Respiratory Therapy
RRT to BSRT Degree Completion
Student Handbook
2020 2021
Table of Contents Page
Accreditation 2
Program Vision 3
Mission Statement 3
Expected Student Learning Outcomes 3
Expected Student Learning Outcomes Program Rubric 4-5
Program Core Values Statement 5
Program Goals 6
Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Statement 6
Title IX Policy 6
Distance Education Disability Statement 7
Minimum System Requirements 7
Educational Records 7
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 8
Academic Integrity Policy 8
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) 8
Social Media Policy 8
Program Admission and Application Process 8
Registration Process 9
RRT to BSRT Course Descriptions 9-10
Grading Scale 10
Examinations / Review of Exams 11
RRT to BSRT Course Expectations 11
RRT to BSRT Course Assignments 11
Writing Skill Requirements (APA) 12
Program Progression and Dismissal Policy 12
Withdrawal Policy 12
Dismissal Policies 12-13
Student Rights and Responsibilities / USI Remediation Policy 13
Student Academic Resolution and Grievance Policy 13
Readmission Process 13
Policy Regarding Incomplete 13
Student Performance Improvement Plan 13-14
Advising 14
Graduation / Graduation Documents 14
Diploma and Commencement 15
Tuition / Academic Calendar 15
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Student Handbook Signature Page 16
Welcome to the program.
Letter from the Director of Respiratory Therapy
Welcome to the University of Southern Indiana’s on-line degree completion program for the
Respiratory Therapy. We are pleased that you have chosen USI to not only further your
education but to further your professional goals as well! Our faculty and staff are here to assist
you in your educational journey to achieve your BSRT degree.
Contained in the student handbook are policies and procedures that will guide and assist you
through this process. It is your responsibility to be knowledgeable of the policies; however,
should you have any questions regarding any of these policies, please ask faculty for
clarification. You will find the university policies on the USI website
All students are expected to abide by the policies found the College of Respiratory and Health
Professions Handbook. The handbook is located on the CNHP website listed under “About the
The RRT to BSRT student handbook may be found on each Blackboard course site. Faculty
reserve the right to amend policies and procedures when appropriate. Any revisions will be
communicated to you through USI email.
Each student must sign the RRT to BSRT Student Handbook acknowledge agreement that you
have read and understand the policies of the RRT to BSRT and furthermore agrees to comply
with these policies as a student of the RRT to BSRT Degree Completion Program.
It is my sincere hope that all of you have a successful academic year.
Jody Delp, MEd, RRT
Clinical Assistant Professor
Chair, Respiratory Therapy Program
The BS Degree Advancement Program in Respiratory Care, CoARC program number 510009,
baccalaureate degree at the University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, Indiana holds Provisional
Accreditation from the Commission for Accreditation for Respiratory Care (
This status signifies that a program with an Approval of Intent has demonstrated sufficient
compliance with the Standards (through submission of an acceptable Provisional Accreditation
Self Study Report (PSSR) and other documentation required by the CoARC, as well as
satisfactory completion of an initial on-site visit.
Program outcomes data relative to credentialing success, program attrition, job placement,
program enrollment, and graduation rates is available on the CoARC website.
Program Description
The University of Southern Indiana's RRT to BSRT program offers Respiratory Therapists with
an associate degree the opportunity to further their education and ultimately obtain a Bachelor of
Science in Respiratory Therapy (BSRT).
Flexibility All courses offered through distance education giving you control of your
7-week classes with multiple start dates
Opportunities for validation of courses are available through current board certification or
Mission and Philosophy
It is the vision and desire of the Respiratory Therapy Program faculty in conjunction with the
College of Respiratory and Health Professions to produce highly skilled, trained, and competent
graduates through excellence in training and instruction in the profession of Respiratory
The mission of the Respiratory Therapy Program is to provide sound instruction and resources
that will enable students to develop the knowledge, skills, attitude, and critical thinking which
are necessary to become successful and competent respiratory therapists. The Respiratory
Therapy Program fosters and promotes health and wellness through the advancement of
education, teaching excellence, practice, research, community engagement and a commitment to
lifelong learning.
Expected Student Learning Outcomes (ESLO)
1. Demonstrate professional behaviors consistent with the respiratory care code of ethics,
ethical obligations, and professional conduct.
2. Demonstrate appropriate critical thinking and problem-solving skills, time management
skills, interpersonal communication skills, and technical skills necessary to provide
competent respiratory care in multidisciplinary care settings.
3. Evaluate evidence-based best practices through research and the critique and
interpretation of professional scientific literature.
4. Assess current issues and trends in health care, including public policy, access, quality
improvement, and legal and ethical topics.
5. Develop respiratory education through the diagnosis, management, and treatment of
patients affected by cardiopulmonary disorders.
6. Apply and evaluate information in relation to the advanced medical treatment of the
critically ill adult patient relevant to his/her role as an advanced level respiratory
7. Illustrate understanding of the importance of pulmonary rehabilitation and its impact on
cardiopulmonary disorders.
8. Examine effective leadership techniques and practices used in the healthcare setting.
9. Apply knowledge learned to specific areas of respiratory therapy through independent
Expected Student Learning Outcomes Program Rubric
1. Demonstrate professional
behaviors consistent with
the respiratory care code of
ethics, ethical obligations,
and professional conduct.
Program will provide curriculum
content which promotes an
ethical framework centered on
professional conduct. Curriculum
may include selective journal
and/or textbook reading
assignments, power-point
presentation, voice thread,
discussion board, and Panopto
Successful completion of an
approved ethics course related to
healthcare. (IPH 356 or equivalent)
Professional behaviors including
academic honesty dependability,
responsibility, teamwork, and
commitment will be reviewed by
faculty for all REST courses.
REST 451
REST 452
REST 453
REST 454
REST 455
REST 456
REST 460
REST 499
2. Demonstrate appropriate
critical thinking and
problem-solving skills, time
management skills,
communication skills, and
technical skills necessary to
provide competent
respiratory care in
multidisciplinary care
Program will provide curriculum
content which promotes both
oral and written interpersonal
communication and critical
thinking skills necessary to
provide care in a multidisciplinary
setting. Curriculum may include
selective journal and/or textbook
reading assignments, power-
point presentation, voice thread,
discussion board, and Panopto
Successful completion of an
interprofessional health and
communications course. (IPH 401
and UNIV approved communication
Critical thinking and problem solving
skills including application, analysis,
and decision making will be
reviewed by faculty for all REST
REST 451
REST 452
REST 453
REST 454
REST 455
REST 456
REST 460
REST 499
3. Evaluate evidence-based
best practices through
research and the critique
and interpretation of
professional scientific
Program will provide curriculum
content which promotes use of
evidenced based research and
practice in healthcare delivery.
Professional articles, websites,
and organizations will be
examined. Curriculum may
include selective journal and/or
textbook reading assignments,
power-point presentation, voice
thread, discussion board, and
Panopto lectures.
Successful completion of an
introductory course (REST 452).
Further optional research courses
may be taken.
Literature review in REST 451 and
assignments/papers/projects are
required in all REST courses.
REST 451
REST 452
REST 453
REST 454
REST 455
REST 456
REST 460
REST 499
4. Assess current issues and
trends in health care,
including public policy,
access, quality
improvement, and legal and
ethical topics.
Program will provide curriculum
content which explores the
impact of the respiratory
therapist in assessment of
current healthcare policy, as well
as review of political and societal
Curriculum may include selective
journal and/or textbook reading
assignments, power-point
presentation, voice thread,
discussion board, and Panopto
Successful completion of a
respiratory therapy professional
issues course (REST 456).
Leadership, policy, and quality
improvement are discussed in other
respiratory therapy courses.
REST 451
REST 453
REST 454
REST 455
REST 456
5. Develop respiratory
education through the
diagnosis, management,
and treatment of patients
affected by
cardiopulmonary disorders.
Program will provide curriculum
which emphasizes development
of respiratory therapy disease
education, management, and
treatment. Curriculum may
include selective journal and/or
textbook reading assignments,
power-point presentation, voice
thread, discussion board, and
Panopto lectures.
Successful completion of a
respiratory therapy disease
management course (REST 453).
Cardiopulmonary education and
rehabilitation material is also
developed in REST 455.
REST 453
REST 455
6. Apply and evaluate
information in relation to
the advanced medical
treatment of the critically ill
adult patient relevant to
his/her role as an advanced
level respiratory therapist.
Program will provide curricular
content which focuses on the
treatment of the critically ill adult
patient. Curriculum may include
selective journal and/or textbook
reading assignments, power-
point presentation, voice thread,
discussion board, and Panopto
Successful completion of a critical
care course (REST 454).
Discussion and/or development of
treatment options of the critically ill
patient with pulmonary disease is
required in REST 453.
REST 453
REST 454
7. Illustrate understanding
of the importance of
pulmonary rehabilitation
and its impact on
cardiopulmonary disorders.
Program will provide curricular
content illustrating the
importance of pulmonary
rehabilitation for the
cardiopulmonary patient through
the review of patient education,
pulmonary rehabilitation
methods, and expected patient
outcomes. Curriculum may
include selective journal and/or
textbook reading assignments,
power-point presentation, voice
thread, discussion board, and
Panopto lectures.
Successful completion of a
pulmonary rehabilitation course
(REST 455).
Pulmonary rehabilitation is
discussed as a valuable treatment
option as discussed in disease
management course, REST 453.
REST 453
REST 455
8. Examine effective
leadership techniques and
practices used in the
healthcare setting.
Program will provide curricular
content examining practices of
effective leadership styles and
management techniques in the
Successful completion of a
management and leadership in
respiratory course (REST 451).
REST 451
REST 453
REST 456
healthcare setting. Curriculum
may include selective journal
and/or textbook reading
assignments, power-point
presentation, voice thread,
discussion board, and Panopto
Effective leadership practices are
discussed within overview of disease
management (REST 453) and issues
related to respiratory therapy
including professional and
regulatory agencies (REST 456).
9. Apply knowledge learned
to specific areas of
respiratory therapy through
independent research.
Program will provide curricular
content which allows students
the opportunity to independently
research respiratory therapy
topics under the direction of
faculty. Curriculum may include
selective journal and/or textbook
reading assignments, power-
point presentation, voice thread,
discussion board, and Panopto
Successful completion of an
independent study of respiratory
therapy course (REST 460).
Independent research is also
required for projects and discussions
in other respiratory courses.
REST 451
REST 452
REST 453
REST 455
REST 456
REST 460
REST 499
Program Core Values
Caring, Excellence, Integrity, Leadership, Scholarship, and Social Justice.
Program Goals
1. To provide graduates of entry into respiratory care professional practice degree programs
with additional knowledge, skills, and attributes in leadership, management, education,
research, or advanced clinical practice both to meet their current professional goals and to
prepare them for practice as advanced degree respiratory therapists.
2. To provide community leadership through engagement, service learning, and
organizational involvement.
3. To provide an inclusive learning, caring community that supports students’ success and
4. To serve as a leader in respiratory education, evidence based practice, research, and
health care.
5. To promote and advance personal development and inter-professional collaboration of
respiratory faculty, staff, graduates, and health professionals.
Guidelines and Standards
Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Statement
The University of Southern Indiana is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action
employer. It is the policy of the University of Southern Indiana to be in full compliance with all
federal and state non-discrimination and equal opportunity laws, orders, and regulations relating
to race, sex, religion, disability, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Questions or concerns should be directed to the Affirmative Action Officer, USI Human
Resources Department, 8600 University Boulevard, Evansville, IN 47712.
Title IX Policy
USI does not tolerate acts of sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment and all forms of
sexual violence. If you have experienced sexual misconduct, or know someone who has, the
University can help. It is important to know that federal regulations and University policy require
faculty to promptly report incidences of potential sexual misconduct known to them to the Title
IX Coordinator to ensure that appropriate measures are taken and resources are made available.
The University will work with you to protect your privacy by sharing information with only
those who need to know to ensure we can respond and assist. If you are seeking help and would
like to speak to someone confidentially, you can make an appointment with a counselor in the
University Counseling Center. Find more information about sexual violence, including campus
and community resources at
Distance Education Disability Statement
If you have a disability for which you may require academic accommodations for this class,
please contact Disability Resources at 812-464-1961 or email Ronda Stone at [email protected] as
soon as possible. Students who are approved for accommodations by Disability Resources
should request their accommodation letter be sent to their online instructors. Due to the nature of
online courses some accommodations approved for on campus courses may not apply. Please
discuss this with Disability Resources to clarify as needed. Students who receive an
accommodation letter from Disability Resources are encouraged to discuss the provisions of those
accommodations with their professors before or during the first week of the semester
Minimum System Requirements
A Reliable Computer: a dedicated computer with an updated operating system, such as
Windows 7or later, or Mac OSX.
High-Speed Internet Connection: (e.g. DSL or Cable). All USI online students are required to
have a stable high-speed Internet connection. A wired Internet connection is recommended for
online meeting, exams, and assignment submission.
Microsoft Office & Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.
Supported Web Browser: Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari.
Headset & Webcam
Educational Records
University of Southern Indiana complies with federal regulations pertaining to student
educational records, as set forth in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
Under the Act, students have certain rights regarding official student records. These rights are
summarized as follows:
1. To be provided a list of the types of educational records, as defined in the Act, which is
maintained by the school and which is directly related to the student.
2. To inspect and review the contents of those records.
3. To obtain copies of those records upon payment of expenses.
4. To receive explanations of those records upon request.
5. To obtain an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the contents of those records.
6. To receive confidential treatment, by the school, of educational records; neither records
nor personally identified information contained within, will be released without student
or parent permission to anyone other than those parties specifically authorized by the Act.
7. Student records are archived electronically and retained permanently.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with
respect to their education records. FERPA guidelines may be found at the USI website:
Academic Integrity Policy
See the CNHP handbook for a complete policy academic integrity: Web Link:
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
See the CNHP handbook for a complete policy on HIPPA: Web Link:
Examples of HIPPA violations would include posting photos, videos, describing experiences
involving patients or using patient names that could possibly link a patient for identification to
social media such as “face book.”
Violation of the HIPAA law is a serious offense and punishable by fines and/or
imprisonment. Students found in violation of the HIPAA law will be immediately dismissed
from the program.
Social Media Policy
See the CNHP handbook for a complete policy on social media: Web Link:
Program Admission
Completion of a CoARC accredited associate degree program in respiratory therapy.
A cumulative grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
An active RRT credential issued by the National Board for Respiratory Care.
Application Process
Applicants must apply and be accepted to the University of Southern Indiana. This includes
the payment of an application fee as well as the submission of college/university
transcripts to USI Undergraduate Admissions, 8600 University Blvd, Evansville, IN 47712.
RRT-BSRT application is embedded in the USI application. Be sure to choose this option.
Applicants must submit official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions attended.
Registration Process
All transfer students must take the new student on-line orientation
The Advisor will develop and send the student a detailed advising plan.
The advisor will remove the advising hold on the student’s account.
The student will provide his or her advisor a proposed start date.
Transfer students will be sent a “block credit” form that must be signed and returned to his or
her advisor.
RRT to BSRT Curriculum
Students may transfer in credits earned at an accredited community college or 4-year
No limitation on number of credits that may transfer into USI.
For students who earned their AS degree somewhere other than USI, a block of up to 50
credit hours can be awarded with confirmation of the RRT credential and licensure, where
Total program requirements: 120 credits
39 credit hours of the 120 credit hours earned must consist of courses at the 300/400 level to
be eligible for the Bachelor of Science degree.
A minimum of 30 credit hours toward the completion of the baccalaureate degree must be
earned from USI.
Students within the degree completion program must meet the University’s core
curriculum in addition to the respiratory therapy curriculum in order to fulfill graduation
Students must make a “C” or better in each REST course to progress or complete the RRT to
BSRT program. Students will not receive course credit for grades of “D” or below and must
repeat the REST course to progress.
Credit for Prior Learning through Validation.
The University of Southern Indiana provides opportunities for RT students progressing toward a
BSRT degree to receive credit for previous professional experience. Students may receive credit
for professional certification, previous clinical experiences, and/or expertise.
Validation with a nationally recognized certification.
Students who are currently certified in an area which correlates to the course content may
receive credit for the entire course.
Students should submit a copy of their current certification to the course advisor or
department chair for approval.
Students must request third party verification of certification submitted directly to
administrative assistant for the RRT to BSRT program.
Course Descriptions
RRT to BSRT Course Descriptions
The shared required non-respiratory therapy courses will consist of 19 credit hours
selected from the following:
HP 302 Biostatistics (3 Credits)
MATH 107 Fundamentals of Math (4 Credits)
IPH 401 Interprofessional Perspectives on Global Health (3 credits)
HP 356 Ethics and Health Care in a Pluralistic Society (3 credits)
WLC 155 Cultural Awareness (3 Credits)
NUTR 376 Principals and Applications in Nutrition (3 Credits)
The shared respiratory therapy courses will consist of 22 - 30 credit hours from the
REST 451 - Management and Leadership for Respiratory Therapy (3 credits)
REST 452 Introduction to Research in Respiratory Therapy (3 credits)
REST 453 Respiratory Therapy Disease Management Concepts (3 credits)
REST 454 - Advanced Critical Care Management (3 credits)
REST 455 Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Geriatrics (3 credits)
REST 456 - Professional Issues in Respiratory Therapy (3 credits)
REST 460 Independent Study of Respiratory Therapy (1 - 6 credits)
REST 499 Special Topics in Respiratory Therapy (3 - 6 credits)
Grading Scale
Letter grades for professional respiratory therapy courses (prefix REST) are based on the following
scale, unless otherwise specified in course syllabus:
Grades received throughout the semester, including grades on
examinations, quizzes, projects, papers, etc. will be rounded up to
the next whole number if the numeric grade contains a fraction of
.5 or greater. For example, an examination grade of 87.8% would
be rounded up to an 88%. An examination grade of 87.4% would
not be rounded up and would be recorded as an 87%. The final
course percentage grade for the semester will not be rounded up.
For example, a final course percentage grade of 87.8% would be
recorded as an 87%.
All assignments and projects must be completed and submitted on
or before the dates due. All make-up assignments must be
submitted by the dates specified by the course instructor. Failure
to do so will result in a zero for the assignment.
Depending on the circumstance of the missed assignment or exam, it will be at the instructor’s
discretion to issue a grade of “incomplete” until the assignment can be submitted. Assignments
NOT submitted within two weeks of the incomplete will result in a zero grade for the missed
assignment or exam.
An Incomplete grade at the close of an academic semester must be approved by the Director of
the Respiratory Therapy Program. An Incomplete will be used only when extenuating
circumstances have resulted in the student being unable to complete course requirements by the
end of the semester. In rare instances in which this occurs, the following policies are in effect:
1. A grade of Incomplete will not be used to allow for remedial work; student work must be
at the passing level.
2. All University of Southern Indiana policies regarding incomplete grades are applicable to
respiratory therapy courses. Please refer to the University Of Southern Indiana Bulletin.
Examinations / Review of Exams
All examinations will be administered only on the date and time announced.
Make-up exams will be given under the following circumstances:
1. Death in the student's immediate family.
2. Hospitalization of the student.
3. Written excuse from student's personal physician.
4. Other extenuating circumstances will be reviewed by the Program Chair and may be
90% - 100%
87% - 89%
83% - 86%
80% - 82%
75% - 79%
72% - 74%
71% and below
Missed quizzes cannot be rescheduled. Students missing a quiz will receive a grade of 0 for
the missed quiz.
RRT to BSRT Course Expectations
The RRT to BSRT program classes are all online. Students are expected to participate in online
discussions and submit assignments as designated in the course calendar. Planned absences for
non-university related activities must be pre-approved by course instructor at least one month
before the absence. Any assignments missed should be completed before the absence. If the
student is absent for an exam, the exam should be taken within 24 hours of return. The student is
responsible for contacting the course instructor to discuss the absence. If the absence is
approved, the student must communicate with each course faculty to plan make-up of missed
assignments, clinical, and/or exams. In case of an emergency, contact the course faculty as soon
as possible. All course assignments must be completed. If a student does not communicate with
faculty and make arrangements for completion of assignments, faculty may deduct from the
assignment or exam grade or give a grade of zero for the assignment or exam.
RRT to BSRT Course Assignments
Written assignments are essential to meeting course objectives and must be submitted to faculty
by the announced date. If problems are noted with written assignments, the student will be
counseled and issued a letter of warning. A copy of the letter will be placed in the student's
academic file in the College Office. Failure to submit written assignments on time may result in
the student being given a "0" for the assignment.
Writing Skill Requirements (APA)
The Respiratory Therapy Programs will abide by the 6
Edition of the APA Manual for written
assignments. Faculty will provide guidelines regarding minimal expectations for adherence to
APA style. Additional guidance for writing in APA style may be found at the library web site.
RRT to BSRT Program Progression and Dismissal Policy
1. Students must achieve a minimum grade of "C" in all respiratory courses to satisfy the
requirements for graduation and progress.
2. Students must retake a respiratory course in which a grade of "D" or less grade is
earned. If the repeated grade is acceptable ("C" or above) only the higher grade will be
reflected in the student's GPA. If a grade of "D" is earned when repeating the course or
in any subsequent respiratory course, the student must submit a performance
improvement plan to the program Chair for program progression. If a grade of “D” and
“F” is earned in any two or more REST courses, the student will be dismissed from the
program. Likewise, if a grade of “F” is earned in any two REST courses, the student
will be dismissed from the program.
Withdrawal Policy
The option of withdrawing from a respiratory course and receiving a grade of "W" is possible
within the withdrawal period listed on the academic calendar each semester. For courses lasting
less than the full semester, the option of withdrawing with a "W" is possible within the first 60%
of the course. Refer to the course schedule and/or calendar for specific dates.
See University guidelines for the procedure that must be followed regarding withdrawal.
Students who do not follow the required University procedure to officially withdraw from a
course will receive an "F" grade.
Dismissal Policies
1. Falsification of records and reports and cheating on an examination, quiz, or any other
assignment will be a basis for dismissal from the program.
2. Plagiarism, as defined in the University Bulletin, is the intentional reproduction of another
person’s ideas, words, or statements without acknowledgment. Students must give credit
when using the works of others and are expected to properly reference the use of: 1) direct
quotes; 2) another person’s ideas or opinions; or 3) any borrowed statistics, facts, or other
materials. Failure to properly give credit to others’ work is a form of academic dishonesty
(University Bulletin, Student Rights and Responsibilities).
3. Academic honesty is an expected behavior of all students. Academic dishonesty may
include, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and knowingly assisting
others in an act of academic dishonesty. Students who engage in academic dishonesty in
any form, even as a first offense, place themselves in jeopardy of receiving a failing grade
for the assignment or course, as well as dismissal from the respiratory program and
University. Policies and procedures governing academic dishonesty can be found in the
Student Rights and Responsibilities section of the University Bulletin.
4. Violation of client and/or agency confidential information may result in dismissal from the
5. The Faculty reserves the right to dismiss any student whose personal integrity, health or
behavior demonstrate unfitness to continue preparation for the profession of respiratory
and/or violate the Code of Ethics.
Student Rights and Responsibilities / USI Remediation Policy
The Health Services Program adheres to the USI Student Handbook and University
Bulletin’s Student Rights and Responsibilities documents. These documents are considered
to be a part of the Health Services Program Student Handbook.
Student Academic Resolution and Grievance Policy
Readmission Process
Students desiring readmission to the respiratory program must submit a written request to the
Admissions and Progression Committee by January 15
for requests to return to a fall semester
course, or by August 15
for requests to return to a spring semester course.
The written request must include student name, USI student ID#, current address, telephone
number, and email address. The written request should address reasons for delay in progression
and plans for successful return to the program.
Readmitted students will be expected to comply with all terms specified by the Admissions and
Progressions Committee. Failure to comply with the terms will jeopardize the student’s status in
the respiratory program.
Policy Regarding Incomplete
An "incomplete" will be used only in cases of true hardship when extenuating circumstances
have resulted in the student's being unable to complete course requirements by the end of the
semester. An "incomplete" may be granted at the discretion of the faculty in consultation with
the Program Chair or Director of Respiratory.
In rare instances in which this occurs, the following policies are in effect: All University policies
regarding incomplete are applicable to respiratory courses. Refer to the USI Bulletin.
1. An “incomplete” will not be used to allow for remedial work; student work must be passing.
2. Students will receive a date by which the incomplete must be removed.
Student Performance Improvement Plan
Students not meeting course expectations may be formally notified of their deficiencies and an
improvement plan developed that addresses these deficiencies. The improvement plan will
1. Measureable outcomes for improvement
2. A timeline for completion of material
3. A review of expected outcomes for the course
4. Student advising
Course faculty will prepare the course improvement plan, review it with the student, and secure
the student’s signature. After implementation of the plan, faculty will monitor and review the
plan each semester to ensure students are meeting expectations of the performance plan. Copies
of the completed plan will be added to the student’s file.
Any email communication with the student should also be recorded in the student’s file. Course
faculty will continue to monitor progress made by the student with feedback and assistance as
Faculty are responsible for sharing the course improvement plan with the Program Chair prior to
discussing with the student. No greater than three course improvement plans should be present
in a student’s file in one year before student progression in the program is formally reviewed by
the Admissions and Progression committee.
RRT to BSRT Advising
Students will be assigned an academic advisor to assist with academic planning, course selection
and registration. Student may use MyUSI to identify assigned faculty advisor. It is the students'
responsibility to contact their advisor. Students should contact their advisor prior to pre-
registration each semester to discuss their plans. This may be accomplished by phone or e-
mail. Please allow adequate time for advisors to return calls or emails as many advisors teach in
the clinical setting and are out of the office one or two days each week.
The student may also contact any of the following people for assistance with advising or other
Jody Delp, MEd, RRT, CPFT Program Chair
Clinical Assistant Professor
812-464-1778 or [email protected]
Julie Morgan, MHA, ACCS, RRT Director of Clinical Education
Assistant Professor
812-465-1180 or [email protected]
Mary Phillips BS, RRT
812-465-1148 or [email protected]
College of Nursing and Health Professions Advising Center: 812-228-5042
Graduation / Graduation Documents
Students should notify their advisor or the RRT to BSRT chair that they anticipate completion of
all BSRT requirements so the graduation forms can be initiated. The advisor will initiate the
graduation form and send to the student for confirmation. See the registrar website for more
Students need to go online to the Registrar website and complete the diploma form and a request
to have the diploma mailed.
Students are encouraged to attend commencement. A reservation for attendance is required and
the form is available on the Registrar website.
USI Academic Calendar
All BSRT degree completion are considered distance education students therefore out of state
tuition will not apply.
This is to acknowledge that I have reviewed and received a copy of the RRT to BSRT
Student Handbook. I have read the policies and practices contained in the Handbook
which includes the College of Nursing and Health Professions Social Media Policy and
agree to comply with them. I understand the program has the right to revise policies and
practices and I agree to abide by said revisions in these policies and practices. I further
acknowledge that I understand that any violation of the Respiratory Therapy Program
policies which include all policies set forth by the University of Southern Indiana can result
in disciplinary action including possible program dismissal.
Please download this page, sign, scan and email to [email protected]. You can also fax this
document to the attention of Jody Delp, Respiratory Therapy at: (812) 465-7092
Printed Name
Signature Date
_________________________________________________________ _______________
Program Chair Date