University of Evansville
Employee Code of Conduct
Adopted by the Board of Trustees on June 22, 2021
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Table of Contents
I. Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 3
II. Applicability ......................................................................................................................... 3
III. Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................... 3
IV. Conflict of Interest ................................................................................................................ 4
V. Compliance with Laws and University Policies ..................................................................... 4
VI. Acceptance of Gifts ............................................................................................................... 4
VII. Financial Accuracy ............................................................................................................... 5
VIII. Workplace Health and Safety ................................................................................................ 5
IX. Employment of Relatives ...................................................................................................... 6
X. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ............................................................................................ 6
XI. University Resources ............................................................................................................ 7
XII. Drug Free Workplace ............................................................................................................ 7
XIII. False Statements ................................................................................................................... 8
XIV. Reporting Suspected Violations............................................................................................. 8
XV. Non-Compliance ................................................................................................................... 9
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I. Purpose
The University of Evansville Employee Code of Conduct (Code of Conduct) sets forth
the shared commitment of employees of the University of Evansville (the University
or UE) to uphold the ethical, professional, and legal standards that are used as the basis
to guide decision-making. These standards are critical to fulfilling the expectation that
University employees operate within a framework consistent with the values of
integrity, honesty, and fairness.
As members of the UE community, we are each individually responsible for our own
actions and are collectively accountable for upholding these standards of behavior,
respecting the rights of others, and for compliance with all applicable laws and policies.
II. Applicability
The Code of Conduct as contained herein applies to individuals who are employed by
the University of Evansville including faculty, administrators, staff, and student
workers. Throughout this document these individuals are referred to as “University
Community Members.”
This Code of Conduct is intended as an overview of those policies and procedures that
are fundamental to ensuring that University Community Members conduct themselves
in an ethical manner. In many cases, the concepts outlined here are discussed in more
detail in other University policy and procedure manuals. These documents include, but
are not limited to Faculty, Administrator, and Staff Manuals (collectively referred to as
“University Manuals”).
III. Confidentiality
As a function of their association with the University of Evansville, University
Community Members may generate, receive, or otherwise come into contact with
information that is of a confidential and proprietary nature. Such information could
pertain to an individual’s personal, financial, medical, family, or academic records or
other confidential information. Such information also includes University financial,
academic, or other confidential information.
It is imperative that such information is held in the strictest of confidence and only used
for its intended purpose. University Community Members should familiarize
themselves with the legal requirements for confidentiality within their respective areas,
as well as any University policies that may govern confidentiality as it relates to their
responsibilities and ensure that they are acting within those requirements. Additionally,
University Community Members should use care to ensure that confidential and
personal information gained as a function of their advisory or other role with respect to
students and other University Community Members is treated with the appropriate
level of respect and confidentiality.
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This confidentiality requirement applies to University Community Members both
during and after their affiliation with the University of Evansville.
The University Manuals and Department or other policies and procedures in place
further address specific situations where confidentiality is concerned. University
Community Members should review those documents for further details on the
University’s expectations regarding confidentiality in specific situations.
IV. Conflict of Interest
The University expects that University Community Members will devote their primary
professional allegiance to the University of Evansville. All University Community
Members should understand that other professional activities, personal financial
interests, the receipt of benefits from third parties, relationships with family members
associated with businesses providing services or products to the University, or a variety
of other circumstances have the potential to cause a conflict of interest between the
individual’s private interests and the University’s mission.
With this potential in mind, it is important to handle these situations with care and
transparency. University Community Members should disclose any situations which
are, or possibly could be perceived, as conflicts of interest to their supervisor or to the
University’s Executive Director of Human Resources and Institutional Equity, or
designee. Upon disclosure, all parties should work together to ensure that the
University’s interests are adequately considered in the matter and that decisions made
are not influenced by the personal interests of any of the parties involved.
V. Compliance with Laws and University Policies
University Community Members will conduct University activities in compliance with
applicable laws, regulations, the University Manuals and Department or other
applicable policies or procedures. University Community Members are responsible for
familiarizing themselves with these various requirements and ensuring that they
perform their duties in compliance with them.
VI. Acceptance of Gifts
University Community Members may sometimes face situations where they are offered
something of value by a vendor, supplier, contractor, or other third party desiring to do
business with the University. While small and infrequent gifts, such as lunches and
company promotional items are acceptable and within the normal course of business,
it is possible that a third party could attempt to influence a University decision-maker
with a more substantial gift or gifts. For this reason, the University places the following
restrictions on University Community Members in a position to receive gifts from
vendors, suppliers, contractors, or other third parties that have or desire to have a
relationship with the University of Evansville. For the purposes of this policy, samples
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of vendor’s merchandise which are given for purposes of evaluation (e.g., examination
or desk copies of textbooks) are not considered gifts.
University Community Members should not allow the receipt or the prospect of receipt
of a gift of any type to influence a decision they are making related to their duties at
the University of Evansville. Similarly, the receipt or the prospect of receipt by a friend
or family member of University Community Members should not influence the
decision-making of University Community Members. In order to ensure that this is the
case, University Community Members are required to report to the Universitys
Executive Director of Human Resources and Institutional Equity, or designee, any
instances where in a calendar year they (or friends or family members) receive, as a
function of their University affiliation, gifts, meals, entertainment, or anything else of
value from a single vendor, supplier, contractor, or other third party, totaling more than
$500. For University Community Members who are required to sign the University’s
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement, the terms of the Conflict of Interest
Disclosure Statement will take precedence over any discrepancies between it and the
Acceptance of Gifts provisions stated above.
Additionally, in no instance should University Community Members receive a direct
payment of cash as an inducement from an individual or business that has or is seeking
a business relationship with the University.
VII. Financial Accuracy
University Community Members are responsible for producing a variety of University
of Evansville financial information for both internal and external purposes. The
University expects that those responsible for preparing financial information do so in
compliance with all legal, professional, and University standards.
University Community Members should provide complete and accurate financial
transactions, reports, and other financial records in a timely manner. It is a violation of
the Code of Conduct for University Community Members to intentionally record a
transaction or produce a report that contains intentionally misstated or misrepresented
financial information.
VIII. Workplace Health and Safety
The University of Evansville is committed to providing a safe and healthy working
environment. University Community Members share in the responsibility for making
the University a better place to work by reporting any unsafe or dangerous practices.
Every person is responsible for performing all duties in a safe and sensible manner.
Supervisors should welcome suggestions or concerns related to safety. Safety on the
job is essential for an individual’s protection and for the protection of others. Safety
equipment is provided to all University Community Members whose job duties require
such equipment. All such University Community Members should use the provided
safety equipment.
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Safety awareness is the priority of all University Community Members. University
Community Members should report all safety violations, accidents, or injuries to the
Office of Administrative Services immediately.
IX. Employment of Relatives
The University of Evansville welcomes the employment of immediate family members
as well as other relatives of University Community Members, so long as appropriate
steps are taken to ensure that the familial relationship does not negatively impact either
the related employee or other University employees in the performance of their job
duties and that there is no actual or perceived favoritism between related employees.
Accordingly, individuals employed by the University may not supervise or evaluate
another employee to whom they are related. Additionally, employees are prohibited
from serving in a position whereby they are responsible for approving or verifying the
work of a relative. When a faculty member is considered for promotion or tenure,
relatives of that employee must recuse themselves from the evaluation process to avoid
any conflict of interest.
For the purposes of this policy, relatives include spouses, parents, grandparents,
brothers, sisters, brothers- and sisters-in-law, fathers- and mothers-in-law, children,
aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, sons- and daughters-in-law, cousins, and half- or step-
relatives in the same relationship as listed above.
X. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Nondiscrimination Statement: The University of Evansville expects all members of its
community to treat each other with respect and civility. Harassing behaviors directed
toward any member of our community will not be tolerated. As part of its commitment
to nondiscrimination, the University specifically prohibits harassment based on the
following protected characteristics: race, color, gender, gender identity and expression,
sexual orientation, creed or religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, and
all federally protected groups and classes. Any form of harassment undermines the
mission of the University and negatively impacts the University community as a whole.
In accordance with the above Nondiscrimination Statement, all University Community
Members shall adhere to the following additional policies:
Title IX and other Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy;
Harassment and Discrimination Policy;
Protection of Children Policy; and
Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships Between Employees and Students
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XI. University Resources
As a function of their employment with the University of Evansville, University
Community Members will have access to a variety of University resources. These
resources are primarily to assist University Community Members in performing their
responsibilities at the University, or for public service. These resources are not for use
for personal gain. While there may be occasional instances where University
Community Members may use a University resource for personal use (such as placing
a personal phone call), the University expects that such instances are incidental and
reasonable in light of the individual’s role and responsibilities.
University resources include vehicles, computers, telephones, credit cards, laboratory
or shop equipment, and any other furnishings or equipment owned by the University
and supplied to University Community Members as a means of enhancing their ability
to perform their responsibilities.
Examples of acceptable and unacceptable uses of University resources are listed
below. The below list, however, is not an exhaustive list. University Community
Members are expected to use good judgment, the Code of Conduct, and University
Manuals and Departmental or other applicable policies or procedures in determining
appropriate behavior relative to the use of University resources.
Occasional use of University phone or internet for personal use that does not
interfere with job performance.
Faculty use of University computer, lab, and classroom materials to assist in
writing articles for publication or conducting research.
Use of University credit card to purchase items for personal use.
Prolonged use of University phone or internet for personal use that interferes with
the ability of the employee to perform job duties.
Either unauthorized or more than incidental use of University vehicle for personal
Use of University or Departmental social media accounts for posts not related to
job duties.
Use of University-owned copy machines not related to job duties.
XII. Drug Free Workplace
The following statement formalizes University policy regarding the work-related
effects of drug use and the unlawful possession of controlled substances on University
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Employees are expected and required to report to work each day on time and in an
appropriate mental and physical condition. It is the intention and obligation of the
University to provide a drug-free, healthful, safe, and secure work environment.
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a
controlled substance on University property by University Community Members is
absolutely prohibited. Violations of this will result in disciplinary action, up to and
including termination, and may have legal consequences.
The University recognizes drug dependency and drug abuse as illnesses and major
health problems. The University also recognizes drug abuse as a potential health,
safety, and security problem. University Community Members who need help in
dealing with such problems are encouraged to use the University clinic and health
insurance plans, as appropriate.
Conscientious efforts to seek such help will not jeopardize any employee’s job and
will not be noted in any personnel record.
University Community Members must, as a condition of employment, abide by the
terms of the above policy and report any conviction under a criminal drug statute for
violations occurring on University of Evansville premises or off premises while
conducting University business. University Community Members must report a
conviction within five days after the conviction, as required by the Drug Free
Workplace Act of 1988. Such reports are sent to the Executive Director of Human
Resources and Institutional Equity, or designee.
University Community Members should refer to the University Manuals for further
discussion on issues related to the University’s policies on drug use.
XIII. False Statements
University Community Members should not make any maliciously false statement
orally, in writing, or in any other format regarding the University, any member of the
Board of Trustees, or any other University Community Members.
XIV. Reporting Suspected Violations
University Community Members are asked to report any occurrences which they
reasonably believe to be violations of this Code of Conduct. The reporting of perceived
violations can be made through typical managerial or supervisory channels when it is
appropriate. If University Community Members are not comfortable reporting a
violation directly to a direct supervisor, the violation can be reported to other University
Community Members who are at a level equal to or above the supervisor. Additionally,
perceived violations can be reported directly to the University’s Executive Director of
Human Resources and Institutional Equity, or designee.
A hotline administered by a third-party organization not related to the University of
Evansville is available to maintain anonymity at 1-866-943-5787.
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In instances where the perceived violation is communicated by University Community
Members to a supervisor, the supervisor should contact the Executive Director of
Human Resources and Institutional Equity, or designee, if further clarification or
direction is needed.
The nature of the suspected violation will determine the manner in which the issue is
investigated. Procedures outlined in the University Manuals and other policies and
procedures will be followed in instances where guidance is provided. For matters in
which existing policies do not provide guidance, the Executive Director of Human
Resources and Institutional Equity, or designee, will determine the manner and extent
of investigation, with direction from the Chair of the Audit Committee of the Board of
Trustees. All reports will be impartially and confidentially investigated.
XV. Non-Compliance
University Community Members found to have violated this Code of Conduct are
subject to disciplinary action as appropriate based on the circumstances and severity of
the violation. Disciplinary action can consist of a multitude of penalties up to and
including termination of employment. Violations may also subject University
Community Members to civil or criminal proceedings.
Disciplinary action for faculty found to have violated the procedures and policies
outlined in this Code of Conduct is determined in accordance with the Faculty Manual.