predicting the nutrient composition for raw and prepared ground
: Ground beef samples for each of 3 fat categories (label declarations of <12%
fat, 12-22% fat, or >22% fat) were purchased from 24 retail outlets nationwide using the
sampling plan developed for the National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program
(Pehrsson, Haytowitz, Holden, Perry & Beckler, 2000). For this sampling plan, the
country was divided into 4 regions, with 3 consolidated metropolitan statistical areas
(CMSA) within each region. Two retail stores were selected within each CMSA.
Sample preparation: Ground beef products were analyzed in raw and cooked form:
broiled patties, pan-broiled patties, pan-browned crumbles and baked loaf. To achieve
uniform sizing for the broiled and pan-broiled patties, 112 grams of ground beef were
pressed into each patty mold.
Cooking Procedure: All ground beef patties were cooked to a final internal temperature
of 160°F/71°C. No fat was added during cooking. Broiling was done in a preheated
conventional oven for 8.7 minutes. Pan-broiled patties were broiled in a preheated West
Bend electric skillet for 11.75 minutes. Patties were cut in half to evaluate degree of
doneness based on color. Ground beef crumbles were cooked in a preheated West Bend
electric skillet for 5.3 minutes and drained in a colander. The loaf was baked in a
conventional oven at 325°F/163°C for 41 minutes. After cooking, all samples were
placed in plastic bags which were vacuum sealed and stored at -24°C until
homogenization and analysis. Samples were weighed prior to and after cooking in order
to calculate cooking yields.
Nutrient Analysis
: Raw and cooked samples were prepared and chemically analyzed for
moisture and total fat. Quality assurance was monitored through the use of certified
reference materials, in-house controls, and random duplicate sampling. Moisture content
was determined using AOAC method 950.46 – Loss on Drying (Moisture in Meat). Fat
was analyzed using acid hydrolysis. The acid hydrolysis method extracts fat from the
sample by subjecting it to hydrochloric acid followed by extraction with mixed ethers.
The hydrochloric acid breaks fatty acids from the glycerides, glyco- and phospholipids
and sterol esters. Acid hydrolysis also breaks lipid-carbohydrate bonds, assists in the
hydrolyzing of proteins and polysaccharides, and disrupts cell walls. All of these
processes make the lipids available for complete extraction with mixed ethers; the ether is
evaporated and the extracted residue is weighed. With ground product, there is much
more opportunity for moisture and fat loss because of the product’s open and disrupted
texture. The change in nutrient content between raw and cooked products is used to
estimate moisture loss and fat loss during cooking.
Beef, Selected Cuts, 1/8 inch External Trim Fat Study
A collaborative study was conducted by USDA, America’s Beef Producers, and Texas
A&M University to determine the food and nutrient composition of 13 raw and cooked
retail cuts for inclusion in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Sampling and fabrication: Carcasses (n=20) were selected from two packing plants,
one in the Texas panhandle and the other in Nebraska. Ten USDA Choice and ten USDA
Select, yield grade 2 and 3 carcasses were selected for the study. These carcasses
represented the approximate distribution found in the U.S. beef supply according to the
National Quality Beef Audit – 1995 (Boleman et al., 1998). All carcasses were shipped
to Texas A&M University for fabrication of the following retail cuts: Arm Roast,
Bottom Round Roast, Bottom Round Steak, Brisket – Flat Half, Eye of Round Roast,
Flank Steak, Round Tip Roast, Small-end Rib Steak, Tenderloin Steak, Tri-tip Roast, Top
Loin Steak, Top Round Steak, and Top Sirloin Steak. Cuts were assigned randomly to
the following external fat trim levels: 0.0 cm (0 inch trim), 0.3 cm (1/8 inch trim), or 0.6
cm (1/4 inch trim). For 1/8 inch and ¼ inch fat trim samples, separable fat was removed
for analysis with a scalpel. One additional steak or roast per cut was assigned to a raw
treatment and trimmed to 0.3 cm. Three of the cuts (flank steak, round tip roast, and tri-
tip roast) had no external fat and were therefore assigned to the 0.0 cm group for both
preparations (raw and cooked). Dried surfaces, extending chine bones, minor muscles,
and muscle pieces were trimmed from all cuts. All cuts were vacuum packed
individually, labeled, and frozen at -23°C for further dissection and cooking. Additional
details on fabrication have been previously published (Wahrmund-Wyle, Harris, &
Savell, 2000).
Sample preparation: All cuts, both raw and cooked, were carefully dissected to
separate and weigh the various cut components. These components included separable
lean, external fat, seam fat, and waste such as bone and heavy (non-edible) connective
tissue. The separable lean included muscle, intramuscular fat, and connective tissue that
would be considered edible. Separable lean was placed in a Cuisinart® food processor
and homogenized for 35 seconds.
External fat was comprised of the fat on the outside of the cut. Seam fat included
intermuscular fat depots within the cut. Separable fat from all cuts were pooled to form
raw and cooked composites. Both external and seam fat were included in these
composites. As was done for the lean, the separable fat was homogenized in a
Cuisinart® food processor. Sample aliquots of separable lean and separable fat were
frozen at -10°C until analyses.
Cooking procedures:
Retail cuts destined for cooking were thawed overnight in a
cooler at 5°C, weighed, and cooked using standard protocols (Wahrmund-Wyle et al.,
2000) as follows: arm roast, bottom round steak, brisket were braised; bottom round
roast, eye of round roast, round tip roast, and tri-tip roast were roasted; flank steak, small-
end rib steak, tenderloin steak, top loin steak, top round steak, and top sirloin steak were
Braising - Cuts were browned for 4-8 minutes (time being size dependent) in a preheated
325°F/163°C Farberware Dutch Oven placed on top of a conventional range. After
browning, the cuts were covered with 90-180 ml distilled water, placed in a conventional
gas oven preheated at 325°F/163°C and simmered in a covered pan to an internal
temperature of 185°F/85°C.
Roasting - Cuts for roasting were placed on wire racks with the fat side up, when
possible, and cooked in a preheated conventional gas oven (325°F/163°C) to an internal
temperature of 140°F/60°C. For broiling, cuts were cooked on electric Farberware Open-
Hearth Broilers (model 350A) to an internal temperature of 149°F/65°C. The internal
temperature of each retail cut was monitored by inserting thermocouples into the
geometric center of the cut and recording the data on Honeywell recorders. Each cut was
weighed prior to and after cooking for calculation of cooking yield. After cooking and
being allowed to rest for a short time, cuts were weighed then wrapped in plastic wrap
and chilled (2-3°C) overnight (Jones, Savell, and Cross, 1992).
Nutrient analyses:
Individual samples, cooked and raw, were evaluated for separable
lean, external trim fat, seam fat, and waste (bone and heavy connective tissue). Cooking
yields were calculated from the initial (raw) and final cooked weights. Moisture and total
fat content were determined on individual samples of lean tissue and composites of the
separable fat. Quality assurance was monitored through the use of certified reference
materials, in-house controls, and random duplicate sampling. Moisture analysis was
performed using the oven-drying method 950.46 (AOAC, 2000). Samples were weighed
into pre-dried, pre-weighed crucibles and allowed to dry for 16-18 hours at 212°F/100°C
in an air oven. The samples then were cooled in a desiccator and weighed. Loss in
weight was reported as moisture. Lipid was extracted using a modified Folch et al.
(1957) method. Samples were homogenized with 20 ml chloroform: methanol (2:1)
solution in a 50 ml screw cap polypropylene tube. The homogenate was filtered through
a Buchner funnel with slight suction. The filter was rinsed with chloroform:methanol.
The filtrate was transferred back into the 50 ml tube, and 8 ml 0.74% KCl solution was
added. After separation, the upper phase was siphoned off and the lower phase was
transferred into pre-dried, pre-weighed beakers. The lower phase of the filtrate was
evaporated for 24-36 hours at room temperature in the hood and then dried at
212°F/100°C for 1.5 hours.
Beef Value Cuts Study
USDA, in collaboration with America’s Beef Producers and the University of Wisconsin,
conducted a study funded by the Beef Check-off Program to determine the nutrient
profile of the a line of cuts known in the beef industry as “Beef Value Cuts”, for inclusion
in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR). These single-
muscle roasts and steaks, introduced to the U.S. retail market in 2001-2002, were
fabricated from the outside round, knuckle, and chuck shoulder clod. These cuts were
marketed for their palatability and functionality. Furthermore, five of the six major cuts
met the USDA definition of lean or extra-lean. The cuts in the study consisted of Top
Blade Steak (Infraspinatus), Shoulder Top and Center Steaks (Triceps brachii), Shoulder
Tender (Teres major), Tip Center (Rectus femoris), Tip Side (Vastus lateralis), and
Bottom Round (Biceps femoris).
Sampling: Beef samples were obtained from an IBP (Tyson) plant near Sioux City,
Iowa, which obtains cattle from a large number of feedlots and has nationwide product
distribution. Twelve carcasses were identified by quality grade (upper choice, lower
choice, and select) with yield grades of 2 or 3. There was sufficient product from each
carcass to sample, prepare, and analyze five of the six cuts. However, the Teres major is
a very small muscle (weighing only ~16 oz per carcass), which would not provide a
sufficient amount for all analyses. Therefore, one 15-pound box of choice and one 15-
pound box of select Teres major muscles were purchased from the plant. The beef
samples were trimmed free of all external fat and heavy connective tissue. The denuded
muscles were then vacuum-packaged and stored at -29°C until preparation for analysis.
Sample Preparation: Samples were cut into 1-inch thick steaks and weighed. Steak
samples were paired, with one steak for raw analyses and the other to be cooked and
analyzed after cooking. Steaks were cooked by grilling over a preheated portable gas
grill. Steaks were turned when the internal temperature reached the midway point
between the starting temperature and the final internal temperature (including post-
cooking temperature rise) of 160°F/71°C. Steaks were placed on a wire rack for three
minutes and then weighed to obtain the cooked weight. Raw and cooked steaks were
stored at -29°C until nutrient analyses.
Nutrient analyses:
Samples were analyzed for moisture and fat content. Moisture and fat analyses have
been previously described in the Ground Beef Study section of this report. Cooking yield
calculations were based on initial (raw) and final cooked weights from all samples.
Beef Nutrient Database Improvement Study
A collaborative research study was undertaken by NDL with scientists at the National
Cattelemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), Colorado State University (CSU), Texas A & M
University (TAMU), and Texas Tech University (TTU) to update nutrient information in
the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR). This entailed
updating the food and nutrient composition for beef cuts currently in SR and adding new
cuts which had been introduced in the market place since the previous update. The first
phase of this study involved cuts from the chuck: Brisket, Mock Tender Steaks, Top
Blade Steaks, Boneless Shoulder Steaks, Shoulder Clod Roasts, Boneless Chuck Short
Ribs, Denver Steaks, Chuck Eye Steaks, Country Style Ribs, America’s Beef Roast,
Underblade Steaks and Roasts, and Beef for Stewing. The second phase of this study
involved cuts from the rib and plate: Back Ribs, Rib Eye Roast, Rib Eye Steak, Outside
Skirt, and Inside Skirt.
: Beef carcasses for the study were selected from six different major packing
plants, representing the different regions of the U.S. Each university was assigned two
different packing plants. The sampling plan was developed for 36 animals. In order to
get true retention and yield data, an A and a B side of the animal carcass was needed;
thus the total animal count came to 72. When selecting the carcasses, certain properties
were considered as part of the sampling plan protocol: quality grade (upper choice, lower
choice, select), yield grade (YG2, YG3), gender (steer or heifer), and genetics (dairy or
non-dairy). Each university was responsible for identifying and obtaining beef chuck, rib
and plate cuts that matched the sampling matrix. The university collaborators assessed
and recorded carcass data at the packing plants, properly identified each selected cut, and
shipped the products back to the respective meat laboratories. Products were fabricated
into the required retail cuts for this study within 14-21 days postmortem. Retail cuts were
properly identified, vacuum packaged and held frozen until cooking or dissection. The
retail product was cooked according to standard protocols developed for each cut.
Cooked and raw products were dissected; weights for each component (separable lean,
separable fat, and refuse) were obtained. Total weights for raw and cooked cuts (prior to
and after cooking, respectively) were obtained. Aliquots of the separate components
were then homogenized and composited according to a standard compositing plan. The
compositing plan was used to establish an effective and efficient statistical design for
nutrient analyses of the beef cuts. The plan consisted of four different compositing
levels: an animal level (36 animals) where all the samples were analyzed; a six composite
level; a three composite level; and a national composite level. This was done for both raw
and cooked samples. Different nutrients were analyzed at each composite level.
Sample preparation
: The various beef cuts were analyzed in raw and cooked form. The
following cooking methods were used: grilling, roasting, and oven-braising. Frozen raw
samples were tempered under refrigeration (0-4°C) for 24 to 48 hours until they reached a
defined starting temperature; the timing was based on the appropriate size and weight of
the cut. The appropriate temperatures and weights were recorded prior to cooking. The
thermocouple was placed in the geometric center or thickest portion of the meat piece.
The probe positioning did not affect the product’s contact with the cooking surface. For
small or thin beef cuts, the thermocouple was used periodically to check the internal
temperature of samples throughout the cooking process.
Cooking Procedures:
Grilling - The grill was preheated to 383°F/195°C. The beef samples were evenly
spaced in the center of the cooking grate. The grill lid was closed. Samples were removed
from the grill once an internal temperature of 158°F/70°C was obtained. Tongs or
spatulas were used to remove samples from the grill. Beef samples were allowed to stand
while monitoring the internal temperature rise until temperatures began to decline. The
point right before the temperature declined (the highest temperature reached) was
considered to be the final internal temperature of the cooked sample. The final internal
temperature and cooked weight (to nearest 0.1 gram) were recorded immediately. Beef
samples were then chilled uncovered in the refrigerator (2-4°C) for 24 ± 1 hr before
Roasting – The oven was preheated to 325°F/163°C. The beef samples were positioned
in the center of the rack in the roasting pan, no oil or water was added, and the pan was
not covered. The roasting pan with the beef sample was positioned on the oven rack in
center of oven and roasted to an internal temperature of 140°F/60°C. The beef samples
were removed from the oven. After resting 30 minutes at room temperature, the weight
of each sample was measured and recorded to the nearest 0.1 gram. The thermocouple
probe remained in place and samples were allowed to stand while monitoring the internal
temperature rise until temperatures began to decline. The point right before the
temperature declined (the highest temperature reached) was considered to be the final
internal temperature of the cooked sample. The beef samples were then chilled uncovered
in refrigeration (2-4° C) for 24 ± 1 hr before dissection.
Oven-Braising - The beef samples were placed in a preheated pan and were
“browned/seared”, turning as needed for even browning on all sides. The pan drippings
were poured off and the volume (mL) of drippings was measured. The thermocouple was
then applied in the geometric center or thickest portion of the meat piece. A small
amount of distilled, deionized water was added until the water reached one third of the
thickness of the meat. The liquid was held at a simmer. The pan was covered with a lid
and placed in the Dutch oven. The Dutch oven was then placed in a preheated 250°F/
120°C oven. The beef samples simmered and cooked until an internal temperature of
185°F/85°C was reached. The sample cuts were removed from the oven keeping the
thermocouple probe in place and were allowed to stand while monitoring the internal
temperature rise until temperatures began to decline. The point right before the
temperature declined (highest temperature reached) was considered the final internal
temperature of the cooked sample. The beef samples were removed from cooking liquid;
the cooking liquid yield and volume were documented. Sample weights were measured
(to the nearest 0.1 gram) 30 minutes after removal from heat. The beef samples were
then chilled uncovered in the refrigerator (2-4°C) for 24 ± 1 hour before dissection. For
back ribs that were also oven-braised, the “browned/seared” step was not performed.
Nutrient Analysis: Raw and cooked samples were prepared and chemically analyzed for
moisture and total fat. Quality assurance was monitored through the use of certified
reference materials, in-house controls, and random duplicate sampling. Total fat was
analyzed by acid hydrolysis. Two of the universities involved in this study used the
extraction method for total fat as cited in Folch et al. (1957) with some modifications. In
this method the extract is shaken and equilibrated with 1:4 volume of a saline solution,
which causes the mixture to partition into two layers. The lower phase is composed of
chloroform-methanol-water in the proportions 86:14:1 (by volume) and contains virtually
all of the lipids, while the upper phase consists of the same solvents in the proportions of
3:48:47 (by volume), respectively, and contains much of the non-lipid contaminants. A
qualified laboratory under contract to NDL determined total fat using a modification of
AOAC method 989.05: Fat in Milk, Modified Mojonnier, Acid Hydrolysis. In this
method, fat is extracted with a mixture of ethers from a known weight of the sample.
Ether extract is decanted into a pre-weighed dry weighing dish, and the ether is
evaporated. The extracted fat is dried to a constant weight. The result is expressed as %
fat by weight. Moisture was analyzed by forced air, a combination of AOAC methods
950.46 and 934.06. In this method the test sample is spread out over the base of a dish
and the test portion is dried containing about 2 grams of dry material for approximately
16 to 18 hours at 212-216°F (100-102°C) in an air oven. The sample is then cooled in a
desiccator and weighed. The loss in weight is reported as moisture in grams.
Alternate Red Meats (ARM) Study
During the 1990’s, alternate red meat sources such as farm-raised bison, elk, deer, emu
and ostrich became more available. Since nutrient data were limited for these products,
the USDA funded a research project at the University of Wisconsin called “Alternative
Red Meat: Marketing and Processing Improvement” (ARM). A significant project
objective was to determine the composition nutrient content of ARM meat products.
Nutrient data were released in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard
Reference (SR) in 2002. Also, sample weights before and after cooking were collected to
determine the cooking yield factors for these unique products.
Ostrich - Two-pound samples of 97% lean ground ostrich were acquired from each of
seven production lots at Blackwing Ostrich Products in Antioch, IL.
Emu - Sample selection sites were based upon recommendations from the American
Emu Association (AEA). The AEA viewed differences between geographic location,
management schemes and rations to be important when selecting sampling sites. The
sample collection sites chosen were Johnson Emu (Eva, AL), Dino Meats (Springfield,
TN), and Grangeville Meats (Grangeville, ID). Johnson Emu was the largest emu
processor in the United States with approximately 500 growers representing 16 states.
Dino Meats and Grangeville Meats were smaller regional operations. Two-pound
samples of 97% lean ground emu were acquired from each of the seven production
Venison (fallow deer) - The two sample collection sites for the analysis of venison were
Venison America (Newport, MN) and Wisconsin Venison (Green Bay, WI). These two
companies represented the two largest venison wholesalers in the upper Midwest, each
with approximately nine contract growers located in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, and
Wisconsin. Three-pound samples of 93% lean ground venison were acquired from each
of seven patty production lots.
Bison - The sample collection site for the bison was the North American Bison Co-op
(NABC) in New Rockford, ND. NABC harvests approximately 60% of the North
American bison yearly and represents 350 producers across 19 states and four Canadian
providences. For bison, whole muscle cuts, i.e., shoulder clod (Triceps brachii, 3-5 lb
roast), top round (Semimembranosus, 1” steaks), and ground products were collected.
The cuts were obtained from seven randomly selected carcasses, each representing a
different production lot. Left and right side (i.e., contra-lateral) portions were obtained
from shoulder clods and top rounds for determination of cooking yields and retention of
moisture and total fat. All individual portions were identified, vacuum packaged and
frozen prior to transport to the University of Wisconsin Meat Science lab. One-inch
steaks and individual roasts were then fabricated and vacuum packaged. Three-pound
samples of 88% lean ground bison were also obtained from each of seven patty
production lots.
Elk - Because of strong interest from the industry and the USDA Nutrient Data
Laboratory, ground meat from elk was added to the alternative meats project. The
ground elk came primarily from young bulls (1.5 to 2.5 years of age), although one
sample came from a larger, six-year-old bull. The elk samples were obtained from
producers/plants in Colorado, Nebraska and Wisconsin.
Sample Preparation and Cooking Procedures
: Products were cooked according to
meat cooking guidelines developed by the American Meat Science Association and
recommendations of ARM associations. Loin, rib, sirloin and leg/round cuts were
broiled and the ground meats were pan-broiled to a final internal temperature of
160F/71°C. Clods/shoulders were braised; cooking times were based on standard meat
cookery guidelines. Cooked and raw products were dissected to obtain weights for the
following components: trimmed lean, separable fat, and heavy connective tissue.
Specific weights were determined during preparation of each sample.
Nutrient Analysis
: Frozen samples were packaged and sent to qualified commercial
laboratories for analysis of moisture and fat. Moisture and fat analyses have been
previously described in the Ground Beef Study section of this report. With ground
product, there is much more opportunity for moisture and fat loss because of the
product’s open and disrupted texture. The nutrient change between raw and cooked
products (when the amount of each is kept equal, such as 100 grams of each) is a
reflection of moisture loss (and maybe some fat loss) during cooking.
Natural Fresh Pork Study
A study was conducted by NDL in collaboration with scientists at the University of
Wisconsin and the National Pork Board to determine the nutrient composition of nine
fresh pork cuts. The cuts chosen for evaluation were: Bone-in Shoulder Blade Steak,
Boneless Tenderloin Roast, Boneless Top Loin Chop, Boneless Top Loin Roast, Bone-in
Sirloin Roast, Bone-in Center Loin Chop, Bone-in Center Rib Chop, Bone-in Country-
Style Ribs, and Bone-in Spare Ribs.
Sampling: Nine fresh pork cuts were pre-ordered and purchased from 12 retail outlets
following the nationwide sampling plan developed for the USDA National Food and
Nutrient Analysis Program (NFNAP) (Perry, Pehrsson, and Holden, 2003) and shipped
frozen to the University of Wisconsin for trimming and preparation. Products from each
location were assigned randomly to either raw or cooked preparation.
Cooking procedures
Broiling - Center Loin Chops, Center Rib Chops, Top Loin Chops: Chops were
grilled on a preheated George Foreman™ Indoor/Outdoor Electric Barbeque Grill for ten
minutes on setting “4”. External fat thickness and chop thickness were measured prior to
cooking; weights of raw cuts were obtained. Two thermocouples were placed into one or
two chops, as needed. Chops were turned over when the internal temperature reached
100-105°F (38-40°C). Chops were removed from the grill at approximately 155°F/68°C
internal temperature, and monitored until a final internal temperature of 160°F/71°C was
attained. Chops were cooled on a wire rack for five minutes and the highest internal
temperature attained during the standing period was recorded. After standing for five
minutes, the weights of the chops were measured.
Roasting - Top Loin, Tenderloin and Sirloin Roasts: Top loin, tenderloin and sirloin
roasts were weighed raw and placed on a rack in a pan in order to keep samples out of the
drippings. Boneless top loin roasts were roasted as “single” loin roasts (one loin muscle
only). For products purchased as boneless double top loin roasts (i.e., two single top loin
roasts backed and tied together), the strings were removed, and each half of the double
top loin roast was processed as a single top loin roast. The roasts were cooked
uncovered in a preheated oven at 425°F/218°C for tenderloin roast and 325°F/163°C for
other roasts. Cooking temperature was monitored with an oven thermometer. Roasts
were removed when they achieved an internal temperature of ~150°F/66°C; the target
final internal temperature was approximately 160°F/71°C. Roasts were allowed to stand
for 15 minutes and the final internal temperature was determined during this period. The
cooked weight of each roast was determined and the cooking yield was calculated.
Roasting - Spareribs: No external fat measurements were collected, but any gross
physical fat (loosely attached) from the raw ribs was removed before cooking. The raw
weight of the spareribs was obtained after the loosely attached fat was removed. The
number of ribs in each product being cooked was recorded. Spareribs were placed on a
rack in a pan, and were not covered during cooking. Ribs were roasted in a preheated
325°F/163°C oven for 1 hour and 45 minutes. Ribs were then removed from the oven;
the temperature in the intercostal muscles was immediately taken. Ribs were cooled for
10 minutes, and then re-weighed. When cool enough to process, the edible lean tissue
was separated from bone and cartilage. The weight of bone and cartilage was recorded as
refuse. Separable fat and connective tissue are not considered refuse in cooked ribs since
it is assumed that for this product, all soft tissues are consumed.
Braising - Shoulder-blade Steaks and Country-style Ribs: The raw blade steaks and
country-style ribs were weighed. The thickness of the external fat around the outer
surface of the cuts was measured. The samples were placed on a rack in a roasting pan.
Distilled water (100 ml) was added to the roasting pan, which was covered tightly and
placed in the center of a preheated 325°F/163°C oven. Cooking time was determined
from initial trials. Initial cooking time estimates were 45 minutes for blade steaks; 1 hour
and 15 minutes for country-style ribs. The internal temperature was determined with an
electronic digital thermometer. Steaks and/or ribs were allowed to cool for five minutes,
then re-weighed, and each weight was recorded.
Nutrient Analysis
: Nutrient analyses of moisture and total fat are described above in the
Ground Beef Study section of this report.
Cured Ham Study
A study was conducted by NDL in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin to
update nutrient profile of various cured ham products in the USDA National Nutrient
Database for Standard Reference (SR).
The word “ham” refers to meat from the hind leg of a hog. Cured hams sold in the U.S.
are classified into four categories according to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection
Service (“Ham & Food Safety”, 2012):
Ham - at least 20.5% protein in the lean area;
Ham with Natural Juices (HNJ) – at least 18.5% protein with a small addition of
water when cured;
Ham, Water added (HWA) - at least 17% protein with 10% added solution;
Ham and Water Product (HWP) - less than 17% protein and contains more water
than ‘Ham, water added’; labeling must indicate percent of “added ingredients”.
Added ingredients may vary for each product. These solutions, flavorings or “added
ingredients” which provide flavor enhancement may include water, sugar, salt,
sodium erythorbate, sodium nitrite, potassium, and magnesium. Binders such as soy
or milk proteins may also be added to help hold water in the product.
The sampling plan used for the study was developed for the National Food
and Nutrient Analysis Program (Pehrsson et al., 2000). The country was divided into
four regions, with three consolidated metropolitan statistical areas (CMSA) within each
region. Two retail stores were selected within each CMSA. Eight different types
(categories) of products were picked up from 12 retail outlets nationwide per the
sampling plan. The products were:
Ham: bone-in whole; bone-in shank half
Ham with natural juices: bone-in rump; bone-in butt half; spiral sliced
Ham, water added: bone-in slice; boneless (many shapes and sizes)
Ham and water product: boneless slice
Three branded hams were selected in pairs for the purpose of these yield studies. The
sampling procedure for each category of bone-in hams was to obtain two half hams at
each retail outlet. One was a shank half portion and the other was a rump half portion.
All products were vacuum-packaged, individually labeled, and sent frozen to University
of Wisconsin for further cooking and dissection.
Sample preparation and cooking procedure
: All hams were weighed, measured for
thickness and dissected to separate external fat and seam fat. Bone-in hams were further
dissected for removal of bone and connective tissue prior to nutrient analyses. Branded
hams or paired bone-in whole hams were cut into shank, butt and slices. One portion type
from each pair was analyzed as purchased and the other roasted to an internal temperature
of 160°F/71°C for rumps and shanks. Slices were weighed and measured for thickness
prior to being pan-fried to an internal temperature of 160°F/71°C. All other types of
bone-in and boneless hams were either roasted in a 325°F/163°C convection oven, or
pan-broiled and cooked to the internal temperature specified on the label. Samples were
weighed after heating and weights were recorded.
Nutrient analyses: Nutrient analyses of moisture and total fat are described above in
the Ground Beef Study section of this report.
Enhanced Pork Study
A collaborative study was conducted by scientists at NDL, University of Wisconsin, and
the National Pork Board to determine the nutrient profile of the following enhanced pork
products: shoulder-blade steak, tenderloin, and top loin chops. Enhanced meat and
poultry products are defined by the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service as “raw
products that contain flavor solutions added through marinating, needle injecting,
soaking, etc.” (“Water in Meat and Poultry”, 2011).
: Three fresh enhanced pork cuts were pre-ordered and purchased from 12
retail outlets using the nationwide sampling plan developed for the USDA National Food
and Nutrient Analysis Program (NFNAP) (Perry et al., 2003) and shipped frozen to the
University of Wisconsin for trimming and preparation.
Cooking procedures and nutrient analyses: Cooking procedures and nutrient analyses
were similar to those for the Natural Fresh Pork Study described above.
Pork Value Cuts Study
The National Pork Board in collaboration with USDA and University of Wisconsin
conducted a study to determine the nutrient profile of 4 new pork cuts. These cuts,
collectively referred to as Pork Value Cuts, are single muscle cuts derived from the
shoulder and the leg. The common names, scientific names of the muscle, and primal
source of the cuts are as follows:
Shoulder Breast Boneless (Pectoralis profundi), from the shoulder;
Shoulder Petite Tender Boneless (Teres major), from the shoulder;
Leg Cap Steak Boneless (Gracilis), from the leg;
Leg Sirloin Tip Roast Boneless (Vastuslateralis and Rectus femoris), from the
knuckle and leg.
: A total of 14 paired cuts for each pork value cut were obtained from pork
production plants in North Carolina and Iowa. At each plant, both shoulder and hams
from seven randomly selected pork carcasses were obtained. Each muscle was denuded,
trimmed free of all external fat and connective tissue and frozen prior to shipment to the
University of Wisconsin.
Sample preparation
: Among the seven paired products from each of the two locations,
six pairs were randomly selected for use in the study. One member of each pair was
prepared as a raw sample and the other was cooked either by broiling or braising to a
desired internal temperature or time endpoint. After a cooling period of five minutes, the
cooked product was cubed, hand mixed and divided into individual carcass samples,
composites of two carcasses or composites of three carcasses.
Cooking procedures
Broiling - Shoulder Breast, Shoulder Petite Tender, and Leg Cap Steak: Weights of
the raw cuts were obtained. Two thermocouples were placed into one or two cuts, as
needed. Cuts were grilled on a preheated George Foreman™ Indoor/Outdoor Electric
Barbeque Grill for 10 minutes on setting “4”. Cuts were turned over when the internal
temperature reached 100-105°F (38-40°C). Cuts were removed from the grill at
approximately 155°F/68°C internal temperature to attain a final target internal
temperature of 160°F/71°C. After standing for five minutes, cuts were re-weighed and
the highest internal temperature attained during the standing period was recorded.
Braising - Leg Sirloin Tip Roast: The raw cuts were weighed and placed on a rack in a
roasting pan. Distilled water (100 ml) was added to the roasting pan, which was covered
tightly and placed in the center of a preheated 325°F/163°C oven. Cuts were braised
until reasonably tender. Cooking time was determined from initial trials. Initial cooking
time estimates were 45 minutes for blade steaks; 1 hour and 15 minutes for country-style
ribs. Immediately after removal from the oven, the samples were placed on a wire rack.
The internal temperature was determined with an electronic digital thermometer. Cuts
were allowed to cool for five minutes and then weighed.
Nutrient analysis: Nutrient analyses of moisture and total fat are described above in the
Ground Beef Study section of this report.
Ground Pork Study
New data on nutrient composition of ground pork products available in the U.S. retail
market were needed to update the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard
Reference (SR) and to support nutritional intake studies of the population. The USDA, in
collaboration with the National Pork Board and Texas Tech University, undertook a
study to update the nutrient composition data for ground beef products in SR. A
collaborative study was conducted to determine the mathematical relationship between
individual nutrients and fat content of raw ground pork using mixed model regression
Sampling: Samples were obtained from each of the four U.S. commercial packers of
this product (Smithfield, Premium Standard Farms, Farmland, and Johnsonville). These
samples were formulated by the packer to provide the following fat levels: low fat (2 –
6% fat; four individual samples per packer except two from Smithfield), medium fat (14-
17% fat; four individual samples per packer) and high fat (26-30% fat; four individual
samples per packer). Samples from each packer from each fat level were divided into
aliquots for preparations as raw products, pan-broiled patties, and pan-browned crumbles.
Sample preparation: For patties, approximately 112 grams of ground pork were
selected from each packer’s sample, weighed, and blended in 20 rotations manually in a
Hobart mixer for two minutes. Patties were formed by pressing them in a patty mold.
For the crumble samples, approximately 224 grams of ground pork were weighed and
blended using 20 rotations manually in a Hobart mixer for two minutes.
Cooking procedures:
Pan-broiling - Ground pork patties: Patties were grilled for 13 to 15 minutes on a
West Bend electric skillet preheated to 400°F/204°C, turning once, and removed from the
pan when the internal temperature reached 165°F/74°C. Patties were allowed to cool for
five minutes. Weights were determined prior to cooking and after cooling; cooking
yields were calculated from these weights. When cool, the patties were cut in half to
evaluate degree of doneness.
Pan-browning - Ground pork crumbles: First, patties were formed by hand by
pressing them in a patty mold. Three to four patties were placed on a preheated
400°F/204°C West Bend electric skillet and pan-browned for five minutes. Patties were
broken apart with a silicon turner while browning to form the crumbles and removed
from the pan when the internal temperature reached 165°F/74°C. Crumbles were drained
in a colander to remove excess fat. Crumbles were allowed to cool at room temperature
for five minutes. Pre- and post- cooking weights were determined and cooking yields
calculated. When cool, crumbles were placed into labeled clean unsealed vacuum bags
and stored in the cooler at 3°C.
Nutrient Analysis: Nutrient analyses of moisture and total fat are described above in the
Ground Beef Study section of this report. Quality assurance was monitored through the
use of certified reference materials, in-house controls, and random duplicate sampling.
Pork Loin Study
A study was conducted in collaboration with the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory and
scientists at Texas Tech University and the National Pork Board to determine the nutrient
composition of 24 fresh pork cuts. The cuts chosen for evaluation were: Blade
Chops/Roast (bone-in and boneless), Center Loin Chops/Roast (bone-in and boneless),
Center Rib Chops/Roast (bone-in and boneless), Country Style Ribs, Sirloin Chops/Roast
(bone-in and boneless), Top Loin Chops (boneless), Baby Back Ribs, Shoulder Arm
Picnic, Rump Half, and Shank Half.
Sampling: Twenty-four fresh pork cuts were pre-ordered and purchased from 12 retail
outlets following the nationwide sampling plan developed for the USDA National Food
and Nutrient Analysis Program (Perry et al., 2003). Samples were shipped frozen to
Texas Tech University for trimming and preparation. Products from each location were
assigned randomly to either raw or cooked preparation.
Cooking Procedures:
Braising - The raw blade steaks and/or country-style ribs were weighed and the weights
were recorded. Blade steaks or country style ribs were placed on a rack in a roasting pan.
Distilled water (100 ml) was added to the roasting pan, which was tightly covered and
placed in the center of a preheated 325°F/163°C oven. Cooking time was determined
from initial trials. Initial cooking time estimates were 45 minutes for blade steaks; 1 hour
and 15 minutes for country-style ribs. The internal temperature was determined with an
electronic digital thermometer. Steaks and/or ribs were allowed to cool for five minutes
and then re-weighed and weights were recorded.
Broiling - Weights of the raw cuts were obtained and recorded. Cuts were grilled on a
preheated George Foreman™ Indoor/Outdoor Electric Barbeque Grill for ten minutes on
setting “4”. Two thermocouples were placed into one or two cuts, as needed. Cuts were
turned over when the internal temperature reached 100-105°F (38-40°C). Cuts were
removed from the grill at approximately 155°F/68°C internal temperature to attain a final
target internal temperature of 160°F/71°C. After standing for five minutes, cuts were re-
weighed and the highest internal temperature attained during the standing period was
Roasting - Top loin and sirloin roasts were weighed raw and weights were recorded.
Roasts were placed on a rack in a pan to keep samples out of the drippings. Boneless top
loin roasts were roasted as “single” loin roasts (one loin muscle only). For products
purchased as boneless double top loin roasts (i.e., two single top loin roasts backed and
tied together), the strings were removed, and each half of the double top loin roast was
processed as a single top loin roast. The roasts were cooked uncovered in a preheated
425°F/218°C oven. Cooking temperature was monitored with an oven thermometer.
Roasts were removed when they achieved an internal temperature of ~150°F/66°C; the
target final internal temperature was approximately 160°F/71°C. Roasts were allowed to
stand for 15 minutes and the final internal temperature was determined during this period.
The cooked weight of each roast was determined and the cooking yield was calculated.
Pan-frying - Center loin chops, center rib chops, top loin chops and blade chops were
thawed, weighed raw, placed on a electric skillet preheated to 350°F/177°C, and
monitored with a thermocouple. The samples were pan-fried for six to eight minutes,
turning once and removed from heat when the internal temperature reached 175°F/79°C.
After samples were placed on a paper towel to cool for five minutes, the final internal
temperature was then measured and samples were re-weighed approximately three
minutes later.
Nutrient Analysis
Moisture and fat analyses have been previously described in the Ground Beef Study
section of this report.
Variety Meats Study
In collaboration with the University of Wisconsin, the USDA conducted a study to
determine the nutrient composition of variety meat products. Products analyzed
consisted of beef brain, beef heart, beef kidney, and beef tripe; chicken gizzards; turkey
gizzard, turkey heart, turkey liver; pork chitterlings, pork feet, and pork stomach.
Samples were cooked according to available recipes or package directions. In most
cases, samples were analyzed raw and cooked. In cases where insufficient product was
available, products were analyzed in cooked but not raw form.
Beef brain, heart, kidney, and tripe
Sampling: Samples of beef brain, heart, kidney, and tripe were obtained in Madison,
Wisconsin, from a single store, meat purveyor, or production facility due to limited retail
Sample preparation:
One brain was obtained from a production facility. One half was
analyzed raw, and the other half was analyzed cooked (simmered). Both halves were
weighed before and after trimming and preparation. Refuse (including clots, bone
fragments and brain stem) was weighed separately.
One heart was also obtained from a production facility. One half was analyzed raw, and
the other half was analyzed cooked (simmered). Both halves were weighed before and
after trimming and preparation. Refuse (fat, connective tissue, veins, arteries, tubes) was
weighed separately.
Four kidneys were halved to form eight pieces. Four pieces were used in the raw sample
and the remaining four were used in the cooked sample. The halves were weighed before
and after trimming and preparation. Refuse (fat and tubes) was weighed separately.
Tripe (stomach lining) was procured from a retail store. Two packs of tripe were used in
each raw sample and in each cooked sample (simmered). The tripe strips from the two
packages of were divided between the raw and cooked samples by alternating tripe pieces
in each sample. There was no refuse.
Cooking procedure:
Items were cooked according to recommended methods from
household recipes. Recipes commonly required simmering. Each variety meat was
simmered in the same manner.
Simmering - The brain sample was placed in a large stock pot and covered with
deionized water. Water was brought to a boil, then the heat was lowered to simmer the
product. The brain was simmered for 20 minutes to an internal temperature of
160°F/71°C using a meat thermometer. It was removed from the pot and drained on a
cooling rack for three minutes. While draining, the final internal temperature 185°F/
85.2°C was recorded.
The heart was placed in a large stock pot and covered with deionized water. A lid was
placed on the pot and the water was brought to a boil. The temperature was lowered and
the heart was allowed to simmer for at least two hours to an internal temperature of
160°F/71°C. It was removed from the pot and drained on a cooling rack for three
minutes. The final internal temperature (194°F/90°C) was measured with a meat
Kidneys were placed in an electric fry pan set to 325°F/163°C and covered with
deionized water. The pan was covered. Kidneys were brought to a boil on high heat.
Temperature was lowered to 250°F/121°C and kidneys were simmered for one hour to an
internal temperature of 160°F/71°C. Kidneys were then removed from the pan and
drained on a cooling rack for three minutes.
Tripe was placed in an electric fry pan set to 375°F/190°C and covered with deionized
water. The tripe was brought to a boil. The temperature was lowered and the tripe was
simmered for two hours to an internal temperature of 160°F/71°C. It was drained on a
cooling rack for three minutes. As product drained, a final internal temperature was
determined (122°F/50°C through the thick part and 90°F/32°C through the thin part).
Sample analysis:
Nutrient analyses of moisture and total fat are described above in the
Ground Beef Study section of this report.
Chicken gizzards
Sampling and sample preparation:
Gizzard is a thick-walled muscular sac in the
digestive tract of poultry. Gizzard samples were obtained locally from a retail store.
After separating the hearts from the gizzards, raw samples were weighed.
Cooking procedure
: Gizzards were placed in an electric fry pan with deionized water
and simmered for 15 minutes. They were removed from the pan and placed in another
pan with a small amount of deionized water. The pan was covered and the gizzards were
braised for 20 minutes to an internal temperature of 160°F/71°C. The product was
removed from the pan and drained on a cooling rack. The internal temperature of
136°F/58°C was determined with a meat thermometer. Samples were weighed before
and after preparation and weights were recorded.
Nutrient analysis
: Gizzards were analyzed both raw and cooked. Nutrient analyses of
moisture and total fat are described above in the Ground Beef Study section of this report.
Turkey gizzard, heart, and liver
Samples were picked up locally from a single store or production facility.
Sample preparation: Turkey gizzards, heart, and livers were prepared for analyses. For
each of these products, ten samples were analyzed raw and ten were analyzed cooked
(simmered). Samples were weighed before and after preparation.
Cooking procedure:
Simmering - Gizzards, hearts and livers were placed in an electric fry pan set to
300°F/149°C with a small amount of deionized water. This was brought to a boil, at
which time the heat was lowered and the samples were simmered for 25 minutes for
gizzards and livers, 15 minutes for hearts, to an internal temperature of 160°F/71°C.
After simmering, samples were removed and placed on a cooling rack to drain. While
draining, the final internal temperature (185°F (85°C) was taken.
Nutrient analysis: Samples were analyzed for moisture and total fat as previously
described in the Ground Beef Study section of this report.
Pork chitterlings, feet, and stomach
Samples were picked up locally from a single store or production facility.
Ten pounds of pork chitterlings (intestines) were obtained from a local store. Pork feet
were initially obtained from a local store. Due to the need for more samples, four more
pork feet were obtained from a local production facility. Pork stomach was also obtained
from a local store. Two packages, each containing two stomachs, were obtained.
Sample preparation: Five pounds of chitterlings were analyzed raw and five pounds
were analyzed cooked (simmered). Both samples were weighed before and after
trimming and preparation. Refuse (waste matter and fat) was weighed separately.
Pork feet were chosen randomly from the two packages and from the product obtained
from the four production facilities. One set of feet were analyzed raw and the other set of
feet were analyzed cooked (simmered). Two pork stomachs were analyzed raw and two
were analyzed cooked (simmered).
Cooking procedures:
Simmering - Chitterlings were placed in an electric fry pan and covered with deionized
water. They were covered with a lid and brought to a boil. The temperature was lowered
and the chitterlings were simmered for two hours to an internal temperature of
160°F/71°C. They were removed from the pan to drain on a cooling rack. As the
product drained, the final internal temperature of 133°F/56°C was recorded.
Pig feet were placed in a large stock pot and covered with deionized water. The pot was
brought to a boil at which time the heat was lowered. The pig feet were simmered for
three hours to an internal temperature of 160°F/71°C and until the skin was split from the
bone. The feet were removed from the pot to drain on a cooling rack for three minutes.
At this time the final internal temperature (205°F/96°C through skin and 173°F/78°C
through exposed meat) was determined. Both sets of samples were weighed before and
after trimming and preparation. Refuse (bone, tendons, and connective tissue) was
weighed separately.
Stomachs were placed in an electric fry pan and covered with deionized water. Water
was brought to a boil and then the temperature was lowered. The stomachs were
simmered for 2 hours and 20 minutes to an internal temperature of 160°F/71°C. They
were then removed from the pan. Due to increased water absorption, samples were
drained for five minutes. Final internal temperature (140°F/60°C) through hollow and
190°F/88°C through muscle) was taken while draining. The samples were weighed
before and after preparation.
Nutrient analysis: Samples were analyzed for moisture and total fat as previously
described in the Ground Beef Study section of this report.
Pork Sausage Study
Sampling and sample preparation: Sausages were sampled from four different
locations nationwide (designated West, Midwest, East, and South).
West - three types of sausages were sampled: extruded (without casing) links, regular
diameter (with casing) links, and larger diameter (with casing) links.
Midwest – two types of sausages were sampled: patties and regular diameter (with
casing) links.
East – one type of sausage was sampled: regular diameter (with casing) links.
South – three types of sausages were sampled: extruded (without casing) links, patties,
and regular diameter (with casing) links.
Cooking procedure
West - Sausage links were placed on an electric griddle preheated to 325°F/163°C and
pan-fried without added oil according to package directions, for 25 minutes to an internal
temperature of 160°F/71°C. Extruded sausages were cooked for 11 minutes, regular
diameter sausages were cooked for 13 minutes, and larger diameter sausages were
cooked for 20 minutes. All types were cooked separately.
Midwest – Sausages were placed on an electric griddle preheated to 300°F/149°C and
pan-fried without added oil according to package directions. Patties were cooked for 10
minutes and regular links for 16 minutes and 30 seconds until internal temperature
reached 160°F/71°C. All types were cooked separately.
East – Sausage links were placed on an electric griddle preheated to 300°F/149°C and
pan-fried without added oil according to package directions. Links were cooked for 25
minutes until internal temperature reached 160°F/71°C.
South – Sausages were placed on an electric griddle preheated to 300°F/149°C and pan-
fried without added oil according to package directions. Extruded sausages were cooked
for 10 minutes, patties were cooked for 15 minutes, and regular diameter links were
cooked for 20 minutes. Sausages were cooked until internal temperature reached
160°F/71°C. All types were cooked separately.
After cooking, samples were removed from the griddle and placed on a cooling rack,
when the final internal temperature of 160°F/71°C was determined with a meat
thermometer. Samples were weighed after cooking and weights were recorded.
Nutrient analysis
: All samples (both raw and cooked) were analyzed for moisture and
total fat as previously described in the Ground Beef Study section of this report.
Turkey Sausage Study
Sampling and sample preparation: Two chubs of sausage were obtained from a single
store in Madison, Wisconsin. Chubs were cut into equal halves then portioned so that
each chub yielded eight equal patties. Alternate patties from each chub were analyzed
raw and cooked (pan-fried). Patties from both chubs were weighed before and after
preparation. There was no refuse.
Cooking procedure: Sausage patties were placed on an electric griddle preheated to
325°F/163°C and pan-fried without added oil according to package directions, for 25
minutes to an internal temperature of 181°F/83°C. Samples were removed from the
griddle and placed on a cooling rack, when the final internal temperature of 181°F/83°C
was determined with a meat thermometer. Samples were weighed after cooking and
weights were recorded.
Nutrient analysis
: Samples (both raw and cooked) were analyzed for moisture and total
fat as previously described in the Ground Beef Study section of this report.
3. Format of USDA Table of Cooking Yields for Meat and Poultry
Food Group Code: Code number which can be used to identifyitem by type
o 05 – Poultry Products
o 07 – Sausages and Luncheon Meats
o 10 – Pork Products
o 13 – Beef Products
o 17 – Lamb, Veal, and Game
NDB number: 5-Digit Nutrient Databank number corresponding to the SR code
number most closely associated with the related yield information. In some cases, the
SR description will not be identical to the yield description. For listings which
represent a generic group of retail cuts, an NDB number cannot be provided.
Yield Description: Description of food represented in the yield data.
Preparation Method: Cooking method used, such as braised, broiled, roasted. In
some cases, similar cooking methods may be grouped together (i.e., broiled and
Cooking Yield %: Percent change in weight of a product due to cooking. For
calculating yield, see equation on page 4.
n: Number of samples used in calculating values for this table.
SD: Standard deviation of the mean; null if could not be calculated (i.e, n<3).
Yield Minimum %: Minimum yield % in the data set.
Yield Maximum %: Maximum yield % in the data set.
Moisture Gain/Loss %: Percent change in amount of moisture in a product due to
cooking. For the calculation used, see equation on page 4.
Fat Gain/Loss %: Percent change in amount of fat in a product due to cooking. For
the calculation used, see equation on page 4.
Release Year: Most recent year for which the nutrient data for the item were made
available in SR.
Notes Regarding Specific Data within the Table
Moisture Gain/Loss and Fat Gain/Loss: Data for these factors are not provided for some
items, such as listings which represent a generic group of retail cuts, or where analytical
nutrient values could not be obtained.
Release Year: Data for listings shown with a 1975 release year are based on data for
items contained in AH-102 Food Yields: Summarized by Different Stages of Preparation.
New data for the 1975 listings are anticipated in the near future.
4. Glossary of Terms
Food Components
Edible portion - The part of the food product that can be eaten after trimming and
removing non-edible components such as bone and connective
Refuse - Non-edible components such as bone and connective tissue. The
separable fat may also be considered refuse when the food item
description in SR includes the term “separable lean only”.
Separable lean - Muscle tissue that remains after removing separable fat. This
includes fat striations within the muscle (marbling).
Separable fat - Any outer trim fat and fat between muscle seams that can be
readily separated from the muscle tissue.
Preparation Methods
Baked or Roasted - Food cooked in an oven, thereby surrounding it with dry heat.
Braised - Food cooked on top of the range or in the oven, tightly covered in
a small amount of liquid at low heat for a lengthy period of time.
Broiled or Grilled - Food cooked directly under or above the heat source. Food can
be broiled in oven under the gas or electric heat source, or grilled
directly over charcoal or other heat source. The term barbecued is
often used synonymously with grilled.
Dry heat - Any cooking procedure that does not include the use of a liquid,
e.g., bake, roast and broil.
Fried in deep fat - Food immersed in hot fat deep enough to completely cover the
food being cooked. Average fat temperature for deep-frying is
375°F/190°C but recipes differ according to the characteristics of
each food.
Fried in pan, - Food cooked in fat which does not cover the food. Sautéed is
Sautéed or Stir-fried often thought of as using less fat and being faster than pan frying.
Stir-frying is quickly cooking small pieces of food in a large pan
with a minimum amount of fat, over very high heat while
constantly stirring.
Microwaved - Food heated or cooked using an oven that produces high-
frequency electromagnetic radiation as the heat source.
Moist heat - Any cooking procedure that involves the use of liquid.
Pan-broiled - Food cooked in uncovered skillet or frying pan over direct heat,
using little or no fat. Drippings are poured off as they form.
Pan-browned - Cooking in uncovered skillet or frying pan over direct heat to
obtain a brown surface on the food.
Poached, Simmered - Food cooked in liquid at a temperature low enough that tiny
or Stewed bubbles just begin to break the surface (~185°F/85°C). A food
being stewed involves simmering for a long period of time in a
tightly covered pot.
Raw - Food item in its natural state: not processed, refined, or cooked.
Thawed - Introducing frozen food to a temperature higher than freezing so
that it will defrost and become a liquid or softened state.
5. References
Boleman, S.L., Boleman, S.J., Morgan, W.W., Hale, D.S., Griffin, D.B., Savell, J.W.,
Ames, R.P., Smith, M.T., Tatum, J.D., Field, T.G., Smith, G.C., Gardener, B.A., Morgan,
J.B., Northcutt, S.L., Dolezal, H.G., Gill, D.R., and Ray, F.K. [1998]. National Beef
Quality Audit- 1995: Survey of producer-related defects and carcass quality and quality
attributes. J. Anim. Sci. 76:96-103.
Code of Federal Regulations. [2003]. Animals and Animal Products; Food Safety and
Inspection Service, Meat and Poultry Inspection, U.S. Department of Agriculture;
Definitions and Standards of Identity. 9 CFR 319.
Folch, J., Lees, M. and Stanley, G.H.S. [1957]. A simple method for the isolation and
purification of total lipids from animal tissues. J. Biol. Chem. 226: 497-509.
“Ham and Food Safety.” Fact Sheets. USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service.
[2012]. Retrieved 9 November 2012 from
Haytowitz, D.B., Pehrsson, P.R., Holden, J.M. [2002]. The identification of key foods
for food composition research. J. Food Comp. and Anal. 15(2):183-194.
Jones, D.K., Savell, J.W., and Cross, H.R. [1992]. Effects of fat trim on the composition
of beef retail cuts – 1. Separate tissue components. J. Muscle Foods 3: 45-56.
Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International. [2000] 17th Ed., AOAC
International, Gaithersburg, MD.
Pehrsson, P.R., Haytowitz, D.B., Holden, J.M., Perry, C.R. and Beckler, D.G. [2000]
USDA’s National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program: food sampling. J. Food Comp.
and Anal. 13:379-389.
Perry, C.R., Pehrsson, P.R., and Holden, J. [2003]. A revised sampling plan for obtaining
food products for nutrient analysis for the USDA National Nutrient Database.
Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Survey Research
Methods [CD-ROM], Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, San Francisco,
Wahrmund-Wyle, J.L., Harris, K.B., and Savell, J.W. [2000]. Beef retail cut
composition: 1. Separable tissue components. J. Food Comp. and Anal.13: 233-242.
“Water in Meat and Poultry.” Fact Sheets. USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service.
[2011]. Retrieved 9 November 2012 from
NDB Yield Description
Yield %
Loss %
13 13985
Beef, bottom sirloin butt, tri-tip roast, separable lean
only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Baked or
84 20 3.1 77 89 -25.3 0.4 2001
13 13953
Beef, bottom sirloin, tri-tip roast, separable lean and
fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Baked or
84 20 3.1 77 89 -22.4 -0.1 2003
13 13806
Beef, brisket, flat half, separable lean and fat,
trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Braised 69 20 3.0 65 76 -25.0 -10.2 2000
13 23595
Beef, brisket, flat half, separable lean only, trimmed
to 1/8" fat, all grades
Braised 69 20 3.0 65 76 -29.7 0.5 2003
13 23134
Beef, chuck eye country-style ribs, boneless,
separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 68 70 5.3 61 80 -35.4 -2.1 2010
13 23071
Beef, chuck eye country-style ribs, boneless,
separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 68 70 5.3 61 80 -32.3 0.9 2010
13 23113
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef
Roast, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all
Roasted 80 35 4.6 76 94 -24.9 -0.4 2010
13 13821
Beef, chuck eye roast, boneless, America's Beef
Roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all
Roasted 80 35 4.6 76 94 -31.8 -0.7 2010
13 23140
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean
and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 80 70 4.9 62 95 -25.0 -2.3 2010
13 23077
Beef, chuck eye steak, boneless, separable lean
only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 80 70 4.9 62 95 -21.4 1.1 2010
13 13373
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean and fat,
trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Braised 71 1 71 71 -36.1 -8.3 2000
13 23602
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean only,
trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Braised 71 1 71 71 -35.5 0.6 2003
13 23119
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless,
separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 71 61 13.4 56 100 -37.1 1.7 2010
13 23086
Beef, chuck, mock tender steak, boneless,
separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 71 61 13.4 56 100 -33.3 0.1 2010
13 23125
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean
and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 66 30 11.8 45 97 -31.3 -4.2 2010
13 13982
Beef, chuck, short ribs, boneless, separable lean
only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 66 30 11.8 45 97 -33.4 -1.3 2010
13 23054
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, shoulder tender,
medallion, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat,
all grades
Broiled or
77 10 2.0 74 81 -22.2 -0.7 2004
13 23019
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, shoulder tender,
medallion, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all
Broiled or
77 10 2.0 74 81 -22.2 -0.7 2004
13 23058
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, shoulder top and center
steaks, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all
Broiled or
76 10 4.0 73 83 -22.9 -0.02 2004
13 23023
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, shoulder top and center
steaks, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all
Broiled or
77 10 4.2 73 83 -22.9 -0.02 2004
13 23060
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, top blade, steak,
separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Broiled or
76 10 2.9 71 80 -23.2 -0.8 2004
13 23025
Beef, chuck, shoulder clod, top blade, steak,
separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Broiled or
76 10 2.9 71 80 -23.2 -0.8 2004
13 23105
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless,
Denver Cut, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0"
fat, all grades
Grilled 71 30 3.9 66 83 -26.3 -2.1 2010
13 13351
Beef, chuck, under blade center steak, boneless,
Denver Cut, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat,
all grades
Grilled 69 30 3.9 66 83 -27.8 -1.2 2010
13 23099
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast, boneless,
separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 64 33 5.1 61 78 -34.8 -0.8 2010
13 13285
Beef, chuck, under blade pot roast, boneless,
separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 64 33 5.1 61 78 -43.5 -1.1 2010
13 23116
Beef, chuck, under blade steak, boneless, separable
lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 65 34 4.2 58 72 -35.4 -2.8 2010
13 23098
Beef, chuck, under blade steak, boneless, separable
lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 65 34 4.2 58 72 -27.6 1.8 2010
13 13948
Beef, flank, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat,
all grades
Broiled or
81 20 4.1 74 89 -22.6 -1.0 2003
13 23654
Beef, flank, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all
Broiled or
81 20 4.1 74 89 -24.1 0.01 2003
13 13494 Beef, ground, high fat (>22%), crumbles
Fried in pan,
Sauteed, or
62 4 1.6 60 64 -25.0 -12.6 2003
13 13495 Beef, ground, high fat (>22%), loaf
Baked or
63 4 0.9 62 64 -22.5 -12.9 2003
13 13496 Beef, ground, high fat (>22%), patty Pan-broiled 69 4 2.1 68 72 -18.2 -12.4 2003
13 13497 Beef, ground, high fat (>22%), patty
Broiled or
63 4 2.6 55 69 -24.2 -12.0 2003
13 23565 Beef, ground, low fat (<12%), crumbles
Fried in pan,
Sauteed, or
69 4 1.1 67 70 -29.6 -1.4 2002
13 23566 Beef, ground, low fat (<12%), loaf
Baked or
72 4 2.8 68 74 -25.9 -1.7 2002
13 23563 Beef, ground, low fat (<12%), patty
Broiled or
73 4 0.9 73 75 -24.2 -1.6 2002
13 23564 Beef, ground, low fat (<12%), patty Pan-broiled 77 4 0.8 76 78 -21.3 -1.4 2002
13 23575 Beef, ground, medium fat (12%-22%), crumbles
Fried in pan,
Sauteed, or
67 4 3.5 64 72 -27.8 -5.3 2002
13 23576 Beef, ground, medium fat (12%-22%), loaf
Baked or
70 4 4.9 65 76 -24.0 -5.7 2002
13 23573 Beef, ground, medium fat (12%-22%), patty
Broiled or
69 4 3.9 64 72 -25.1 -5.2 2002
13 23574 Beef, ground, medium fat (12%-22%), patty Pan-broiled 73 4 2.8 71 76 -20.8 -6.2 2002
13 23214
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable
lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 73 72 4.5 64 85 -30.0 -2.3 2011
13 23162
Beef, plate steak, boneless, inside skirt, separable
lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 73 72 4.5 64 85 -31.0 -0.1 2011
13 23221
Beef, plate steak, boneless, outside skirt, separable
lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 68 72 4.3 59 79 -29.5 -4.2 2011
13 23168
Beef, plate steak, boneless, outside skirt, separable
lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 68 72 4.3 59 79 -30.4 -1.7 2011
13 Beef, retail all cuts, all temps
Broiled or
78 458
4.4 69 88
13 Beef, retail cuts, all, bone in Braised 73 36 8.8 53 87 2011
13 Beef, retail cuts, all, boneless Braised 67 361
7.4 56 84
13 Beef, retail cuts, bone in, all temps
Baked or
77 35 2.8 72 84 2011
13 Beef, retail cuts, boneless, all temps
Baked or
79 71 6.6 64 96 2011
13 Beef, retail cuts, boneless, short ribs Braised 66 30
11.8 45 97
13 Beef, retail cuts, steaks, bone in and boneless
76 553
5.2 67 88
13 23191
Beef, rib eye roast, bone-in, lip-on, separable lean
and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Roasted 77 35 2.8 72 84 -17.6 -1.7 2011
13 23146
Beef, rib eye roast, bone-in, lip-on, separable lean
only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Roasted 77 35 2.8 72 84 -19.5 2.5 2011
13 23198
Beef, rib eye roast, boneless, lip-on, separable lean
and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Roasted 76 36 3.9 66 85 -21.8 -2.6 2011
13 23159
Beef, rib eye roast, boneless, lip-on, separable lean
only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Roasted 76 36 3.9 66 85 -18.9 2.5 2011
13 23188
Beef, rib eye steak, bone-in, lip-on, separable lean
and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Grilled 86 36 4.0 78 90 -17.4 -0.3 2011
13 23156
Beef, rib eye steak, bone-in, lip-on, separable lean
only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Grilled 86 36 4.0 78 90 -31.6 -1.2 2011
13 23227
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip off, separable lean
and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 82 36 4.0 75 89 -20.1 -2.0 2011
13 23174
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip off, separable lean
only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 82 36 4.0 75 89 -21.6 0.8 2011
13 23197
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip-on, separable lean
and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Grilled 84 36 3.8 75 92 -17.8 -1.1 2011
13 23100
Beef, rib eye steak, boneless, lip-on, separable lean
only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Grilled 84 36 3.8 75 92 -21.5 0.8 2011
13 23233
Beef, rib, back ribs, bone-in, separable lean and fat,
trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 75 36 3.1 65 82 -20.0 -7.1 2011
13 23180
Beef, rib, back ribs, bone-in, separable lean only,
trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 75 36 3.1 65 82 -29.3 -4.9 2011
13 13851
Beef, rib, small end (ribs 10-12), separable lean and
fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Broiled or
82 20 4.3 70 85 -23.9 -5.2 2000
13 23638
Beef, rib, small end (ribs 10-12), separable lean
only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Broiled or
82 20 4.3 70 85 -19.1 -3.4 2003
13 13421
Beef, round tip round roast, separable lean and fat,
trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Baked or
85 20 3.2 76 87 -24.7 -1.0 2000
13 13424
Beef, round tip round roast, separable lean only,
trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Baked or
85 20 3.2 76 87 -27.8 0.4 2000
13 13870
Beef, round, bottom round, roast, separable lean
and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Baked or
84 20 2.7 76 88 -20.6 -2.8 2000
13 23604
Beef, round, bottom round, roast, separable lean
only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Baked or
84 20 2.7 76 88 -24.8 -3.6 2003
13 13869
Beef, round, bottom round, steak, separable lean
and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Braised 69 20 2.1 62 70 -34.0 -4.4 2000
13 13878
Beef, round, eye of round, roast, separable lean and
fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Baked or
81 20 2.0 75 83 -23.9 -1.2 2000
13 23598
Beef, round, eye of round, roast, separable lean
only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Baked or
81 20 2.0 75 83 -29.0 0.2 2003
13 23062
Beef, round, knuckle, tip center, steak, separable
lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Broiled or
76 13 3.4 71 81 -22.7 -0.7 2004
13 23027
Beef, round, knuckle, tip center, steak, separable
lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Broiled or
77 10 3.3 71 81 -22.7 -0.7 2004
13 23056
Beef, round, knuckle, tip side, steak, separable lean
and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Broiled or
75 7 2.7 71 79 -24.1 -0.4 2004
13 23021
Beef, round, knuckle, tip side, steak, separable lean
only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Broiled or
75 7 2.7 71 79 -24.1 -0.4 2004
13 23064
Beef, round, outside round, bottom round, steak,
separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Broiled or
77 10 2.3 74 82 -22.4 -0.03 2004
13 23029
Beef, round, outside round, bottom round, steak,
separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Broiled or
77 10 2.3 74 82 -22.4 -0.03 2004
13 13893
Beef, round, top round steak, separable lean and fat,
trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Broiled or
72 20 5.3 62 83 -28.4 -1.8 2000
13 23608
Beef, round, top round steak, separable lean only,
trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Broiled or
72 20 5.3 62 83 -35.1 -0.6 2003
13 13910
Beef, short loin, top loin, steak, separable lean and
fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Broiled or
82 20 3.7 76 91 -24.8 -4.0 2000
13 23606
Beef, short loin, top loin, steak, separable lean only,
trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Broiled or
82 20 3.7 76 91 -34.8 -1.1 2003
13 23131
Beef, shoulder pot roast, boneless, separable lean
and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 66 71 6.1 55 81 -37.3 0.3 2010
13 23083
Beef, shoulder pot roast, boneless, separable lean
only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Braised 66 71 6.1 55 81 -34.0 1.0 2010
13 23554
Beef, shoulder steak, boneless, separable lean and
fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 78 72 4.4 70 89 -28.4 -0.3 2010
13 23516
Beef, shoulder steak, boneless, separable lean only,
trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 74 72 4.4 70 89 -29.5 -0.2 2010
13 13598
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable
lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 73 34 5.7 69 90 -34.1 -0.4 2010
13 13500
Beef, shoulder top blade steak, boneless, separable
lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades
Grilled 73 34 5.7 69 90 -35.4 -0.9 2010
13 13918
Beef, tenderloin, steak, separable lean and fat,
trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Broiled or
80 19 3.9 71 86 -21.3 -5.9 2000
13 23600
Beef, tenderloin, steak, separable lean only, trimmed
to 1/8" fat, all grades
Broiled or
80 19 3.9 71 86 -31.3 -1.3 2003
13 13930
Beef, top sirloin, steak, separable lean and fat,
trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades
Broiled or
80 20 4.9 69 87 -25.2 -2.7 2000
13 23610
Beef, top sirloin, steak, separable lean only, trimmed
to 1/8" fat, all grades
Broiled or
80 20 4.9 69 87 -21.0 -1.7 2003
13 13320 Beef, variety meats and by-products, brain
or Stewed
85 1 85 85 -12.8 -1.4 2003
13 13322 Beef, variety meats and by-products, heart
or Stewed
57 1 57 57 -40.0 -1.3 2003
13 13324 Beef, variety meats and by-products, kidneys
or Stewed
53 1 53 53 -42.7 -0.6 2003
13 13326 Beef, variety meats and by-products, liver Braised 68 1 68 68 -30.6 -0.04 2003
13 13327 Beef, variety meats and by-products, liver
Fried in pan,
Sauteed, or
73 1 73 73 -25.7 -0.2 2003
13 23640 Beef, variety meats and by-products, tripe
or Stewed
70 1 70 70 -27.3 -0.9 2003
05 5051 Chicken, broiler-fryer, back, full
Baked or
61 49 71 1975
05 5052 Chicken, broiler-fryer, back, full
or Stewed
67 58 79 1975
05 5060 Chicken, broiler-fryer, breast
Baked or
72 61 82 1975
05 5061 Chicken, broiler-fryer, breast
or Stewed
77 70 88 1975
05 5069 Chicken, broiler-fryer, drumstick
Baked or
76 63 87 1975
05 5087 Chicken, broiler-fryer, neck
or Stewed
70 62 81 1975
05 5094 Chicken, broiler-fryer, thigh
Baked or
69 58 79 1975
05 5095 Chicken, broiler-fryer, thigh
or Stewed
74 67 82 1975
05 5004 Chicken, broiler-fryer, whole
Baked or
78 68 84 1975
05 5010 Chicken, broiler-fryer, whole
or Stewed
75 69 87 1975
05 5103 Chicken, broiler-fryer, wing
Baked or
74 64 83 1975
05 5104 Chicken, broiler-fryer, wing
or Stewed
86 74 96 1975
05 5102 Chicken, broiler-fryer, wing, floured
Fried in
deep fat
66 53 78 1975
05 5024 Chicken, gizzard, all classes
or Stewed
55 1 55 55 -41.9 -0.6 2003
05 5661 Chicken, liver, all classes
Fried in pan,
Sauteed, or
62 4 1.2 61 64 -35.8 -0.8 2003
17 5622 Emu, ground
Broiled or
80 6 6.8 71 86 -20.2 -0.2 2001
17 17333
Game meat, bison, chuck, shoulder clod, separable
lean only
Braised 62 6 1.5 59 64 -38.1 0.2 2001
17 17331 Game meat, bison, ground
Broiled or
77 6 1.3 76 79 -18.2 -4.2 2001
17 17336
Game meat, bison, top round, steak, separable lean
Broiled or
75 6 4.0 70 82 -25.2 1.0 2001
17 17344 Game meat, deer, ground
Broiled or
83 3 1.9 81 85 -17.7 -0.1 2001
17 17339 Game meat, elk, ground
Broiled or
84 5 3.7 80 89 -15.0 -1.5 2001
17 Lamb, retail cuts, roasts, all samples
Baked or
74 53 88 1975
17 Lamb, retail cuts, shoulder, shank, breast, flank Braised 60 54 72 1975
17 Lamb, retail cuts, shoulder, shank, breast, flank
or Stewed
60 54 72 1975
17 5642 Ostrich, ground
Broiled or
86 6 2.5 81 88 -13.5 -2.7 2001
10 10193
Pork loin, fresh, backribs, bone-in, separable lean
and fat
Baked or
82 12 4.1 74 90 -18.5 1.3 2011
10 10981
Pork loin, fresh, backribs, bone-in, separable lean
Baked or
82 12 3.0 78 87 -21.0 4.7 2011
07 7064 Pork sausage, fresh
Fried in pan,
Sauteed, or
80 4 4.2 77 86 -16.2 -3.9 2003
10 10860 Pork, cured, bacon
Baked or
32 3 0.8 31 33 -35.5 -32.4 2003
10 10862 Pork, cured, bacon
Fried in pan,
Sauteed, or
31 3 0.6 30 31 -35.9 -33.8 2009
10 10861 Pork, cured, bacon Microwaved 29 3 0.7 29 30 -34.8 -35.5 2003
10 10865
Pork, cured, ham -- water added, rump, bone-in,
separable lean only
Baked or
87 5 5.3 80 92 -14.9 -0.4 2009
10 10877
Pork, cured, ham and water product, rump, bone-in,
separable lean only
Baked or
85 5 3.6 80 90 -15.4 0.5 2009
10 10881
Pork, cured, ham and water product, shank, bone-in,
separable lean only
Baked or
82 6 6.2 74 92 -17.1 -0.5 2009
10 10869
Pork, cured, ham and water product, slice, bone-in,
separable lean only
Pan-broiled 81 5 4.5 76 87 -18.7 -0.9 2009
10 10871
Pork, cured, ham and water product, whole,
boneless, separable lean only
Baked or
96 4 2.4 93 98 -3.7 0.4 2009
10 10873
Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, rump, bone-in,
separable lean only
Baked or
87 7 4.9 81 97 -11.4 0.2 2009
10 10874
Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, shank, bone-in,
separable lean only
Baked or
93 7 3.2 88 98 -8.5 1.3 2009
10 10875
Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, slice, bone-in,
separable lean only
Pan-broiled 86 2 0.4 86 86 -13.6 0.9 2009
10 10876
Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, spiral slice,
boneless, separable lean only
Baked or
87 3 7.6 79 93 -11.8 0.01 2009
10 10883
Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, whole,
boneless, separable lean only
Baked or
94 9 1.6 91 96 -6.1 -0.3 2009
10 10931
Pork, cured, ham, rump, bone-in, separable lean
Baked or
90 3 1.3 89 91 -8.7 -0.2 2009
10 10933
Pork, cured, ham, shank, bone-in, separable lean
Baked or
92 3 1.6 90 93 -8.0 0.2 2009
10 10899 Pork, cured, ham, slice, bone-in, separable lean only Pan-broiled 86 3 2.6 83 88 -13.8 -0.1 2009
10 10867
Pork, cured, ham--water added, shank, bone-in,
separable lean only
Baked or
86 6 6.1 76 93 -16.4 1.9 2009
10 10868
Pork, cured, ham--water added, slice, bone-in,
separable lean only
Pan-broiled 80 7 5.9 76 91 -21.6 1.3 2009
10 10879
Pork, cured, ham--water added, whole, boneless,
separable lean only
Baked or
94 10 4.3 83 98 -5.9 0.3 2009
10 10988
Pork, fresh, blade, (chops), boneless, separable
lean and fat
Broiled or
85 12 3.1 78 90 -23.3 0.3 2011
10 10943
Pork, fresh, enhanced, loin, tenderloin, separable
lean only
Baked or
84 12 3.6 77 89 -15.6 0.5 2009
10 10947
Pork, fresh, enhanced, loin, top loin (chops),
boneless, separable lean only
Broiled or
83 12 3.8 76 88 -16.2 0.4 2009
10 10945
Pork, fresh, enhanced, shoulder, (Boston butt),
blade (steaks), separable lean only
Braised 64 12 2.8 59 68 -36.6 2.5 2009
10 10013
Pork, fresh, leg (ham), rump half, separable lean
and fat
Baked or
77 12 3.9 70 80 -21.2 -2.7 2011
10 10015
Pork, fresh, leg (ham), rump half, separable lean
Baked or
73 7 3.5 70 80 -26.9 0.4 2011
10 10017
Pork, fresh, leg (ham), shank half, separable lean
and fat
Baked or
79 12 3.0 69 82 -19.9 -1.3 2011
10 10019
Pork, fresh, leg (ham), shank half, separable lean
Baked or
73 7 2.7 69 75 -27.5 1.3 2011
10 10962
Pork, fresh, leg sirloin tip roast, boneless, separable
lean and fat
Braised 79 4 4.5 72 82 -21.5 0.01 2009
10 10029
Pork, fresh, loin, blade (chops), bone-in, separable
lean and fat
Braised 78 12 5.3 65 93 -27.8 6.5 2011
10 10030
Pork, fresh, loin, blade (chops), bone-in, separable
lean and fat
Broiled or
83 12 3.1 78 90 -16.3 -0.3 2011
10 10178
Pork, fresh, loin, blade (chops), bone-in, separable
lean and fat
Pan-fried 82 12 4.7 68 97 -20.0 1.3 2011
10 10033
Pork, fresh, loin, blade (chops), bone-in, separable
lean only
Braised 76 12 3.6 68 82 -27.0 2.7 2011
10 10034
Pork, fresh, loin, blade (chops), bone-in, separable
lean only
Broiled or
85 12 2.1 82 89 -17.7 2.3 2011
10 10120
Pork, fresh, loin, blade (chops), bone-in, separable
lean only
Pan-fried 80 12 3.3 75 84 -23.9 3.9 2011
10 10984
Pork, fresh, loin, blade (chops), boneless, separable
lean only
Broiled or
79 12 3.6 74 86 -21.3 1.5 2011
10 10031
Pork, fresh, loin, blade (roasts), bone-in, separable
lean and fat
Baked or
77 12 3.0 68 88 -22.2 0.6 2011
10 10035
Pork, fresh, loin, blade (roasts), bone-in, separable
lean only
Baked or
77 12 3.7 72 85 -24.7 3.3 2011
10 10990
Pork, fresh, loin, blade (roasts), boneless, separable
lean and fat
Baked or
75 12 5.9 68 88 -22.4 -0.2 2011
10 10983
Pork, fresh, loin, blade (roasts), boneless, separable
lean only
Baked or
75 12 4.4 69 83 -24.2 1.6 2011
10 10037
Pork, fresh, loin, center loin (chops), bone-in,
separable lean and fat
Braised 74 12 4.8 67 85 -21.5 2.2 2011
10 10179
Pork, fresh, loin, center loin (chops), bone-in,
separable lean and fat
Pan-fried 76 12 4.6 58 84 -25.4 1.1 2011
10 10042
Pork, fresh, loin, center loin (chops), bone-in,
separable lean only
Broiled or
82 12 3.1 77 88 -20.4 2.3 2009
10 10041
Pork, fresh, loin, center loin (chops), bone-in,
separable lean only
Braised 73 10 2.9 70 77 -28.0 1.9 2011
10 10176
Pork, fresh, loin, center loin (chops), bone-in,
separable lean only
Pan-fried 76 10 2.5 72 80 -26.2 2.0 2011
10 10039
Pork, fresh, loin, center loin (roasts), bone-in,
separable lean and fat
Baked or
77 12 6.4 63 88 -23.3 0.9 2011
10 10043
Pork, fresh, loin, center loin (roasts), bone-in,
separable lean only
Baked or
77 10 3.4 71 80 -24.2 2.3 2011
10 10045
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops), bone-in,
separable lean and fat
Braised 77 12 4.2 68 89 -19.3 3.0 2011
10 10180
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops), bone-in,
separable lean and fat
Pan-fried 77 12 4.2 68 87 -23.7 1.1 2011
10 10050
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops), bone-in,
separable lean only
Broiled or
85 12 3.3 78 89 -16.9 2.3 2009
10 10049
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops), bone-in,
separable lean only
Braised 76 10 1.8 75 80 -25.6 2.5 2011
10 10177
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (chops), bone-in,
separable lean only
Pan-fried 77 10 2.2 74 80 -25.2 2.9 2011
10 10047
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (roasts), bone-in,
separable lean and fat
Baked or
75 12 4.7 65 84 -24.7 -0.1 2011
10 10051
Pork, fresh, loin, center rib (roasts), bone-in,
separable lean only
Baked or
74 10 3.6 70 78 -27.1 2.3 2011
10 10208
Pork, fresh, loin, country-style ribs, separable lean
Braised 71 12 4.5 65 79 -33.1 4.4 2009
10 10956
Pork, fresh, loin, leg cap steak, boneless, separable
lean and fat
Broiled or
81 1 81 81 -19.5 0.2 2009
10 10053
Pork, fresh, loin, sirloin (chops), bone-in, separable
lean and fat
Braised 73 12 3.2 68 79 -27.0 0.1 2011
10 10057
Pork, fresh, loin, sirloin (chops), bone-in, separable
lean only
Braised 74 10 2.1 72 77 -28.0 0.7 2011
10 10211
Pork, fresh, loin, sirloin (chops), boneless, separable
lean and fat
Braised 76 12 4.9 61 87 -22.7 0.1 2011
10 10212
Pork, fresh, loin, sirloin (chops), boneless, separable
lean and fat
Broiled or
79 12 5.4 73 94 -23.2 0.1 2011
10 10215
Pork, fresh, loin, sirloin (chops), boneless, separable
lean only
Braised 75 12 3.0 69 80 -24.8 0.7 2011
10 10216
Pork, fresh, loin, sirloin (chops), boneless, separable
lean only
Broiled or
77 12 3.3 70 81 -23.0 0.8 2011
10 10061 Pork, fresh, loin, tenderloin, separable lean only
Baked or
80 12 3.0 74 84 -20.7 0.5 2009
10 10063
Pork, fresh, loin, top loin (chops), boneless,
separable lean and fat
Braised 73 12 4.1 62 84 -24.9 -0.9 2011
10 10186
Pork, fresh, loin, top loin (chops), boneless,
separable lean and fat
Pan-fried 77 12 5.9 60 85 -22.2 -0.9 2011
10 10068
Pork, fresh, loin, top loin (chops), boneless,
separable lean only
Broiled or
79 12 3.6 73 83 -21.6 1.3 2009
10 10067
Pork, fresh, loin, top loin (chops), boneless,
separable lean only
Braised 74 10 2.0 71 77 -24.9 -0.3 2011
10 10181
Pork, fresh, loin, top loin (chops), boneless,
separable lean only
Pan-fried 78 10 1.6 76 80 -22.3 0.1 2011
10 10069
Pork, fresh, loin, top loin (roasts), boneless,
separable lean only
Baked or
79 12 3.9 73 86 -21.3 0.9 2009
10 10959
Pork, fresh, shoulder breast, boneless, separable
lean and fat
Broiled or
80 1 80 80 -20.9 0.2 2009
10 10085
Pork, fresh, shoulder, (Boston butt), blade (steaks),
separable lean only
Braised 65 12 3.1 61 73 -36.4 2.9 2009
10 10075
Pork, fresh, shoulder, arm picnic, separable lean
and fat
Braised 74 12 2.7 70 78 -19.0 -0.8 2011
10 10078
Pork, fresh, shoulder, arm picnic, separable lean
Braised 75 7 1.9 73 78 -28.0 -2.8 2011
10 10960
Pork, fresh, shoulder, petite tender, boneless,
separable lean and fat
Broiled or
82 1 82 82 -18.2 -0.5 2009
10 10940 Pork, fresh, spareribs, separable lean and fat
Baked or
76 12 3.2 68 79 -22.9 0.2 2009
10 10099
Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products,
or Stewed
39 1 39 39 -49.9 -8.8 2009
10 10173 Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, feet
or Stewed
36 1 36 36 -42.6 -6.9 2003
10 10863 Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, stomach
or Stewed
69 1 69 69 -24.8 -5.1 2003
10 10974 Pork, ground, crumbles, high fat (>27%)
66 4 10.6 56 81 -27.9 -6.5 2009
10 10976 Pork, ground, crumbles, low fat (<10%)
68 4 5.5 61 74 -31.7 -0.2 2009
10 10975 Pork, ground, crumbles, medium fat (10%-27%)
67 4 5.7 62 75 -30.3 -1.8 2009
10 10977 Pork, ground, patty, high fat (>27%)
Broiled or
69 4 3.1 65 72 -25.3 -6.6 2009
10 10979 Pork, ground, patty, low fat (<10%)
Broiled or
68 4 2.5 64 70 -32.7 0.2 2009
10 10978 Pork, ground, patty, medium fat (10%-27%)
Broiled or
68 4 1.6 66 69 -26.7 -1.9 2009
07 7958 Turkey sausage, fresh
Broiled or
77 1 77 77 -20.1 -0.01 2002
05 5172 Turkey, all, giblets
or Stewed
64 62 66 1975
05 5174 Turkey, gizzard, all classes
or Stewed
85 1 85 85 -14.3 -1.3 2003
05 5176 Turkey, heart, all classes
or Stewed
76 1 76 76 -21.7 -1.3 2003
05 5178 Turkey, liver, all classes
or Stewed
83 1 83 83 -15.2 0.6 2003
17 17203 Veal, variety meats and by-products, liver Braised 69 1 69 69 -29.6 -0.5 2003
17 17204 Veal, variety meats and by-products, liver
Fried in pan,
Sauteed, or
68 2 68 68 -30.4 -0.5 2003
Items with a 1975 release year are based on items contained in AH-102 Food Yields: Summarized by Different Stages of Preparation. The 1975 data do
not include values for moisure/fat gain or loss, n, or SD.
For items where Preparation Method is described as 'unspecified', additional cooking method details for the study were unavailable for inclusion in this