NURSING 463 - Syllabus
NURS 463: Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing, Fall 2024
Jamey Williams RN, MSN, CPN
Course Meeting
Days and Time
Wednesday 2pm 430pm
Office Hours
Monday 10am 12pm, Wednesdays 10- 12pm, or Thursdays by appointment
Catalog Description:
Focuses on principles of leadership and management as they are practiced in nursing. Concepts of organizational behavior,
transformational and transactional leadership are emphasized along with client advocacy, change agency, power, and
politics. Prerequisite: Completion of all junior level courses or admission to the RN to BSN option.
Credit Hour Policy Statement:
Standard lecture:
This class meets the federal credit hour policy of 1 hour of class with an expected 2 hours of additional student work outside of
class each week for approximately 15 weeks for each hour of credit, or a total of 45-75 total hours for each credit.” (Def 1)
Course Learning Objectives:
End of Program Learning Outcomes:
The professional nurse graduating from
this program has the following
Course-level Objectives:
Upon completion of NURS 463, the participant
learner will:
Practices as a member of a
multidisciplinary team at a level
consistent with beginning professional
Compare communication strategies used
to ensure attainment of quality outcomes,
manage conflict, implement change, and
enhance accountability within healthcare
Identify skills needed to develop, and build
teams including negotiation, and conflict
Competent in leadership and
management skills at a level consistent
with beginning professional practice.
Analyze the relationships among power,
influence, and problem solving in effecting
change within health care organizations.
Understand the nurse’s responsibility to
balance human, fiscal, and material
resources to achieve quality health care
Explore principles related to case
management and managed care.
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Articulate personal beliefs and values and
their impact on leadership styles.
Analyze current best practices related to
leadership on a personal, local, regional,
national, and global level.
Practice within the moral, ethical, and
legal framework of the nursing
Analyze dilemmas in nursing leadership
using ethical and legal standards of the
Methods of Instructions:
Scrambled classroom: reading/online module completion prior to class, active classroom discussion and activities, role playing, group
activities, group testing, case studies, and mentoring.
Textbooks and Required Reading:
Electronic Books and Resources:
You are required to maintain an active ATI account. Any of the program books or resources may be used as references in this course.
Print Books:
American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association
ed.). American Psychological Association.
Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2002). Crucial conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high
ed.). McGraw Hill.
**Note: Copies of Crucial Conversations are available at Harlaxton.
Grading Criteria:
Participation & Quizzes
Case study assignments
Exams (midterm & final)
sumé and cover letter
Total 100%
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Program Grading Scale:
A = 92 or above C+ = 80 - 78 I = Incomplete
A- = 91 - 90 C = 77 - 75 W = Withdrew from course
B+ = 89 - 88 D = 74 - 70
B = 87 - 84 F = 69 or below
B- = 83 - 81
The minimum passing grade for this course is 75%. In order to earn a minimally passing final course grade of C or higher in this
course, examination scores must average at least 75% using the course-designed weighted exam scores. Quizzes and other
assignments are not included in this weighted test average. Students who do not earn a 75% weighted examination average will
earn a letter grade of no higher than a D for the course, regardless of their overall course average.
Please be aware that grades posted on BlackBoard are not official grades and may not reflect deductions for tardiness or absence.
NO PDF versions of written assignments are allowed to be submitted.
Late Assignments:
Unless the student makes previous arrangements with the instructor, any assignments turned in late (according to the digital time
stamp on BlackBoard, email, etc.) will have a 50% penalty deduction.  Any assignments turned in more than 24 hours late (acco rding
to the digital time stamp on BlackBoard, email, etc.) will earn a 0%. Regardless of the grade or penalty, all assignments must be
turned into successfully pass this course.
Withdrawal and Attendance policies:
Harlaxton College expects regular class attendance by all students. Students are considered sufficiently mature to appreciate the
necessity of regular and punctual attendance, to accept this personal responsibility and to accept the consequences of failur e to
attend. When absences occur due to emergency or medical reasons, students are expected to notify their instructors of the abs ence
prior to class or to seek the assistance of the College nurse or a member of the Student Experience Team for help in notifying
Instructors have the authority to grant excused absences for medical, psychological, or personal reasons upon review of appro priate
documentation and professional recommendation supporting such a request. In the event of long-term illness, reasonable
accommodations will be made to allow a student to complete a course. In these cases, the Dean will need to approve the long term
nature of the accommodation.
The Dean of Harlaxton College has the authority to grant excused absences for medical, psychological, or personal reasons.
Each instructor is expected to maintain an attendance policy in keeping with the nature of the Harlaxton program and may cons ider
it in evaluating performance in their courses.
Policy Governing Unexcused Absences:
Harlaxton College operates an attendance policy that is binding on all faculty and students.
Attendance in a scrambled classroom environment consists of active participation. This may include but is not limited to contributing
to classroom discussion, in class learning activities, or group quizzes and testing.
You are accountable for knowing and meeting the expectations of Attendance, Participation, and Assignments in the University of
Evansville Baccalaureate Program in Nursing Student Handbook. Active participation in the classroom sessions and course activities
are essential to meet the course objectives. You are expected to attend all classes, and if you miss a class, you are respons ible for all
missed content and assignments. Attendance and punctuality will be recorded for each class session.
Unexcused Absences and Tardiness:
1. 2% will be deducted from the final course grade for each day of unexcused absence.
2. 1% will be deducted from the final course grade for each tardy incidence.
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For example: If your final grade is 86% and you have on unexcused absence, your final course grade will be an 84%. If you
have two unexcused absences, your final grade will be an 82%.
Policy Governing Excused Absences.
Excused absences are not given to facilitate student travel independent of College-sponsored travel.
Students may be permitted to miss class because of participation in academic field trips.
Instructors must co-ordinate and confirm academic field trips with the Dean, prior to the commencement of the Semester to
ensure their inclusion in the Semester timetable.
Where authorization for an academic field trip is requested after the commencement of the semester, the request must be
submitted to the Dean.
The following information is required:
Purpose and brief description of the official Harlaxton event or academic field trip.
Dates, location, and times (as applicable).
Alphabetical list of students involved [Last Name/First Name] along with their student identification number.
If approval is granted:
Instructors affected will be notified at least one week prior to the class period during which absence is anticipated, or as soon as
Missed class time due to student participation is to be considered an excused absence.
The grade of a student may not be lowered in any class due to excused absences.
It is the student’s responsibility - to take the initiative by consulting with their instructors before the absence occurs, and - to do
what is required by the instructor to make up all missed assignments and/or examinations.
Instructors are required to assist students in these occasional situations of excused absences.
Honor Code:
All students at the University of Evansville agree to the University honor code: I will neither give nor receive unauthorized aid, nor
will I tolerate an environment that condones the use of unauthorized aid.
Professional Standards:
You, the student, are accountable for knowing and following the Professional Standards outlined in the University of Evansville
Baccalaureate Nursing Program Student Handbook. The following policies are outlined in the Student Handbook:
Professional Behavior
Academic Integrity
Testing Policies
Attendance, Participation, and Assignments
Standards for use of Technology
Drug Screen
Disability Policy:
It is the policy and practice of the University of Evansville to make reasonable accommodations for students with properly
documented disabilities. Students should contact Disability Services within the Office of Counseling Services by calling 812 -488-2663
to seek services or accommodations for disabilities. Written notification to faculty from Disability Services is required for academic
The University of Evansville Disability Services office will share the request for academic accommodations with the Academic
Support team at Harlaxton College. Staff members at Harlaxton will meet individually with students to discuss needs and provide
additional information related to examinations or other assessments.
Students from partner institutions should provide the appropriate letter of accommodation from their institution to the Acade mic
Support team at Harlaxton College.
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Non-Discrimination Statement
The University of Evansville expects all members of its community to treat each other with respect and civility. Harassing be haviors
directed towards any member of our community will not be tolerated. As part of its commitment to non-discrimination, the
University specifically prohibits harassment based on any other characteristics set forth in its nondiscrimination statement as
follows: including race, color, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, creed or religion, national origin, age,
disability, veteran status and all federally protected groups/classes. Any form of harassment undermines the mission of the
University and negatively impacts the University community as a whole.
Prohibited Conduct and Confidentiality
The University of Evansville is committed to fostering an atmosphere free from harassment and discrimination. This commitment
includes identifying problems that may lead to sexual harassment and misconduct, as well as other forms of harassment and
discrimination, by creating an atmosphere in which the entire University community is sensitive to preventing prohibited conduct.
Additionally, the University is committed to providing support and resources to individuals who have experienced prohibited
conduct. This commitment includes effectively responding when a student, visitor, guest or program participant is the victim of
prohibited conduct.
All campus employees, students, and guests are required to abide by the Title IX and Other Sexual Harassment and Misconduct
Policy, the Harassment and Discrimination Policy, and the Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships Between Employees and
Students Policy. Violation of these policies could result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion for students and
termination for employees.
Faculty members at the University of Evansville are considered “Responsible Employees” under the applicable federal guideline s and
the University’s policies. This means that I am unable to offer you confidentiality if you report any incidence of prohibited conduct to
me as defined by Title IX statute. If I am made aware of a violation, I am required to report any known information to the Of fice of
Institutional Equity.
You may choose to report the violation yourself the following ways:
Email: · Annie Sills, Assistant Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator: ·
Keith Gehlhausen, Executive Director of HR and Institutional Equity: ·
Title IX:
Phone: 812-288-5261
You may also choose to speak with a Confidential Resource. Confidential Resources are required to maintain confidentiality and
cannot report violations to the Office of Institutional Equity:
University of Evansville
Counseling Services:, 812-488-2633
Health Center Professionals:, 812-488-2033
University Chaplain:, 812-488-5262
Harlaxton College
College Nurse: Lesley Selby, RGN, +44 01476 403027,
Counselling Services:
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Course Schedule: *Please note events and assignments may be subject to change. See calendar in Blackboard for specific due dates.
*Unavailable at this time as we are still working on new content for this course*